Taking Back Our Stolen History

InterVarsity “Derecognized” at California State University’s 23 Campuses Because the Require Leaders to have Christian Beliefs

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF) has been, in modern campus terminology, “derecognized” by California State University schools. Basically, they will no longer be a recognized campus …

Mother Teresa Gives Address at the National Prayer Breakfast: “If a Mother Can Kill Her Own Child, How Can We Tell Other People Not to Kill?”

In February 1994, at a National Prayer Breakfast attended by the pro-abortion President Bill Clinton and his wife Hillary Clinton, as well as Vice President …

Award Winning Journalist, Atheist, and Editor at the Chicago Tribune, Lee Strobel, is Baptized after Setting Out to Prove to His Wife that Christianity was a Hoax.

Strobel was awarded a slew of awards in 1980 for his investigative journalism and was promoted to legal affairs editor for the Chicago Tribune. His …