Taking Back Our Stolen History

In the Iran-Contra Hearings Closing Statement, Senator Inouye Testifies of a “Shadowy Government with its own AF, its own Navy… Free from the Law Itself.”

Hawaiian born Japanese-American Senator Daniel K. Inouye in 1987 Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, which …

The Nedzi Committee, Later Renamed the Pike Committee, is Formed (in Conjunction with the Church Committee) Because the Rockefeller Commission was a Known Whitewash.

Until 1961, U.S. intelligence agencies operated almost entirely outside the view of the mainstream media and with very limited exposure to members of Congress. But …

The Equal Rights Amendment is Passed by Congress and Sent to States for Ratification but Stopped by Phyllis Schlafly’s Grassroots Movement

The so-called Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) was a proposed amendment to the United States Constitution passed by Congress in 1972 and sent to the states for ratification with a …

US Congressman John Rarick: “Who Will Tell the People the Truth if those who Control ‘the Right to Know Machinery’ Also Control the Govt?”

My dear, General Electrics, Disney, News Corp., Time Warner, Viacom, CBS. These are the top six earning companies in America. Notice how together they practically …

Air Reserve Training Manual Released: Claims Investigation Revealed the ‘Revised Standard Version of the Holy Bible’, Promulgated by the National Council of Churches, was a Communist Tainted Endeavor

The 1960 report from the Committee on Un-American Activities clearly shows that the US “Main Line” churches had in fact been penetrated by Communists whose …