Taking Back Our Stolen History
Fusion GPS
Fusion GPS

Obama Administration Launch an Investigation into the Trump Campaign Based Solely off of Dressed-Up & Unverified Political Opposition Research

Did the Obama administration launch an investigation into the Trump campaign based solely off of unverified political opposition research? And was that “research” dressed up …

Sen. Grassley: Firm behind Dossier & Former Russian Intel Officer Joined Lobbying Effort to Kill Pro-Whistleblower Sanctions for Kremlin

Fusion GPS & Russian ex-pat allegedly failed to register as foreign agents while working to dismantle Magnitsky Act WASHINGTON – Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley …

Hillary Clinton Hired FusionGPS through Various Fronts, for the Phony Steele Dossier that would be Used in the Russian Collusion Hoax

Hillary Clinton hired FusionGPS through various fronts, the Clinton presidential campaign and DNC, whose financial affairs the Clinton campaign controlled. FEC records show Hillary For America …

Obama Administration Meets with Ukrainian Authorities to Discuss Manafort / Trump Connection and Ukraine Investigation of Hunter Biden’s Illegal Dealings

(Exact date unknown to author) In January, 2016, the Obama White House summoned Ukrainian authorities to Washington to discuss several ongoing matters under the guise …