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government whistleblower
government whistleblower

FBI Whistleblower Jane Turner Awarded $565,000 after FBI Retaliation for Exposing Cover Up Cases Involving Sexually Abused Children in Indian Country

In 1999, former FBI special agent Jane Turner brought to the attention of her management team serious misconduct concerning failures to investigate and prosecute crimes …

Whistleblower Julia Davis Reports on 23 Improperly Processed Entries into the US of Aliens from Terrorist Countries. DHS Retaliates Harshly!

Julia Davis is a national security whistleblower, anti-terrorism/immigration expert, who exposed glaring shortcomings in the processing of applicants for admission into the U.S. from terrorist …

DOJ Legal Ethics Advisor, Jesselyn Radack, Exposes Misconduct in the So-called “American Taliban,” John Walker Lindh 9/11 Prosecution

Jesselyn Radack graduated from Yale Law School in 1995 and joined the Justice Department through the Attorney General Honors Program.  She practiced constitutional tort litigation …

NSA Whistleblowers, William Binney & Kirk Wiebe, Resign Because of the NSA’s ‘Acting in Deliberate Violation of the Constitution’ with Massive Spying

William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe are  National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, …