Taking Back Our Stolen History
James Comey
James Comey

According to Documents Obtained in 2020, Hillary Clinton Approved Campaign Plan to Stir up a false Scandal against Candidate Trump for Russia Collusion

Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe declassified intelligence on Tuesday 29 Sept 2020 that suggests Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign had created a plan in July …

Dennis Montgomery, designer of “THE HAMMER (HAMR)” Surveillance Platform, Notifies the FBI that Obama, Clapper, and Brennan were Collecting Domestic Surveillance Data for “Blackmail” and “Leverage.”

Inventor and software designer Dennis Montgomery, a CIA/DOD/DHS/NSA/FBI  contractor-turned-whistleblower, alerted FBI Director James Comey’s office in 2015 that President Obama’s CIA Director John Brennan and …