Taking Back Our Stolen History
war racket
war racket

Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto Sent a Radio Message (Intercepted by Station H in Hawaii) to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo about Surprise Attack on Pearl Harbor

On November 24th, 1941, Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto sent a radio message to Admiral Chuichi Nagumo, Commander of the Pacific Striking Fleet, which read in part, …

The Famous Aviator Charles Lindbergh, Jr. Made a Speech to the America First Committee of Des Moines, Iowa in His Effort to Keep America out of World War II.

Modern History Project Editor’s Preface The famous aviator Charles Lindbergh, Jr. made this speech on September 11, 1941 to the America First Committee of Des Moines, …

Superman and Captain America Enter WWII Before the U.S. Thanks to Timely Comics (now Marvel Comics) War Propaganda. Batman Follows Suit in ’42

Timely Comics and National Allied Publications became involved in the U.S. war effort during World War II. In propagating the collaborative wartime message of WWII, many superheroes entered …

Nesta Webster Publishes ‘Germany and England’: WWII will Occur Because “Germany is under a visible anti-Jewish dictatorship. We are under an invisible Jewish dictatorship.”

British historian Nesta Webster’s pamphlet-sized booklet was first published in the Oct-Nov edition of The Patriot. The author argues that there is no reason for …