Taking Back Our Stolen History
‘The Biggest Secret’ is Published. David Icke Introduces Mind Controlled Slave Arizona Wilder, Who Claimed to Perform Satanic Rituals for Illuminati Shape-shifting Reptilian Elites
‘The Biggest Secret’ is Published. David Icke Introduces Mind Controlled Slave Arizona Wilder, Who Claimed to Perform Satanic Rituals for Illuminati Shape-shifting Reptilian Elites

‘The Biggest Secret’ is Published. David Icke Introduces Mind Controlled Slave Arizona Wilder, Who Claimed to Perform Satanic Rituals for Illuminati Shape-shifting Reptilian Elites

Earlier this year, I wrote to the administrator of the Silence is Betrayal blog with two questions for Mrs. Kealey:

  1. Mrs. Kealey’s letter indicates that she currently believes The System operates openly, not covertly. Does this mean the Reptilians she spoke about are not part of The System, as they are said to operate in secrecy?
  2. Do you have any information about the psychiatrist who administered sodium amytal to Mrs. Kealey in the ’90s? Is this person still in practice?

Mrs. Kealey responded in an email sent to me on March 20. The body of her message was simply a copy of the open letter itself, with certain passages highlighted. But she had inserted bold, underlined vermilion type into my first question, right after the word “Reptilian”:

“They do not exist.”

After her days on the conspiracy lecture circuit, Wilder had continued to work in the nursing field in spite of continuous harassment and threats on her life. Gradually, she realized that the whole lizard thing was just a cover story fed to her by mind manipulators, and distanced herself from that particular branch of the conspiranoid community. In 2006, she legally changed her name back to Jennifer Nagel.

She now believes that the controlling elite operate openly, without subterfuge, and are planning to stage disasters they will pass off as “acts of God”, killing millions of people in the Northern Hemisphere.

These days, Mrs. Kealey is engaged in a pitched battle with Immigration Canada over her request to immigrate. She wed Canadian conspiracist Glen Kealey in 2008, and wants to join him at his farm in Oxford Mills, Ontario, known to the Kealeys as “Gimle“. They evidently believe Gimle is one of the few places that will survive the destruction of the world.

Kealey is, if possible, an even stranger character than his wife. He promotes something called the “PREMISE” and heads the Canadian Institute for Political Integrity (CIPI). On his website (wordsculptor.net), Kealey is described as an activist, but his stock in trade is conspiracy theories and alternative history. He has some peculiar ideas about how modern man developed, which are more or less in keeping with his wife’s version of history. In a largely incoherent writing titled “Lostory“, Kealey attempts to explain how a “sub-species” (whatever that is) of Neanderthal idiot savants rebelled against the matriarchal clan system of their forebears, migrating from the Horn of Africa to mountainous regions in what is now Kenya and Tanzania.

“There, the Neanderthalers SAVANT parts of their brains were connected to-get-her (war on women) in what would form the world’s first human-Artificial Intelligence military computer.” (emphasis in original)

This Neanderthal “computer” mastered alchemy, astronomy, genetic engineering, artificial insemination and cloning. “With this new found knowledge the Neanderthalers fabricated a new Genetically Engineered race of humans they styled Cro-Magnon…”

Genetically engineering a new species: So easy, cavemen already did it.

This is actually one of the more comprehensible things Mr. Kealey has written, because most of his online communications are written in code, for some reason.

Kealey and Wilder may have been introduced by Joseph Duggan. Duggan is the owner of Strong Eagles Productions, the company that organized David Icke’s Vancouver speaking engagement. According to Public Eye.org, Duggan makes his living in part from organizing B.C. speaking engagements for conspiracy theorists and far-right figures, including Glen Kealey. Kealey and Icke are reportedly on the outs, so it’s likely we won’t be seeing any more Wilder-Icke collaborations for a while. I don’t think I have to point out that this estrangement could explain why Mrs. Kealey has changed her story, do I?

Denied entrance to Canada, Mrs. Kealey relocated to New York, just across the international border from the hobby farm/gate to paradise known as Gimle. She claims she has been denied work since obtaining her New York state nurse’s license in 2010.

Why We Should Probably Not Take Arizona Wilder’s Story at Face Value

If you have to think about that for more than two seconds, please reread the post.

Where’s the Harm?

Sure, it’s silly and clearly a waste of time, but is there any moral hazard in promoting stories about interdimensional Reptilian overlords?

On 27 February 2012, 17-year-old Thomas “T.J.” Lane allegedly walked into his high school cafeteria in Chardon, Ohio, and randomly opened fire on other students, killing three and wounding three others. The motivations for this crime are doubtlessly manifold – among other things, Lane comes from a family with a history of violence – but commentators on the case noted that the troubled young man was fond of David Icke’s work.

While Icke is in no way culpable for this young man’s actions, we must examine the implications of classifying people as human and not-quite-human. Icke has stated that not all Reptilians in the universe are necessarily evil, yet makes it very plain that the ones in charge of Earth are truly awful, remorseless bastards. His personal solution to the situation is “infinite love”. But preaching infinite love isn’t going to stop some lunatic from taking out a person he believes could be a Reptilian child rapist, is it?

And the belief in body-snatching aliens is only growing. After his death in 2009, Anomalist Books published Mac Tonnies’s influential book on the subject, The Cryptoterrestrials. Jay Weidner has since taken up his mantle, warning us about evil-minded Archons. Historian David Jacobs got himself into a hell of a mess with his fear of alien-human hybrids. Diazien Hossencofft is in federal prison for persuading his gullible girlfriend that his ex-wife, an unassuming bank teller named Girly Chew, was a Reptilian priestess who had to be slaughtered. Chew vanished in 1999, the same year Revelations of a Mother Goddess was released.

Then there is the problem of mental health. It should be obvious by this point that the woman formerly known as Arizona Wilder is not all there. I’m not a mental health professional and I certainly don’t know what her specific condition is, but I have little doubt that she could benefit from psychiatric treatment. Instead, she warns other “ritual abuse victims” to stay away from the medical and mental health professionals who could help them, because they are all part of The System. In her open letter of June 2011, she had this to say about her fellow SRA victims: “I knew others who had been ritually abused from birth; brought into this world for a purpose not of their own choosing. They struggled too, and many of them have not been able to mentally and emotionally overcome their past. Some of those that I knew were permanently physically affected. A few took their own life because they could not see forward to their healing. Many were simply labeled as ‘mentally ill’. Again, ‘The System’ is there to receive them and swallow them up, and make them ‘comfortably numb’ and convince them that they did not see, hear, or experience what they in fact, did. Further, they have perpetuated the false idea that one can overcome the situation they are in simply by turning to the very system responsible for the abuse, and as long as the victim assumes the responsibility for their situation, be accepted back into the fold and rebury the perpetrations [sic] and abuse.”

Postscript: Canada’s Response to the Lizards

A peculiar footnote to all this occurred in 2000, when the Jewish Canadian Congress and human rights attorney Richard Warman decided that “holographic, interdimensional lizardpeople from Mars” is probably conspiranoid slang for “Jews”. This is clearly not the case, as Icke always separates his anti-Zionist nonsense from his Reptilian nonsense and honestly believes that lizardpeople run the planet. He has made it plain, many times over, that he despises all religions with equal vitriol. He has even been quoted as explicitly stating the New World Order is not a Jewish plot. (1) (Arizona Wilder, for her part, named WASPs, Jews, Muslims and Catholics as Reptilians, implying that any religion can serve as a cover for Satanism.)

But Warman embarked on a largely successful campaign to bar Icke from speaking engagements in Canada, as chronicled in part two of Jon Ronson’s Channel 4 documentary The Secret Rulers of the World (“David Icke, the Lizards and the Jews”) and in Icke’s book Children of the Matrix. Warman was so outraged by Icke’s portrayal of him that he sued Icke, the publishers, and even a few distributors. He also demanded that the British Columbia Libraries Association remove Children of the Matrix from B.C. libraries (the Association complied at the time to avoid being sued, but 2004 legislation now protects libraries from libel suits related to their collections).

Icke has since gone on speaking tours in Canada, and the whole affair was basically a waste of everyone’s time and attention.

This may or may not have something to do with Jennifer Kealey’s present immigration troubles. Regardless, it doesn’t help that she has publicly admitted to slaughtering dozens of people at the behest of holographic interdimensional lizardpeople from Mars.


1. The Biggest Secret by David Icke (David Icke Books, 2nd edition, 1999)
2. “Bizarre Experiences of a Mind Control Slave”, Arizona Wilder’s presentation at the 2001 Global Sciences Congress in Denver
