In 1960, “UNESCO Convention Against Discrimination” was signed in Paris. This convention laid the groundwork for control of American education, both public and private, by UN agencies and agents disguised to halt discrimination and segregation. In 1960, “Soviet Education Programs: Foundations, Curriculums, Teacher Preparation” was published under the auspices of the US Department of Health, Education and Welfare. It was the blueprint for the US school-to-work restructuring that would take place, and it would rely on the “Pavlovian conditioned reflex theory” developed by Dr. B.F. Skinner, the father of Behavioral Psychology.
Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of Educational Research and Improvement (OERI) in the U.S. Department of Education during the Reagan Administration recited in her excellent book, “The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America” a speech Congressmen John M. Ashbrook delivered before Congress on July 18, 1961 entitled, “The Myth of Federal Aid to Education without Control” (Congressional Record: pp. 11868-11880):
“That there was any doubt of the Federal bureaucrats’ intentions in this matter was laid to rest with the discovery of a Health, Education, and Welfare publication, “A Federal Education Agency for the Future”, which is a report of the Office of Education, dated April 1961… I feel that its pronouncements are a blueprint for complete domination and direction of our schools from Washington. The publication was not popularly distributed, and there was some difficulty obtaining a copy.
Fifty-six pages of findings contain recommendations which call for more and more Federal participation and control and repeatedly stress the need for Federal activity in formulating educational policies. It recommends a review of teacher preparation, curriculum and textbooks. It calls for an implementation of international educational projects in cooperation with UNESCO in the United Nations and ministries of education abroad”. (page 62)
Between the years of 1967-1974, teacher training was covertly revamped through these original foundations created in the early 1900’s. Working with other private foundations, for-profit global corporations, certain universities, state education departments and the U.S. Department of Education, three critical multi-volume documents were produced. They were called the “Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, Designing Education for the Future and the Behavioral Teacher Education Project” and totaled over 3,000 pages. John Taylor Gatto outlines these three areas of focus:
1) DESIGNING EDUCATION FOR THE FUTURE. They were the collusion with the federal education department and the presumably independent state agencies. They redefined education after the 19th century Germanic fashion (quoting now from the document) “as a means to achieve important economic and social goals for the national character,” — and I would hasten to add that none of those goals included the maximum development of your son or daughter. State agencies would henceforth “act as Federal enforcers insuring compliance of local schools with Federal directives”. The document proclaimed that (I’m quoting again), “each state education department must be an agent of change” and proclaimed further: “change must be institutionalized”. I doubt if an account of this appeared in any newspaper in the state of Vermont or for that matter any newspaper in the country (U.S.). Education departments were (I am quoting a third time) “to lose their identity as well as their authority in order to form a partnership with the Federal Government”.
2) The BEHAVIORAL TEACHER EDUCATIONAL PROJECT outlines specific teaching reforms to be forced on the country, unwillingly of course, after 1967. It also sets out, in clear language, the outlook and intent of its invisible creators. Nothing less than quoting again “the impersonal manipulation through schooling of a future America in which few will be able to maintain control over their own opinions”, an America in which (quoting again) “each individual receives at birth, a multipurpose identification number which enables employers and other controllers to keep track of their [underlings]“, (underlings is my interpretation, everything else came out of the document), “and to expose them to the directors subliminal influence of the state education department and the federal department acting through those whenever necessary”.
3) TAXONOMY OF EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES, which has, since its publication, spawned a number of descendant forms, like “mastery learning”, “outcome based education” and “school to work” business-government-economic projects. Dr. Bloom’s compilation was a tool, (I’m quoting from Dr. Bloom), “a tool to classify the ways individuals are to act, think or feel as the result of participating in some unit of instruction”. I would be dubious if any parent in the U.S. would send their children to schools under these auspices if they were thinking people. In this fashion, children would learn proper attitudes and have their improper attitudes (brought from home) remediated. In all stages of the school manipulations testing would be essential to locate the child’s mind on an official continuum.
In 1972, Dr. Chester M. Pierce, M.D. of Harvard University wrote an article entitled “Becoming Planetary Citizens: A Quest for Meaning,” in the November 1972 issue of Childhood Education. Excerpts follow:
“Creative Altruism; In the past forty years social science experimentation has shown that by age five children already have a lot of political attitudes. Regardless of economic or social background, almost every kindergartner has a tenacious loyalty to his country and its leaders. This phenomenon is understandable in the psychological terms of loyalty to a strong father-figure and of the need for security. But a child can enter kindergarten with the same kind of loyalty to the earth as his homeland…”
In 1980, “Schooling for a Global Age” was authored by James Becker. In the preface to Mr. Becker’s book, Professor John Goodlad, who has been at the forefront of implementing a global education system with funding from tax-exempt foundations and federal grants, writes:
“Parents and the general public must be reached also [taught a global perspective]. Otherwise, children and youth enrolled in globally-oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home. And then the educational institution frequently comes under scrutiny and must pull back.”
In 2006, in an interview with Aaron Russo (producer and director of movies like “The Rose”, “Trading Places” and “Wise Guys”) relates in his documentary “Freedom to Fascim”, how he was courted by the Rockefeller family when he ran for Governor of Nevada in 1998. After a friendship developed he was recruited to join the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), a private non-profit organization created by the Rockefeller’s in 1921. (Caroll Quigley, Professor of History at Georgetown University and favorite mentor of President Clinton has stated, “The CFR is the American Branch of a society originated in England and believes national boundaries should be obliterated and a one-world rule established.” Other members of the CFR have included Presidents Hoover, Truman, Eisenhower, George and G.W. Bush, Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton to date).
Mr. Russo retells in his documentary the story, as told to him directly by Nick Rockefeller, that the Feminist movement in the 1960′s was manufactured so that women would have to enter the workforce and so that more taxes could be collected with women working, thus having to pay taxes. Additionally, children would then have to be put into day care and pre-schools where indoctrination could begin at a much earlier age. The State could then be seen to the children as part of the family. Interestingly, it was also reported in an article in the Village Voice on May 21, 1979 that Ms. Steinem’s M.S. Magazine was funded by the Ford Foundation and the CIA, to which the article claims she also a CIA asset.
In 1998, Rep. Bob Schaffer placed in the Congressional Record an 18-page letter that has become known as Mr. Marc Tucker’s “’Dear Hillary” letter. Mr. Tucker is President of the National Center on Education and the Economy (NCEE) and in this letter he lays out a plan to:
- Remold the entire American system into a seamless web that literally extends from cradle to grave.
- Is the same for everyone and is the same system for everyone coordinated by a system of labor market boards at the local, state and federal levels where curriculum and job matching will be handled by counselors accessing the integrated computer-based program.”
Mr. Tucker’s ambitious plan was implemented in three laws passed by Congress and signed by President Clinton in 1994: the Goals 2000 Act, the School-to-work Act and the reauthorized Elementary and Secondary Education Act. These laws establish the following mechanisms to restructure the public schools:
- Bypass all elected officials on school boards and in state legislatures by making federal funds flow to the Governor and his appointees on workforce development boards.
- Use a computer database, a.k.a. “a labor market information system,” into which school personnel would scan all information about every schoolchild and his family, identified by the child’s social security number: academic, medical, mental, psychological, behavioral, and interrogations by counselors. The computerized data would be available to the school, the government, and future employers.
- Use “national standards” and “national testing” to cement national control of tests, assessments, school honors and rewards, financial aid, and the Certificate of Initial Mastery (CIM), which is designed to replace the high school diploma.
Designed on the German system, the Tucker plans objectives are to train children in specific jobs to serve the workforce and the global economy instead of to educate them so they can make their own life choices.
We see the actions of our Federal Government continue along this path of taking over the duties of caring and managing children at younger and younger ages. A recently created private public partnership with federal government called “ZERO TO THREE” wants to reach out to children from “cradle to three years of age”. On its website the organization describes itself as:
“A national nonprofit organization that provides parents, professionals and policymakers the knowledge and the know-how to nurture early development. Neuroscientists have documented that our earliest days, weeks and months of life are a period of unparalleled growth when trillions of brain cell connections are made. Research and clinical experience also demonstrate that health and development are directly influenced by the quality of care and experiences a child has with his parents and other adults.”
“School Readiness Interactive Birth to 3”– “A web-based, interactive learning tool designed to help parents and caregivers support their young child’s early learning. You’ll find age-based information on how children develop the four key skills—language and literacy skills, thinking skills, self-confidence and self-control—that are critical to later school success.”
Also, the Center for American Progress (CAP) is receiving a doubling of funding from the Obama Administration. The reason for more funding according to the CAP website is so that:
“All children ages 3 and 4 should be able to voluntarily attend a full-day public preschool program,” CAP states. “Preschool should be free for children from families at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty line ($46,100 for a family of four). Children from families above 200 percent of the poverty line should be charged a sliding tuition co-pay, ranging from about 30 percent of the cost to 95 percent of the cost (for families above 400 percent of the poverty line).”
This private public program is being funded extensively by the Soros Foundation and is necessary because, according to Arnie Duncan, Secretary of Education, “the parents will have to be working 2-3 jobs in the future to support their families” (Charlie Rose show interview, March 10, 2009). His vision is that every public school will soon become the hub of every community that he wants to be open 24/7/365 where after school programs are managed by NGO’s and open until 9 p.m.
Additionally he would like to see these ‘hubs of the community’ provide three meals a day to children and offer full care health services. Already we are seeing the implementation of his visions where school enforcement programs like state mandated vaccinations and the providing of fluoridation pills to children are being carried out where profits go to the corporate medical industry as costs are socialized to the people.
”We are creating the most meaningful reform of school education in a generation designed to fundamentally transform America’s education system” President Barack Obama
Now, as we enter the “Computer Evolution of Education”, we see a mass coordinated roll-out of a global effort to uniform education and mono-mind our children through an internet-based education called “Common Core.” Funding from Obama’s “Race to the Top” program require schools to accept the Common Core curriculums.
These products being rolled out globally and nationwide have been designed, written and implemented by the largest technology companies in the world (Google, Apple, Cisco, Texas Instruments, McGraw Hill, Scholastic, Pearson, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, etc.) through newly created PPP’s just as Obamacare was directed and overseen by Ms. Liz Fowler who is an Executive VP at Wellpoint Inc., the largest HMO in the country.
The largest foundations are also involved with the technological transformation of the public schools globally. Like the behemoth Gates Foundation ($ 65 Billion), Joyce and the omnipresent Rockefeller Foundation. NGO lobby groups like the National Governors Association ( NGA), and the Common Core State Standards Organization (CCSSO), also helped establish the curriculum standards for academic criteria and evaluation to the Common Core Initiative. The NGA and CCSSO, also enjoy sole copyrights to Common Core and retain legal rights to any changes to the CC material.
The build out of Common Core is breathtaking as the business end is being implemented by CORE International. CI’s technology, staffing and security services are already being used in 47 of 50 States as well as the Commonwealth of Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Chile, China, Germany, El Salvador, Kenya, Japan, Israel, Mexico, and many other countries. Its own financial website states that its business plans are to be in every country “with a global education plan that reaches children from the cradle through post graduate school”.
Here is CORE INT’L’s description of their program directly from the company’s website:
“CORE is a global end-to-end, best-of-breed education solutions provider that aims to transform the education spectrum encompassing Pre-K, K-12, Higher Education and Technical Career Education. CORE strives to improve the quality of human capital as well as the global learning ecosystem through innovation in order to produce better educational outcomes. CORE’s operations span multiple geographies globally, with its primary focus being the United States, the United Kingdom and India, and with additional operations in Asia Pacific, Africa, the Caribbean and the Middle East.”
Aside from referring to our children as “human capital”, their businesses models include the control in the hiring and evaluating of teachers and administrators, designing and creating computer-based education, evaluating academic testing and scoring, the providing of a program known as “Secure Schools” as well subcontracting to provide school healthcare services.
We will address more fully the business end of the Common Core in the United States in Part II. In Part III we will look into the globalization of our education system through the one-size-fits all “Education for All” agenda being sanctioned through the United Nations and Agenda 21 based on Common Core standards and largely funded by with U.S. taxpayer dollars.
Jamie Lee is the author of Tabu Blog, and a strong advocate of personal liberty and freedom from overbearing government.
– Arne Duncan on Charlie Rose (7 min.)
– The Prussian P.H.D. (9 min.)
– 1 Hr. Full History of Education by John Taylor Gatto
– .PDF Underground History of American Education System by John Taylor Gatto
– From Chapter 12 John Taylor Gatto,
– Common Core,
– Aaron Russo, interview about Rockefellers
– Gloria Steinem and Women’s Lib/CIA,
– Taken for a Ride Documentary –
– Mark Tucker
– Obamacare and Well Point