Taking Back Our Stolen History
True Heroes

True Heroes

What is a hero? Merriam Webster offers the following option, in contrast to the pop-culture reference to a thick, meat-laden sandwich: “A person admired for achievements and noble qualities. One who shows great courage.” One only needs to look at the heroes of our young men and women today. Few know or seem to care about those great heroes that have been men and women of honor and valor. The youth of today idolize those athletes, musicians, business icons, and actors predominantly living lives of immorality and doing little, if anything, to make the world a better place or build the kingdom of God, rather the opposite, as they influence, through the media, the false hope that popularity, riches, and power are what life is all about. Read the stories of some true heroes below:

Abolitionists  Activists  Brave Journalists  Founding Fathers  Religious Reformers  Whistleblowers

Chronological History of all of  the above True Heroes

The First Official Act of Congress: A Call to Prayer!

The First Official Act of Congress: A Call to Prayer!

The first official act of Congress was a call to prayer that the Rev. Mr. Duché be desired to open the Congress tomorrow morning with prayers, at the Carpenter's Hall, at 9 o'clock." When the Congress met, Mr. Cushing made a motion that it should be opened with Prayer. It was opposed by Mr. Jay of New York and Mr. Rutledge of South Carolina because we were ...
The First Continental Congress Secretly Meets in Philadelphia to Discuss British Tyranny

The First Continental Congress Secretly Meets in Philadelphia to Discuss British Tyranny

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PbGDKitNf04 On September 5, 1774, every colony but Georgia sent representatives to what is now called the First Continental Congress. They met in secret because they did not want the British to know that the colonies were uniting. At first there were 44 delegates who met in Carpenter's Hall in Philadelphia. Twelve other delegates reported late. Some of those who came were George Washington, Patrick Henry, ...
The First United American Republic is Established by 12 Colonies (Georgia joined in 1775)

The First United American Republic is Established by 12 Colonies (Georgia joined in 1775)

The First United American Republic is founded: United Colonies of North America: 13 British Colonies United in Congress was founded by 12 colonies on September 5th, 1774 (Georgia joined in 1775)  and governed through a British Colonial Continental Congress.  Peyton Randolph and George Washington served, respectively, as the Republic's first President and Commander-in-Chief. The United Colonies Continental Congress provided for the security of its member Colonies with the formation of a Continental Army, ...
Benjamin Franklin Becomes America's First Whistleblower when he Discretely Passed Along Some Secret British Government Documents, the Hutchinson Letters.

Benjamin Franklin Becomes America’s First Whistleblower when he Discretely Passed Along Some Secret British Government Documents, the Hutchinson Letters.

Edward Snowden and the NSA documents. Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks diplomatic cables. Daniel Elsberg and the Pentagon papers. Benjamin Franklin and the Hutchinson letters? Snowden, Assange, and Elsberg all considered themselves to be self-appointed whistleblowers. Individuals who wanted to open governments by disclosing sensitive government documents. Without a doubt, all three started huge controversies when their confidential documents were leaked. But, should Benjamin Franklin be ...
The Miraculous Story of 'The Bulletproof President', George Washington

The Miraculous Story of ‘The Bulletproof President’, George Washington

The miraculous story of 'The Bulletproof President' once appeared in virtually every student text in America. At the Battle at the Monongahela, Washington and the British army were ambushed by the French. Every officer on horseback was killed except Washington. He later wrote to his brother John on July 18, 1755: But by the all-powerful dispensations of Providence, I have been protected beyond all human probability ...
Ben Franklin Letter to Joseph Huey which he Speaks of Being Doers of the Word and not Hearers Only

Ben Franklin Letter to Joseph Huey which he Speaks of Being Doers of the Word and not Hearers Only

Ben Franklin Letter to Joseph Huey (dated June 6, 1753): "I can only show my gratitude for these mercies from God, by a readiness to help his other children and my brethren. For I do not think that thanks and compliments, though repeated weekly, can discharge our real obligations to each other, and much less those to our Creator. You will see in this my notion ...
Benjamin Franklin: “Whoever would Overthrow the Liberty of a Nation must Begin by Subduing the Freeness of Speech.”

Benjamin Franklin: “Whoever would Overthrow the Liberty of a Nation must Begin by Subduing the Freeness of Speech.”

Silence Dogood, No. 8 Printed in The New-England Courant, July 9, 1722. On June 11 the Courant had insinuated that the Massachusetts authorities were not making proper exertions to capture a pirate vessel reported to be off the coast.3 Exasperated by this “High Affront,” the latest of many, the General Court the next day ordered James Franklin to be confined in jail for the remainder of the ...
1688 Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery

1688 Germantown Quaker Petition Against Slavery

Slavery is not simply a historical phenomenon.. It persists to this day in modern forms, such as trafficking. Quakers have opposed it from very early on and still do. In the first few years after the Quaker movement began in 1652, slavery would have been outside the experience of most Quakers, as it was not much practiced in Britain. But in British colonies in the Caribbean ...
John Lilburne was Arrested for Printing and Circulating 'Unlicensed Books' Critical of the King Charles I's Monarchy

John Lilburne was Arrested for Printing and Circulating ‘Unlicensed Books’ Critical of the King Charles I’s Monarchy

In 1638, John Lilburne was arrested upon his return from Holland and put on secret trial by the Star Chamber of Charles I. His crime? The writing and distribution of seditious pamphlets that skewered the legitimacy of the monarchy and challenged the primacy of the high prelates of the Church of England. He was promptly convicted of publishing writing of “dangerous consequence and evil effect.” For ...
Rev. John Lothropp Arrives in Boston, Massachusetts

Rev. John Lothropp Arrives in Boston, Massachusetts

John Lathrop was born December 20, 1584 in Etton, Yorkshire, England. It is said the ancestral home of the Lathrop family is Lowthrope, England. He was baptized in Etton, Yorkshire England December 20, 1584 and died in Barnstable, Mass November 8, 1653. The name was sometimes written Lathrop, other times Lothrop and originated in the town of Lowthrope, England. John Lathrop was born in Yorkshire England. He ...