The ridiculous attempt by the left to attack and even impeach President Trump over a fake ‘whistleblower’, later outed as an anti-Trump CIA agent, who heard from a source that wasn’t even in attendance on a call that Trump made with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, that the POTUS pressured Zelenskyy into re-investigating the Biden’s – which is the real UkraineGate cover up. Joe Biden has even bragged about getting the prosecutor fired (using $1bln in loan guarantees as leverage) for investigating his son Hunter (a dishonorably discharged coke-head) who received millions from corrupt Ukraine gas company Burisma Holdings, to be on a board with which he had zero experience. It was a pay-to-play scheme by Biden, not unlike his China deal, that resulted in the left gaslighting and blaming Trump for doing absolutely nothing wrong other than becoming a threat to uncover their 2014 coup in Ukraine in collusion with corrupt companies and oligarchs. Adam schiff, following a month of secret auditions in the basement chambers, held a show trial meant, along with the Mockingbird media, to convince the masses of quid pro quo. It failed.
The truth of the Ukraine matter is that the British Empire and the Obama Administration—emphatically including Vice President Joe Biden and his son Hunter—orchestrated a Nazi coup d’état in Ukraine in early 2014, the “Maidan revolution,” both to destroy that country and to threaten the very existence of Russia as a sovereign nation. When Russia responded to defend itself, and Crimea voted to return to being a part of Russia, that was then used to set into motion the chain of events including economic sanctions, further expansion of NATO eastwards to Russia’s borders, and other attacks on Russia, that have made it next to impossible for President Donald Trump to develop a good working relationship with that country, which is his stated goal.
Two members of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada, Deputies Andriy Derkach and Oleksandr Dubinsky publicly presented further revelations about the sordid Nazi coup, including accusations that the $16.5 million reportedly paid to Hunter Biden by Burisma energy company, was itself money that had been stolen by Burisma owner Mykola Zlochevsky from the Ukrainian people. That story, whose details remain to be confirmed by independent investigation, has been frenetically blacked out of the U.S. and international media—including shutting down Twitter accounts that dared to report the matter—lest the story break the intended controlled environment of media brainwashing of the American people during the impeachment circus.
The British and their American allies launched a similar violent “Maidan revolution” in Hong Kong, this time to force China to intervene to defend its essential, strategic interests in a way that can then be used to further drive a wedge between President Xi Jinping and President Trump. As an editorial in the semi-official Global Times stated, Hong Kong faces a threat to be “erased from the modern world,” which would constitute an existential threat to China itself and will not be tolerated.
In this special edition of One America News Investigates, Chanel Rion interviews several witnesses who destroy Adam Schiff’s baseless impeachment case against President Trump. In a three part EXCLUSIVE report, Rudy Giuliani debunks the impeachment hoax and exposes Biden family corruption in Ukraine.
A parade of Washington’s unelected diplomatic elite has been appearing before the House Intelligence Committee in a tiny room in the House basement, a SCIF (sensitive compartmented information facility), walled off from the world by a blanket of electronic security to enforce absolute, total secrecy. There, in a proceeding reminding most of the British Star Chamber, they are making claims against a man they hate, a man whom the voters elected in 2016 to throw them all out of any power whatsoever over the nation—the President of the United States. Here is how America voted.
They are claiming that President Trump withheld necessary military aid for Ukraine in exchange for a promise by the Ukrainians to investigate Joe Biden and his cocaine-addled son, Hunter. This is the so-called “impeachment inquiry” which follows two previous impeachment campaigns in sequence, launched by the Democrats and the Anglo-American defense and intelligence establishment on the day Donald Trump won the election.
In this brief we will show you that Donald Trump should have withheld military aid from the Ukrainians, but for a reason different than that stated. And, we will demonstrate that Joe Biden should be investigated, for supervising a coup, led by neo-Nazis in Ukraine, which has collapsed that country. Thousands have been killed or fled the country. Many of the foreign policy mandarins now testifying against Trump were Biden’s managers of that horrific crime, and other similar crimes, which have created America’s “forever” wars.
Joe Biden otherwise played a key role as Obama’s Vice President in the 2016-2017 illegalities against candidate and President-elect Donald Trump, actively joining a small group of “principals” (John Brennan, Attorney General Loretta Lynch, James Clapper, Jim Comey) discussing and implementing the intelligence feed for a propaganda campaign intended to defeat Trump by smearing him as a Russian agent. These conversations included Susan Rice, Avril Haines, and Lisa Monaco from the White House side, in addition to Joe Biden. Biden also played a significant role in the attempted coverup of the White House’s direct role in the 2016 foreign interference operation against Donald Trump.
After the string of illegalities against Trump, which continued through his firing of FBI Director James Comey, and after the brutal Robert Mueller inquisition, which destroyed many lives but came up empty as to any crimes by the President, we have now entered phase three of the coup against the President. As Congressman Al Green (D-TX) and even Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) have admitted: impeachment now is necessary because, without it, Trump will win a second term. The same sentiment was pronounced by the British House of Lords in their 2018 “UK Foreign Policy in a Shifting World Order,” in an order to their American satrapy: a second Trump term must not happen.
Nancy Pelosi is involved with this. The Swamp is so corrupt.
— CJTRUTH (@cjtruth) October 29, 2020
Everyone who has appeared before the House Intelligence Committee so far, is up to their ears in U.S./British regime-change operations, particularly the one conducted by the Obama Administration in 2013-2014 in Ukraine, where Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland engineered regime change on Russia’s border, using Neo-Nazis as muscle, and creating a post-coup vassal-state which included the very same Neo-Nazis as government officials. Joe Biden, who served as the Obama Administration’s “point man” on Ukraine, and Biden’s State Department, National Endowment for Democracy, and Atlantic Council buddies misnamed their atrocity, the “Revolution of Dignity.” Victoria Nuland, the case officer with Joe Biden for the coup, says the United States spent $5 billion dollars in creating this fiasco. Her figures do not include substantial funds delivered by the British government and NATO, along with George Soros and other privateers.
Like other regime-change wars, most prominently Iraq, this one installed a government of colonial administrators, and resulted in a perfectly predictable, violent insurgency from those sections of Ukraine that would never agree to an occupation government, particularly after being attacked by the coup’s “Right Sector” neo-Nazis. In Ukraine, this insurgency involved the Russian-speaking population of Eastern Ukraine, the Donbass, where, after the coup, the regions of Donetsk and Lugansk declared themselves autonomous Republics. There is plenty of evidence that the insurgency was provoked to facilitate a full-scale ethnic cleansing of this asset-rich area which formerly housed that nation’s manufacturing capacity and skilled workforce.
The conflict in the Donbass has killed over 13,000 people to date. And the coup resulted in the further disintegration of Ukraine into Europe’s poorest country. The operation replaced one set of corrupt oligarchs who stole the country’s riches after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but were considered “soft” on Russia, with a different set of oligarchs who have voiced a desire to go to war with Russia, while continuing the stealing.
Biden, Ukraine, and Burisma
This is the context for the real Joe Biden corruption story in Ukraine and his son’s estimated $3 million dollar haul from one of the largest and most corrupt Ukrainian gas and oil companies: Burisma. This is a story about the obsession of Joe Biden and others who went out to cripple Russia’s economy by shutting down the gas transit lines that pass from Russia, through Ukraine, to Europe, while supplying Ukraine through Western oil companies shepherded into the country by Biden, along with a scheme for fracking in the war-torn Donbass. They pursued this while overtly threatening Russia with nuclear war, facilitated by their new vassal state, Ukraine, on Russia’s border—placing the entire world in jeopardy by their madness. To accomplish his gas gambit, Biden had to capture Burisma.
Many of the British and American intelligence operatives who accomplished the Ukraine “regime change” in 2014, turned their attention, in 2016, to destroying the political candidacy of Donald Trump, smearing him as a Manchurian candidate because he publicly stated a desire for better relations with Russia.
When Rudy Giuliani started to investigate Kiev’s role in the illegal 2016 attempt to defeat Donald Trump, he touched a “third rail” of British and American intelligence, one that goes all the way back to British and American adoption and support of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN-B) led by Stepan Bandera and Mykola Lebed. Bandera was an MI-6 agent, Lebed became CIA. Earlier, during World War II, in collaboration with the Nazis, they slaughtered thousands of Poles and Jews—all in the name of defeating Russia. The Right Sector groups used by Joe Biden for the coup and subsequently installed in the government, idolize Stepan Bandera.
Now that Attorney General William Barr and U.S. Attorney John Durham have, as anticipated, undertaken a full criminal investigation of the U.S., British and other intelligence figures who led the 2016-2017 effort to defeat Donald Trump and subvert his presidency, the Ukrainian aspect of this operation has become a very, very hot potato.
The appearance of the bogus Ukraine-aid “whistleblower”—himself, we now know, a CIA agent, expert in Ukraine, who previously worked with Joe Biden in the Obama White House—represents an effort to block this story from serious investigation at all costs. It also aims to delegitimize the entire Barr/Durham criminal investigation, as well as the imminent report of the Justice Department’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Both DOJ investigations center on illegalities in the first stage of the coup against Trump, prior to Mueller’s appointment as Special Counsel. And, most important, the bogus impeachment “inquiry” is yet another full-spectrum information-warfare operation, using the media, fed by cascading, 24/7 bogus headlines and leaks from the intelligence community and the Democrats in Congress, to tank the President’s standing with the American people and either impeach him or defeat him in 2020.
The Present Charade
We now know that the bogus whistleblower worked, covertly, with Congressman Adam Schiff’s staff to launder leaks about the President’s July 25th phone call with incoming Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, into a new bogus narrative about the President. This whistleblower is represented by a law firm that has actively sought whistleblowers from the intelligence agencies against the President, posting leaflets and billboard ads outside the agencies and offering to cover any and all expenses.
Paul Sperry, in an October 30th article at Real Clear Investigations, states that everyone in Washington and the national news media “knows” that the bogus whistleblower is Eric Ciaramella. If true, it only highlights the scandal embodied in the sham impeachment proceedings being run by the Democrats, it is the equivalent of a hand grenade. Ciaramella worked in the Obama White House with Susan Rice, John Brennan and Joe Biden on Ukraine. He also worked with Alexandra Chalupa, who ran Ukraine’s illegal 2016 election interference in the United States on behalf of Hillary Clinton. According to a former NSC official, he got caught leaking to the media as an Obama holdover at the NSC under Trump, where he chaired the Ukraine desk. His leaks framed the totally bogus narrative that Putin caused the firing of James Comey by Trump. Rather than being fired,
Ciaramella returned to the CIA and his close friends, according to Sperry’s story, joined Adam Schiff’s House Intelligence Committee, a most convenient setup.
The bogus whistleblower was also assisted by a new Inspector General of the Intelligence Community, Michael Atkinson, who dubbed this bogus complaint “credible” and “urgent.” Atkinson migrated from the leadership of the National Security Division of the Justice Department—a central control point in Phases 1 and 2 of the coup—to the IG post, and promptly rewrote the rules so that whistleblower complaints could be based on total hearsay and gossip, rather than first-hand knowledge. In Atkinson’s January 2019 confirmation hearing before the Senate Intelligence Committee, Mark Warner (D-VA) charged him with a mission of protecting whistleblowers first and foremost. This was most strange coming from a committee that has repeatedly acquiesced in the destruction of actual whistleblowers such as Tom Drake, Bill Binney, Jeff Sterling, and Julian Assange. It suggests that a new “insurance policy” was being worked on already by the higher echelons of the intelligence community and the most corrupted committee in the Senate.
Surprise: the Transcript
To the surprise of Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and the coup’s strategists, the President released the actual transcript of his July 25th phone conversation with President Zelensky, which, in any reasonable culture, should have ended the entire affair. The bogus whistleblower’s gossip was proven demonstrably false by the transcript. Washington, D.C. is not, presently, such a culture.
In the call, President Trump congratulated Zelensky on his victory in the parliamentary elections, and Zelensky promptly announced that he would be reforming his government to clean up its legendary and horrific corruption. The President and Zelensky discussed the fact that the United States is shouldering the burden of support for Ukraine, while Germany and other European countries, which have the most immediate strategic interest, are not contributing enough.
In the portion of the call the Democrats are trying to make an impeachable crime, President Trump said he was concerned about Ukraine’s intervention into the 2016 U.S. election on behalf of Hillary Clinton and expressed concern that Zelensky is surrounded by some of the same people who conducted those activities. Trump asked whether the Democratic National Committee (DNC) computer server examined by CrowdStrike is in the possession of a Ukrainian oligarch. He asks Zelensky to work with Attorney General Barr, who is conducting the investigation into the 2016 presidential election illegalities. He characterizes this request to investigate possible Ukrainian illegalities in the 2016 election, and to speak with Attorney General Barr, as doing him (Trump) a “favor.”
The “favor,” it is clear, had nothing to do with the 2020 elections or asking Ukraine to “attack” Democrats and Joe Biden, as repeatedly mischaracterized by Democrats and the bogus whistleblower. Instead, it had to do with investigating the ongoing coup in the United States which threatens this nation’s very existence.
It is Zelensky who brings up Rudy Giuliani, the President’s lawyer, who, since January 2019, has been conducting his own investigation of Ukraine’s interference on behalf of Hillary Clinton. The President then says that he had heard that a very good prosecutor in Ukraine was shut down by some very bad people, and that the former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch, was bad news, as were the people she was dealing with. The President then relates that Joe Biden bragged about stopping the prosecution of Burisma, the Ukrainian gas company where Hunter Biden sat on the Board. He says that whatever Zelensky can tell Attorney General Barr about this would be great. Zelensky responds that Marie Yovanovitch was a bad ambassador as she admired Petro Poroshenko, the previous President, and refused to accept Zelensky’s election.
That’s it. There was absolutely nothing illegal or wrong here, despite the hair-on-fire headlines fulminated daily by the news media and Adam Schiff—the same “walls closing in” nonsense that occurred daily during Russiagate. There is no reference to, “if you do this, I’ll do that.” In fact, the Ukrainians were not even aware that the lethal military aid they were expecting had been placed on temporary hold.
Unfortunately, the President, after the call, approved the lethal military aid to Ukraine which Congress’ war-mongers had ordered up in their continuing destructive madness about “Russia, Russia, Russia.” The aid was issued without any requirement whatsoever that Ukraine produce anything to meet President Trump’s concerns about 2016 election interference or the corruption surrounding Burisma and/or Joe Biden. The aid was issued without any real guarantees in place to ensure that lethal weaponry would not be put in the hands of the various Neo-Nazis integrated into Ukraine’s National Guard and militias, and who are now arrayed against President Zelensky himself, charging that his effort to settle the war in the Donbass is a sell-out to Russia.
Now if the President and his supporters choose to tell the real and whole truth to the American people about what the Ukraine issue is really all about, the impeachers, so desperate to block this from coming to light, will have hoisted themselves on their own petard in true Shakespearian fashion, in the best boomerang imaginable. That story, the real story about Joe Biden, Ukraine corruption, and the Ukrainian role in the effort to fix the 2016 election for Hillary Clinton, is what we will set forth, in summary fashion, in what follows.
Continue Reading the 3-part Series at LaRouchePac
7 billion dollars went missing after the Obama administration sent it to the Ukraine. Glenn Beck explains the money laundering scheme involving the owner of Berisma and the bank he owns. The money laundering in Ukraine started with millions and moved to the billions. Thank goodness our politicians aren’t corrupt and rolling in the dough, or I would be suspicious.
Chronological History of Events Related to UkraineGate

GOP Lawmaker Marjorie Taylor Greene Introduces Articles of Impeachment on President Joe Biden

Ukrainian Law Enforcement Seizes Laptop of Hunter Biden Business Associate in Ukraine

Hunter Biden Laptop Data Releases Begin by NY Post, via Giuliani

Joe Biden becomes the Subject of Federal Criminal Investigation Into His Role in Spygate and Activities in Ukraine

Senate Finance and Homeland Security Committees Release Devastating Report on Hunter Biden, Burisma and Corruption

Report: Dem Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell Husband Paid $700,000 by Ukranian Oligarch Under FBI & IRS Investigation for Laundering

Ukrainian Law Enforcement Arrest Individual Allegedly Attempting to End Investigation Into Burisma and Hunter Biden with $6 Million Bribe

“60 Minutes” Runs Propaganda Cover Piece for Crowdstrike who Concocted the Alleged “Russian Hack”

President Trump Ousts Key Impeachment Figure Gordon Sondland