Taking Back Our Stolen History
Vietnam War

Vietnam War

Martin Luther King Assassination: an FBI Conspiracy with James Earl Ray as the Patsy

Martin Luther King Assassination: an FBI Conspiracy with James Earl Ray as the Patsy

Thanks to the nearly four-decade investigation by human rights lawyer William Pepper, it is now clear once and for all that Martin Luther King was murdered in a conspiracy that was instigated by then FBI director J. Edgar Hoover and that also involved the U.S. military, the Memphis Police Department, and “Dixie Mafia” crime figures in Memphis, Tennessee. These and many more incredible details of the King assassination are contained in a trilogy of volumes by Pepper culminating with his latest and final book on the subject, The Plot to Kill King. He previously wrote Orders to Kill (1995) and An Act of State (2003) ...
The My Lai Massacre: The Murder of 347 Vietnamese Citizens (Mostly Women & Children) & the Colin Powell Cover Up

The My Lai Massacre: The Murder of 347 Vietnamese Citizens (Mostly Women & Children) & the Colin Powell Cover Up

The My Lai Massacre was the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam). They were almost entirely civilians, the majority of them women and children. The massacre was conducted by U.S. Army forces on March 16, 1968. Before being killed some of the victims were raped and sexually molested, beaten, tortured, or maimed. Some of the dead bodies were also mutilated. Six months later, Tom Glen, a 21-year-old soldier of the 11th Light Infantry Brigade, wrote a letter to General Creighton Abrams, the new overall commander of U.S. forces in Vietnam, ...
John McCain is Rescued in Hanoi by a True Hero when His Fighter Plane is Shot Down; then When Captured, McCain Sings like a Canary

John McCain is Rescued in Hanoi by a True Hero when His Fighter Plane is Shot Down; then When Captured, McCain Sings like a Canary

In all the tales of wartime courage peppering John McCain during his presidential campaign trail and following his death in August 2018, perhaps the most outstanding example of selfless heroism involved not the Senator but a humble Vietnamese peasant. On October 26, 1967, Mai Van On ran from the safety of a bomb shelter at the height of an air raid and swam out into the lake where Lieutenant Commander McCain was drowning, tangled in his parachute cord after ejecting when his Skyhawk bomber was hit by a missile. In an extraordinary act of compassion at a time when ...
CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled 'The New Left'

CBS REPORTS Airs an Episode Titled ‘The New Left’

The New Left was a broad political movement mainly in the 1960s and 1970s consisting of activists in the Western world who campaigned for a broad range of reforms on issues such as civil and political rights, feminism, gay rights, abortion rights, gender roles and drug policy reforms. Some saw the New Left as an oppositional reaction to earlier Marxist and labor union movements for social justice that focused on materialism and social class, while others who used the term saw the movement as a continuation and revitalization of traditional leftist goals. Some who self-identified as "New Left" (especially ...
Weather Warfare Begins over Vietnam: Operation Popeye, Motorpool, Intermediary, & Compatriot

Weather Warfare Begins over Vietnam: Operation Popeye, Motorpool, Intermediary, & Compatriot

Operation Popeye's weather warfare project was conducted from Thailand over Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam and was allegedly sponsored by Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and CIA without the authorization of then Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird who said "we have never engaged in that type of activity [weather modification] over Northern Vietnam" in Congressional testimony. [1] The top secret weather modification operations were conducted by military WC-130 planes [2][3] and RF-4 jets [4] spraying silver iodide and lead iodide into monsoon storm clouds. Operation Popeye first came to public light in March 1971, when reporter Jack Anderson [5] published The Pentagon Papers [6] and a story in the New York Times [7] based ...
Paul McCartney of 'The Beatles' Dies and is Replaced with a Double by MI5?

Paul McCartney of ‘The Beatles’ Dies and is Replaced with a Double by MI5?

In the fall of 1969, a persistent rumor that Paul McCartney had been killed two years earlier and replaced with a look-alike captured the imaginations of Beatles fans and the general public. Clues began to appear on album covers and in music, a lookalike contest was held after the alleged death date but no winner was ever announced, but more conclusively, a team forensic scientist in Italy concluded that he was replaced in 1966 consisting of Francesco Gavazzeni and Gabriella Carlesi, who conducted a biometrical analysis of Paul pre and post 1966. After setting out to prove the 'Paul is Dead' ...
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: A Fake Attack on a 2nd U.S. Ship that was Used to Infuriate Americans and Gain their Support for the Vietnam War

The Gulf of Tonkin Incident: A Fake Attack on a 2nd U.S. Ship that was Used to Infuriate Americans and Gain their Support for the Vietnam War

A false claim in 1964 that a 2nd US ship was attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin. This was reported to infuriate Americans and deceive them that an attack on Vietnam (officially starting the Vietnam War with Congressional approval) was necessary. The NSA admits that it lied about what really happened in the Gulf of Tonkin incident in 1964 … manipulating data to make it look like North Vietnamese boats fired on a U.S. ship so as to create a false justification for the Vietnam war. Over 1,100 pages of previously classified Vietnam-era transcripts were released in July 2010 by the Senate Foreign ...
National Security Action Memorandum 263: JFK's Articulates His Plan to End the Vietnam War

National Security Action Memorandum 263: JFK’s Articulates His Plan to End the Vietnam War

In National Security Action Memorandum 263, dated October 11, 1963, Kennedy articulated his decision to withdraw all US military forces from Vietnam by the end of 1965 — with the withdrawal to be completed after the 1964 election. This was the formal policy of the United States government on the day he died. Evidence of JFK’s Plan to Withdraw from Vietnam The evidence is massive and categorical. It includes: Robert McNamara’s instructions to the May 1963 Sec Def Conference in Honolulu to develop the withdrawal plan. A  detailed account of the McNamara-Taylor mission to Vietnam that returned with the ...
The Vietnam War Begins (Unofficially), but Why Would America get Involved in this Needless War?

The Vietnam War Begins (Unofficially), but Why Would America get Involved in this Needless War?

The media depicted the war as a “quagmire” begun by “right-wing hawks” who wanted to stop the spread of communism.  They said the war was “unwinnable,” dragged out because the “hawks” were too proud to pull our troops out, our military having underestimated the determination of Ho Chi Minh’s forces. Here’s what the media omitted: The roots of the Vietnam disaster trace to World War II. At the “Big Three” conferences at Teheran and Yalta, President Roosevelt asked Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin if he would break his nonaggression pact with Japan and enter the Pacific war. Stalin agreed – ...