Taking Back Our Stolen History
Water Fluoridation

Water Fluoridation

There’s nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one’s thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether that water is in fact, too toxic to drink. If your water is fluoridated, the answer may well be yes.

For decades, we have been told a lie, a lie that has led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans and the weakening of the immune systems of tens of millions more. This lie is called fluoridation. A process we were led to believe was a safe and effective method of protecting teeth from decay is in fact a fraud. For decades it’s been shown that fluoridation is neither essential for good health nor protective of teeth. What it does is poison the body. We should all at this point be asking how and why public health policy and the American media continue to live with and perpetuate this scientific sham.

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Chronological History of Water Fluoridation

Whistleblower Dr. William Marcus, the EPA's Senior Science Advisor & Its Only Board Certified Toxicologist, Bullied and Fired after Questioning Fluoride Safety

Whistleblower Dr. William Marcus, the EPA’s Senior Science Advisor & Its Only Board Certified Toxicologist, Bullied and Fired after Questioning Fluoride Safety

In 1990, Dr. William Marcus, senior toxicologist in the Office of Drinking Water at EPA, was fired for publicly questioning the honesty of a long-awaited government animal study designed to determine if fluoride causes cancer. Upon examining the raw data of the experiment, Dr. Marcus found clear evidence that fluoride causes cancer, and suggested that a review panel set up by the government to review the ...
Robert Carton, a Sr. EPA Scientist, Summarized His Conclusions on Fluoridation to the Drinking Water Subcommittee that Involved Fraud & Political Interference

Robert Carton, a Sr. EPA Scientist, Summarized His Conclusions on Fluoridation to the Drinking Water Subcommittee that Involved Fraud & Political Interference

In November of 1991, Dr. Bob Carton, Vice-President of the union representing all 1200 scientists, engineers, and lawyers at EPA headquarters, presented the Drinking Water Subcommittee of the Science Advisory Board of EPA with evidence of scientific fraud in the preparation of EPA's fluoride in drinking water standard. (reference) No follow up to verify these accusations was ever made. Six years earlier, Dr. Carton became aware of ...
Dr. Stephen Riess on Primary Water — His Last Interview

Dr. Stephen Riess on Primary Water — His Last Interview

Dr. Wayne Weber and Ross Frazier interview Dr. Stephen Riess in Escondido, California three months before he died. The term Primary Water was coined by the late Dr. Stephen Riess, the geophysicist who independently discovered its existence and pioneered its development, beginning in the 1930s until his death in December 1985. “My discovery was put to a field test by locating and drilling many wells. The ...
Kinney, Minnesota declares its Secession from the U.S. Frustrated by its Failing Water System

Kinney, Minnesota declares its Secession from the U.S. Frustrated by its Failing Water System

On February 5, 1978, a little northern Minnesota newspaper called the Mesabi Daily News broke a story that had somehow managed to go unreported for more than half a year. The previous summer, the city council of Kinney, Minnesota, had sent a letter to U.S. Secretary of State Cyrus Vance declaring that the village was seceding from the Union. The tiny Iron Range community had tried ...
John Holdren, Future Science Czar Under Obama, Advocates for Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Through the Water Supply for Population Control

John Holdren, Future Science Czar Under Obama, Advocates for Forced Abortions and Mass Sterilization Through the Water Supply for Population Control

John Holdren, later appointed by Obama as Science Czar (2009), in his book "Ecoscience", he advocates for extreme totalitarian measures (such as forced abortion and mass sterilization through water supply) to control the population: "Indeed, it has been concluded that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing Constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the ...
Dr. Dean Burk of The US National Cancer Institute: "Fluoride Causes More Cancer, and Causes it Faster, Than Any Other Chemical..."

Dr. Dean Burk of The US National Cancer Institute: “Fluoride Causes More Cancer, and Causes it Faster, Than Any Other Chemical…”

During epidemiological studies by Dr. Dean Burk, former head of the US National Cancer Institute’s cell chemistry section, and Yiamouyiannis reported that fluoridation is linked to about 10,000 cancer deaths yearly. Burk said, "Fluoride causes more human cancer, and causes it faster, than any other chemical . . . more people have died in the last 30 years from cancer connected with fluoridation than all the ...
New York Times: Spike the Food Supply with Sterilization Chemicals to Cause Global Infertility and Depopulation

New York Times: Spike the Food Supply with Sterilization Chemicals to Cause Global Infertility and Depopulation

A November 24, 1969 New York Times feature article authored by Gladwin Hill called for sterilization chemicals to be added to the food supply in order to achieve globalist goals of human depopulation. That article, entitled “A Sterility Drug in Food is Hinted” came with the byline, “Biologist Stresses Need to Curb Population Growth.” Until the New York Times memory holes the article, you can still ...
89 U.S. Cities were Being Fluoridated by 1950 with Industrial Waste Fluoride from ALCOA Despite No Evidence that it Reduced Tooth Decay

89 U.S. Cities were Being Fluoridated by 1950 with Industrial Waste Fluoride from ALCOA Despite No Evidence that it Reduced Tooth Decay

By 1950, 89 US cities were being fluoridated through the water supply, despite no credible evidence ever submitted that demonstrated that it reduced tooth decay (see 1937 entry), or did anything other than cause disease, misery, and death.  By 1950, ALCOA, who had funded the research and falsified data to save millions in disposing of the poisonous chemical, was in a new line of business: selling ...
JAMA: "“Fluorides are General Protoplasmic Poisons, Changing the Permeability of the Cell Membrane by Inhibiting Certain Enzymes."

JAMA: ““Fluorides are General Protoplasmic Poisons, Changing the Permeability of the Cell Membrane by Inhibiting Certain Enzymes.”

The Journal of the American Medical Association contains an article titled “Chronic Fluorine Intoxication”, which states, “fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanisms of such actions, it was said, are obscure. The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1ppm or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and ...
"Manhattan Project" to build Atomic Bomb was Approved by President Roosevelt. What did the Manhattan Project have to do with Water Fluoridation?

“Manhattan Project” to build Atomic Bomb was Approved by President Roosevelt. What did the Manhattan Project have to do with Water Fluoridation?

The atomic bomb was developed at the Los Alamos Laboratories in New Mexico.  The top secret project was called the Manhattan Project, because its secret director, Bernard Baruch, lived in Manhattan, as did many of the other  principals. Baruch had chosen Maj. Gen. Leslie R. Groves to head the  operation. He had previously built the Pentagon, and had a good reputation  among the Washington politicians, who ...