the intelligence exhibited by machines and software. Colloquially, the term is often used to describe machines (or computers) that mimic “cognitive” functions that humans associate with the human mind, such as “learning” and “problem solving”. For the elite, it’s the deliberate reprogramming of the human race to think and to act according to controllers who want to have absolute control over every aspect of our abilities to think and to act other than the way they approve and program us to act! For the sake of convenience, we are empowering the global elite with more and power to control our every thought and action.
Corey Goode, an AI expert said this:
The way the AI prophets see it, the more we’re addicted to technology, the more we love technology, the more in the future we will be willing to hand over our sovereignty to technology. We’re already at a point to where we’re totally dependent on technology, to where if there was an electromagnetic pulse most of us wouldn’t be able to find our way more than a quarter of a mile away from my house anywhere without a GPS. No one can remember more than– I don’t even think anyone remembers their own phone number these days. Everything’s electronically based. This is no accident.
Because they now had a way to have . . . They control the vertical, the horizontal, and the audio in every home in the United States. And people spend so much time in front of the television that television controls our perception of reality. And not only that, now they can use the television and now the internet to brainwash us and change our reality in a way to where we are accepting, without question, what they want us to believe.
This goes for everything– the daily news– and this goes all the way up to eventually when they want us to hand over our sovereignty, possibly to AIs in the future, or just about anything. If it happened on TV, for the majority of people, that’s reality.
Louis Del Monte, physicist, entrepreneur, and author of “The Artificial Intelligence Revolution” adds that:
“Today there’s no legislation regarding how much intelligence a machine can have, how interconnected it can be. If that continues, look at the exponential trend. We will reach the singularity in the timeframe most experts predict. From that point on you’re going to see that the top species will no longer be humans, but machines.”
“By the end of this century, most of the human race will have become cyborgs [part human, part tech or machine]. The allure will be immortality. Machines will make breakthroughs in medical technology, most of the human race will have more leisure time, and we’ll think we’ve never had it better. The concern I’m raising is that the machines will view us as an unpredictable and dangerous species.”
A 2009 experiment showed that robots can develop the ability to lie to each other. Run at the Laboratory of Intelligent Systems in the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale of Lausanne, Switzerland, the experiment had robots designed to cooperate in finding beneficial resources like energy and avoiding the hazardous ones. Shockingly, the robots learned to lie to each other in an attempt to hoard the beneficial resources for themselves.
“The implication is that they’re also learning self-preservation,” Del Monte told us. “Whether or not they’re conscious is a moot point.”
It is nearly impossible to traverse web news or popular media today without being assaulted by vast amounts of propaganda on Artificial Intelligence (AI). It is perhaps the fad to end all fads as it supposedly encompasses almost every aspect of human existence, from economics and security to philosophy and art. According to mainstream claims, AI can do almost everything and do it better than any human being. And, the things AI can’t do, it WILL be able to do eventually.
Whenever the establishment attempts to saturate the media with a particular narrative, it is usually with the intent to manipulate public perception in a way that produces self fulfilling prophecy. In other words, they hope to shape reality by telling a particular lie so often it becomes accepted by the masses over time as fact. They do this with the idea of globalism as inevitable, with the junk science of climate change as “undeniable” and they do it with AI as a technological necessity.
The globalists have long held AI as a kind of holy grail in centralization technology. The United Nations has adopted numerous positions and even summits on the issue, including the “AI For Good” summit in Geneva. The UN insinuates that it’s primary interest in AI is in regulation or observation of how it is exploited, but the UN also has clear goals to use AI to its advantage. The use of AI as a means to monitor mass data to better institute “sustainable development” is written clearly in the UN’s agenda.
The IMF is also in on the AI trend, holding global discussions on the uses of AI in economics as well as the effects of algorithms on economic analysis.
The main source for the development of AI has long been DARPA. The military and globalist think tank dumps billions of dollars into the technology, making AI the underlying focus of most of DARPA’s work. AI is not only on the globalist’s radar; they are essentially spearheading the creation and promotion of it.
The globalist desire for the technology is not as simple as some might assume, however. They have strategic reasons, but also religious reasons for placing AI on an ideological pedestal. But first I suppose we should tackle the obvious.
In most white papers written by globalist institutions on AI, the thrust centers on mass data collection and surveillance. The elites are careful to always assert that their interests focus on the public good. This is why the UN and other agencies argue that they should be the leaders in oversight of mass data collection. That is to say, they want us to believe that they are objective and trustworthy enough to manage rules for data surveillance, or, to manage the data itself.
For the safety of the public, the globalists want centralized management of all data collection, ostensibly to save us from those evil corporations and their invasion of data privacy. Of course, most of those corporations are also run by globalists that fill the guest books of events like the World Economic Forum to discuss the advancements and advantages of AI. The WEF has made it a mandate that AI be promoted widely and that the business world and the general public be convinced of AI’s advantages. Bias against AI must be prevented…
So, what we have here is yet another false paradigm in which globalist institutions are opposed to corporations in terms of how AI is used. Yet, globalist corporations and globalist institutions both develop AI as well as pro-AI sentiment. The public, with its innate distrust of corporate moral compass, is supposed to be convinced to support UN regulatory reforms as a counterbalance. But in reality, corporate powers have no intention of fighting against UN control, they will ultimately welcome it.
This was the goal all along.
The actual effectiveness of AI as a means to help humanity is questionable. AI is primarily about “learning algorithms”, or machines that are programmed to learn from experience. The problem is that a learning algorithm is only as effective as the human beings that program it in the first place. That is to say, learning is not always a cause and effect process. Sometimes, learning is a spontaneous epiphany. Learning is creative. And, in some cases, learning is inborn.
When a machine is pitted against a human in a system built on very simple and concrete rules, machines tend to prevail. A chess game, for example, is designed around hard rules that never change. A pawn is always a pawn and always moves like a pawn; a knight always moves like a knight. While there can be moments of creativity in chess (which is why humans to this day are still on occasion able to beat computers at the game), the existence of the rules makes AI seem smarter than it is.
Human systems and natural systems are far more complicated than chess, and the rules tend to change, sometimes without warning. As quantum physics often discovers, the only thing that is predictable when observing the universe and nature is that all things are unpredictable. How well would an algorithm do in a chess game where a pawn could suddenly evolve to move like a knight, without any specific predictable patterns? Not very well I suspect.
And this is where we get into the crux of how the image of AI is being inflated into a kind of half-assed electronic god; a false prophet.
AI is being inserted not only into chess, but into everything. Mass surveillance is impossible to manage by humans alone; the amount of sheer data is overwhelming. So, one core purpose of AI for the globalists becomes clear – AI is meant to streamline mass surveillance and automate it. AI is meant to scour social media or electronic mail for “key words” to identify potential miscreants and opposition. It is also meant to monitor public sentiment towards specific issues or governments. The goal is to gauge and eventually “predict” public behavior.
This becomes more difficult when we start talking about individuals. While groups are more easily observed and mapped in their behavior, individuals can be abrupt, volatile and unpredictable. AI mapping of personal habits is also prominent today. It is more visible in the corporate world where marketing is tailored to individual consumer patterns and interests. That said, governments are also highly interested in tracking individual habits to the point of creating psychological profiles for every person on the planet if possible.
This all boils down to the idea that AI will one day be able to identify criminals before they ever commit an actual crime. In other words, AI is meant to become and “all seeing eye” that not only monitors our behavior, but also reads our minds as a force for a pre-crime identification.
The question is not whether AI can actually tell us who is a future criminal. AI is obviously incapable of accurately predicting a person’s behavior to such a degree. The question is, WHO is setting the standards that AI is looking for when identifying potential “criminals”? Who gets to set the rules of the chess game? If an algorithm is programmed by a globalist, then AI will label anti-globalists as future or current criminals. AI does not truly think. AI does not enact the power of choice in its decisions. AI does as it is programmed to do.
The globalist obsession with AI, however, goes far beyond centralization and control of populations. As noted above, there is a religious factor.
In my recent article ‘Luciferianism: A Secular Look At A Destructive Belief System’, I outlined the root philosophy behind the globalist cult. The primary tenet of luciferianism is the idea (or delusion) that certain special people have the ability to become “gods”. But, there are some consequences of this belief that I did not explore in that article.
First, in order to become a god, one would have to have total observational power. Meaning, you would have to be able to see all and know all. Such a goal is foolish, because observing everything does not necessarily mean a person knows everything. Total observation would require total objectivity. Bias blinds people to the truth right in front of their faces all the time, and globalists are some of the most biased and elitist people on the planet.
Completely objective observation is impossible, at least, for humans and the algorithms they program. From physics to psychology, the observer always affects the observed and vice versa. That said, I think the globalists don’t really care about this reality. It is enough for them to pretend they are gods through mass surveillance. They aren’t actually interested in attaining godlike enlightenment or objectivity.
Second, to become a god, in a mythological or biblical sense, one would be required to create intelligent life from nothing. I believe that in the minds of the luciferians the creation of AI is the creation of an intelligent life form, rather than software. Of course, luciferians have a disturbed notion of what constitutes “intelligent life”.
As I examined in my article breaking down and debunking luciferian ideology, the existence of inherent psychological archetypes form the basis for the human ability to choose, or to be creative in their choices. The existence of inherent understanding of good and evil establishes the foundation of human conscience and moral compass – the “soul” if you will. Luciferians argue despite ample evidence that none of this actually exists. They argue that humans are blank slates – machines that are programmed by their environment.
To understand this ideology or cult built on blank slate theory, we must consider the fact that globalists often exhibit the traits of narcissistic sociopaths. Full blown narcissistic sociopaths make up less than 1% of the total human population; they are people who actually lack any inherent empathy or the normal personality tools that we would associate with humanity. It would not be an exaggeration to say that such people are more like robots than people.
I have also theorized that luciferianism is a religion designed by narcissistic sociopaths for narcissistic sociopaths. It is a kind of binding or organizing tool to gather sociopaths into an effective group for mutual benefit – A club of parasites. If this theory is true, then it represents something that is rarely if ever dealt with in mainstream psychological or anthropological observation; the existence of a cabal of narcissistic sociopaths conspiring together to hide their identities and to become more successful predators.
To summarize, luciferianism is the perfect belief system for narcissistic sociopaths. They are, in a way, inhuman. They are blank slates devoid of humanity, and so they adopt a religion which treats this notion as “normal”.
So, it makes sense that they would consider something as simple and empty as AI to be intelligent life. As long as it is able to be programmed to act “autonomously” (which they seem to consider sentience), their definition of intelligent life is fulfilled. There is nothing intelligent about artificial intelligence when it comes to moral or creative actions, but narcissistic sociopaths have no concept of this anyway.
I leave readers with this to consider; last year an AI program was given the task of creating its own works of art. The outcome was highly publicized and some of the art was sold for over $400,000. I invite you to look at this artwork here if you have not seen it already.
From what I have witnessed, the common human reaction to this “art” is for people to recoil in horror. It seems like a strange parroting of human elements of art, but with none of the soul. Intuitively, we understand that AI is not life; but for globalists it is the very definition of life, probably because the soullessness of the creation is reflective of the soullessness of the creators. Just as Christians believe that mankind was made in the image of God, Luciferians in their pursuit of godhood have created a “life form” that is perhaps ironically just like them.
Sex robots and VR: Here’s how AI is changing our sexuality
SEX as we know it is about to change.
We are already living through a new sexual revolution, thanks to technologies that have transformed the way we relate to each other in our intimate relationships. But we believe that a second wave of sexual technologies is now starting to appear, and that these are transforming how some people view their very sexual identity.
People we refer to as “digisexuals” are turning to advanced technologies, such as robots, virtual reality (VR) environments and feedback devices known as teledildonics, to take the place of human partners.
Defining digisexuality
In our research, we use the term digisexuality in two senses. The first, broader sense is to describe the use of advanced technologies in sex and relationships. People are already familiar with what we call first-wave sexual technologies, which are the many things that we use to connect us with our current or prospective partners. We text each other, we use Snapchat and Skype, and we go on social apps like Tinder and Bumble to meet new people.
These technologies have been adopted so widely, so quickly, that it is easy to miss what a profound effect they have had on our intimate lives.
It is fascinating to study how people use technology in their relationships. Not surprisingly, in our research we can already see people displaying different attachment styles in their use of technology. As with their human relationships, people relate to their technology in ways that may be secure, anxious, avoidant or some (often disorganized) combination of the three.
There is a second, narrower sense, in which we use the term digisexuals for people whose sexual identity is shaped by what we call second-wave sexual technologies.
These technologies are defined by their ability to offer sexual experiences that are intense, immersive and do not depend on a human partner. Sex robots are the second-wave technology people are most familiar with. They don’t exist yet, not really, but they have been widely discussed in the media and often appear in movies and on television. Some companies have previewed sex robot prototypes, but these are nothing close to what most people would consider a proper sexbot. They are also incredibly creepy.
Refining sexbots
There are several companies, such as the Real Doll company, working on developing realistic sexbots. But there are a few technical hurdles they have yet to overcome. Truly interactive artificial intelligence is developing slowly, for instance, and it is proving difficult to teach a robot to walk. More interestingly, some inventors have begun experimenting with innovative, non-anthropomorphic designs for sexbots.
Meanwhile, VR is progressing rapidly. And in the sex industry, VR is already being used in ways that go beyond the passive viewing of pornography. Immersive virtual worlds and multi-player environments, often coupled with haptic feedback devices, are already being created that offer people intense sexual experiences that the real world possibly never could.
There is compelling evidence that second-wave technologies have an effect on our brains that is qualitatively different from what came before.
MIT professor Sherry Turkle and others have done studies on the intensity of the bond people tend to form with what she calls “relational artifacts” such as robots. Turkle defines relational artifacts as “non-living objects that are, or at least appear to be, sufficiently responsive that people naturally conceive themselves to be in a mutual relationship with them.” Immersive VR experiences also offer a level of intensity that is qualitatively different from other sorts of media.
Immersive experiences
In a lecture at the Virtual Futures Forum in 2016, VR researcher Sylvia Xueni Pan explained the immersive nature of VR technology. It creates what she describes as a placement and plausibility illusion within the human brain.
As a result of its real-time positioning, 3D stereo display and its total field of view, the user’s brain comes to believe that the user is really present. As she says: “If situations and events that happen in VR actually correlates to your actions and relates personally to you, then you react towards these events as if they were real.”
As these technologies develop, they will enable sexual experiences that many people will find just as satisfying as those with human partners, or in some cases more so.
We believe that in the coming decades, as these technologies become more sophisticated and more widespread, there will be an increasing number of people who will choose to find sex and partnership entirely from artificial agents or in virtual environments.
And as they do, we will also see the emergence of this new sexual identity we call digisexuality.
Sexuality and stigma
A digisexual is someone who sees immersive technologies such as sex robots and virtual reality pornography as integral to their sexual experience, and who feels no need to search for physical intimacy with human partners.
Marginal sexual identities almost invariably face stigma, and it is already apparent that digisexuals will be no exception. The idea of digisexuality as an identity has already received strong negative reactions from many commentators in the media and online.
We should learn from the mistakes of the past. Society has stigmatized gays and lesbians, bisexuals, pansexuals, asexuals, consensually non-mongamous people and practitioners of bondange/discipline-dominance/submission-sadomasochism (BDSM).
Then, as time goes on, we have gradually learned to be more accepting of all these diverse sexual identities. We should bring that same openness to digisexuals. As immersive sexual technologies become more widespread, we should approach them, and their users, with an open mind.
We don’t know where technology is going, and there are definitely concerns that need to be discussed — such as the ways in which our interactions with technology could shape our attitudes towards consent with our human partners.
Our research addresses one specific piece of the puzzle: the question of how technology impacts sexual-identity formation, and how people with technologically based sexual identities may face stigma and prejudice. Yes, there are dangers. But whips and paddles can hurt too.
Original article on digisexuality is from The Conversation
TWOL Admin NOTE: Hollywood is also conditioning us to humanize robots and think love is possible with movies like Alita: battle Angel.
‘AI is an existential threat to humanity’:
A team of five doctors and global health policy experts from across four continents said there were three ways in which the tech could wipe out humans.
First is the risk that AI will help amplify authoritarian tactics like surveillance and disinformation. ‘The ability of AI to rapidly clean, organise and analyse massive data sets consisting of personal data, including images collected by the increasingly ubiquitous presence of cameras,’ they say, could make it easier for authoritarian or totalitarian regimes to come to power and stay in power.
Second, the group warns that AI can accelerate mass murder via the expanded use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS).
And, lastly, the health experts expressed worry over the potential for severe economic devastation and human misery, as untold millions lose their livelihoods to those hard-working bots. ‘Projections of the speed and scale of job losses due to AI-driven automation,’ according to the authors, ‘range from tens to hundreds of millions over the coming decade.’
There commentary comes only weeks after over a thousand scientists, including John Hopfield from Princeton and Rachel Branson from the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, signed a letter calling for a halt to AI research over similar concerns.
- via ActivistPost
- The Conversation
Recommended reading:
China and Big Tech threaten all the worlds people with a Quantum AI Digital Brain on the coming 5G and 6G networks that can form an AI system beyond the control of human beings. “Artificial Intelligence Dangers to Humanity” goes deep into the inter-connections between AI, U.S, China, Big Tech and the worlds use of Facial Recognition, Bio-Metrics, Drones, Smart Phones, Smart Cities, IoT, VR, Mixed Reality, 5G, Robotics, Cybernetics, & Bio-Digital Social Programming. The book is sourced from a 10,000 page report converted to just over 200 pages with pictures and hidden inner meanings.
We will cover present, emerging and future threats of Artificial Intelligence with Big Tech, including technology that can be used for assassination or to control humanities ability to have free formed thoughts without being formed by AI Bio-Digital Social Programming. The book will cover Cyborgs, Super Intelligence and how it can form, and in what ways it can travel undetected through The AI Global Network as it connects with the internet and the Human Bio-Digital Network. Companies such as Huawei, Facebook, Megvii Face++ and Google will be discussed. Over 50 entities will be explained and their interconnection with China. China, through Huawei is laying the foundation to deploy AI, Machines, Robotics via the 5G network. They can enslave humankind through an Orwellian Surveillance State.
This book takes you in a simple way to understand what is Artificial Intelligence, and step by step, it takes the average reader through a process to understand very difficult and sophisticated interconnecting AI realities. Every human being has the same brain, and same capacity to access abilities to think deep, and have insights that can better our world, in a safe way. The AI Organization hopes, the common person understands the coming age of AI, Robotics and 5G, and the dangers it poses as well as the positives. We also hope, scientists and big tech take one step back and think to innovate AI, in a more responsible fashion using an algorithm that takes every possible angle into consideration, to safeguard life. This AI book is meant to safeguard humanities interest, and we hope it receives acceptance from all people, may you be liberal, conservative, religious, atheist, the government, media or just a scientist doing what you cherish.
The World is in Danger via China, AI, Robotics & Big Tech. This book will disclose our Micro-Botic Terrorism (MBT) brief submitted to Washington in the spring of 2019. It will expand by explaining the discovery of Bio-Digital Social Programming within the Human-Bio-Digital Network, IoT, Internet, Smart Phones, and the emerging treats of AI, Robotics, MBT, and Bio-Digital control of human beings through Artificial Intelligence. The book will further explain the AI & Robotics Weaponizing goals in China and the attacks on The Trump Administration with AI. It will also disclose our facial, voice and other bio-metric data analysis on 1,000 top Big Tech CEO’s, Senior Engineers, as well as over 1,000 members of the press and high-profile media giants and their reporters. We used multiple human detection apparatus to decode their very building blocks that make up their thoughts led by AI Automation, and its inter-connectivity with the internet, one AI dominated platform, China and Western Corporations.
AI, robotics and bio-metric corporations are being used by China’s Communist Regime to advance its current and future goals in Weaponizing AI. China in collaboration with Western AI & Tech Corporations is acquiring assets internationally that have cataloged over 6 billion people’s bio-metric information, connecting the military, police, national security apparatus, academia, government and the private sector. We will expose some of more than 100 new AI Weaponization abilities at the hands of corporations and military that our research concluded in December of 2018 and include some new ones that no one is disclosing to the public.
Through the AI Brain Operating System, Deep Learning and Machine Learning: China along with some Western AI & Robotics Corporations are forming the ground-work to reach every nation & every sector with the power to monitor, track, control or kill people in mass with human-targeting technologies. Their reach includes all of AI, bio-metrics of voice, sound, touch, and motion-based recognition products that when developed can connect to the Human-Bio-Digital Network through Smart Phones, IoT, Drones, Automated Vehicles, Smart Cities, Holograms, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality. The findings and analysis are derived from researching and investigating roughly 500 Chinese AI & Bio-Metric Corporations, and over 600 AI and Tech companies in the western world.
In our findings, we were able to track multiple hidden AI movements that traveled through a bio-digital network that connects with the internet and the Human-Bio-Digital Network. The findings are alarming. We found extinction codes under one platform that is connected to all platforms. By tracking the AI, we discovered a process of Bio-Digital Social Programming of people through a replication software using Bio-Fields and Bio-Matter that connects machines with people via the Internet, Smart Phones, IoT devices, Apps and the media.
We discovered multiple AI patterns that were designed to push for an attack on the Trump Administration, and at the same time empower China’s dictatorship and some Western Tech Companies to expedite the AI’s development based on the groundwork that China is building with robotics. We also discovered, China was using AI and Bio-Metrics to hunt for people for the purpose of organ trafficking and development of their concentration camps. The book will use simple terms to expound on The AI Organization’s finding’s on Facial Recognition, the Human-Bio-Digital Network, Bio-Fields, Bio-Matter, MBT, Bio-Digital Social Programming, human cloning, and human extinction codes that were discovered. If you are a human being, and care about your family, you must read this book to understand what is Bio-Digital Social Programming, how it works through The Human-Bio-Digital Network and the coming AI Automated Robotics. The world is in danger via China. Knowledge must be had to obtain the Wisdom to Act.
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