Martin Luther King is assassinated in an FBI Conspiracy with James Earl Ray as the Patsy. Two months later, Robert F Kennedy is assassinated by a mind control assassin, Sirhan Sirhan. The My Lai Massacre, the mass murder of 347 to 504 unarmed citizens (the majority of them women and children) of the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam), occurs. Yuri Gagarin, the alleged first man in space dies mysteriously. The state used the JFK, RFK, MLK (all with connections to deep state intelligence) and UT Massacre (shooter on psychotropic drugs) to propose and pass the 1968 Gun Control Act. The worst U.S. Supreme Court in history continued its assault on the constitution and ruled that a law prohibiting the teaching of evolution in tax-supported schools is unconstitutional. In its 1968 yearly report, the Rockefeller Foundation acknowledged funding the development of so-called “anti-fertility vaccines” and their implementation on a mass-scale.
ALSO: Dr. Christian Barnard performs the first successful heart transplant; The first Big Mac goes on sale in McDonalds costing 49 cents; Boeing 747 made its maiden flight; Emergency 911 Telephone service is started in the USA; Hong Kong Flu pandemic; The Poor Peoples March on Washington, D.C Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia.
1960 | 1961 | 1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 | 1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969
2020s | 2010s | 2000-09 | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s | 1950s | 1940s | 1930s | 1920s | 1910s | 1900-09 | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s | 1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | Full Timeline | Top 100 Conspiracies

Rockefeller Foundation Developed Vaccines For “Mass-Scale” Fertility Reduction According to their 1968 Annual Report

Dr. Gerald Feinberg’s “The Prometheus Project” is First Published: Transhumanism Propaganda

Epperson v. Arkansas: The U.S. Supreme Court Ruled that a Law Prohibiting the Teaching of Evolution in Tax-Supported Schools is Unconstitutional

President Lyndon B. Johnson Signs the Gun Control Act of 1968 Making Gun Ownership a Privilege Rather than a Right

Ezra Taft Benson, Secretary of Agriculture and future President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Gives a Speech on the Proper Role of Government

Pedophile Roman Polanski Releases “Rosemary’s Baby,” an Occult Movie Involving Ritualistic Killings and MK Ultra

Protests and Riots of the Democratic National Convention in Chicago

Robert F Kennedy Assassinated by Mind Control Assassin, Sirhan Sirhan

John Lennon: “The World Is Run by Insane People”