Indria Ghandi assassinated, DNA profiling developed, Virgin Atlantic Starts Operations, Grand Hotel Brighton Bombing, Union Carbide Pesticide plant in Bhopal India leaks lethal gas, McDonalds Restaurant Shooting Leaves 20 dead. The Aids Virus is identified. Apple releases the Macintosh computer. Following the Widespread Famine in Ethiopia many of the top British and Irish USSR pop musicians join together under the Name Band Aid and record the song “Do They Know It’s Christmas”. Following the boycott by the US of the Moscow Olympics the soviet block boycotts the Los Angeles Olympic games. Recession continues to be a problem in the US and 70 US Banks fail in just one year.
1980 | 1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1984 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987 | 1988 | 1989
2020s | 2010s | 2000-09 | 1990s | 1980s | 1970s | 1960s | 1950s | 1940s | 1930s | 1920s | 1910s | 1900-09 | 1800s | 1700s | 1600s | 1500s | 1400s | 1300s | 1200s | Full Timeline | Top 100 Conspiracies

An Updated International Red Cross Audit Records a Total 282,077 Deaths of All Internees in all German Concentration Camps from All Causes.

Union Carbide Bhopal Gas Disaster: 25,000 Poisoned to Death & Over 500,000 Crippled

Grand Hotel Brighton Bombing in England Targeting PM Margaret Thatcher and her Cabinet, Kills Five

The Frank Fuster Case: Was He Protected as a Child Pornographer for the Elite?

FDA Changes Official Policy to Prohibit Casting Doubts about “Vaccine” Safety

‘Mars Exploration’ Report by CIA Clairvoyant

The Orce Man, another Failed Attempt to Connect the Still Missing Link to Evolution, was Exposed as Fraud

Agent Orange Lawsuit Settlement: DOW, Monsanto, and Five other Chemical Companies Agree Out of Court to $180 Million

Rex 84: A Federal Exercise in Preparation for Martial Law…. and an Extermination Plan for African-Americans and Latinos?