WTC 7 Not Destroyed by Fire, Concludes Final University of Alaska Fairbanks Report
The destruction of the 47-story World Trade Center Building 7 in New York City late in the afternoon of September 11, 2001, was not a result of fires, according to the much-anticipated final report issued today by researchers at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. The UAF team’s findings, which were the result of a four-year computer modeling study of the tower’s collapse, contradict those of the National Institute of ...

US Attorney General Barr invokes “State Secrets” to Cover Up Saudi Involvement in 9/11
On Thursday, September 12, one day after the 18th anniversary of the attacks on New York and Washington that killed nearly 3,000 people, a federal court filing revealed that Attorney General William Barr has asserted the "state secrets" privilege to block the release of an FBI report detailing extensive relations between some of the 19 hijackers and Saudi government officials. Victims of the attacks and their ...

CIA Agent Gives Sworn Statement: ‘We Brought Down The Twin Towers On 9/11’
A former US government intelligence agent who worked for the CIA during attacks on September 11th, 2001, has given a sworn affidavit stating that 9/11 was an inside job. The ex-CIA agent, who’s also an experienced commercial airline pilot, has blown the whistle on the destruction of the World Trade Center buildings, claiming that the three towers were actually brought down by controlled demolitions, and not by passenger planes that ...

New York Times Admits CIA Must Approve Everything It Publishes
The New York Times has been forced to (quietly - on Christmas Eve) admit to its readers that the CIA must approve every article they write before being published. When the NYT got criticised for redacting a recent op-ed about 9/11, they published an explanation to their readers in which they unintentionally confess that the White House and intelligence services control everything they print. Endofinnocence.com reports: As you can probably guess, ...

9/11 Consensus Panel Studies Refute NIST Claims
The Committee was co-founded by Elizabeth Woodworth, author and retired librarian for the British Columbia Ministry of Health, and Dr. David Ray Griffin, retired professor and author of more than 25 books, You can watch Professor Griffin speak on the research below: The 24-member 9/11 Consensus Panel – which includes physicists, chemists, engineers, commercial pilots, attorneys and lawyers – announced three new studies confirming the controlled ...

‘Gore Vidal: History of the National Security State’ is Published
In his 30s, after writing a series of mainstream novels, Gore Vidal decided to try his hand at historical fiction. This decision would set him on a path to waking up to the atrocities carried out by the United States dating back to Abraham Lincoln. Vidal was one of the first public figures to question the motives and wisdom of Lincoln—and he was lambasted for it ...

Black Ops Murder-Suicide of 9/11 Author Phillip Marshall
(Wayne Madsen) Retired United Airlines Captain Philip Marshall became an irritant to the Central Intelligence Agency and its favorite “kingdom,” the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, with his constant unraveling of the Saudi government’s connections to the 9/11 attack and his subsequent promise to expose even more “shocking” information about the 9/11 attack. After a multi-state investigation, WMR can now report that Philip Marshall and his two ...

The Toronto Hearings on 9/11 Terrorist Attack
On the tenth anniversary of the Attacks of September 11th, 2001, expert witnesses gathered at Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada to provide evidence-based research that called into question the official story of 9/11. Over a period of four days, these experts in Structural Engineering, Physics, Chemistry, and History gave researched and professional testimony to an international panel of distinguished judges. The panel of judges, in conjunction ...

Research Article: In Denial of Democracy: Social Psychological Implications for Public Discourse on State Crimes Against Democracy Post-9/11
Psychologist Laurie Manwell of the University of Guelph argues that the CIA-designed “conspiracy theory” label impedes cognitive function. She points out, in an article published in American Behavioral Scientist (2010), that anti-conspiracy people are unable to think clearly about such apparent state crimes against democracy as 9/11 due to their inability to process information that conflicts with pre-existing belief. Abstract Protecting democracy requires that the general public ...