Taking Back Our Stolen History
<span class="vcard">LeeF</span>

General William Livingston Made a Resolution of Congress that May 17th Should be Observed by All Colonies as a Day of Humiliation, Fast, and Prayer

General William Livingston made a resolution to Congress which passed without dissent: “We earnestly recommend that Friday, the 17th day of May be observed by …

Battle of Dorchester: General Washington Bold Plan to Take Back Boston is Foiled by Weather, but Maybe God kept His Young Army from a Battle they Could Not Win

Gen. Washington’s bold plan to take back Boston, would have trapped him on Dorchester Heights early in the war without an escape route in which …

Reverend John Peter Gabriel Muhlenburg Removes His Robe to Reveal his Colonel Uniform, Recruiting 300 Patriots to Enlist & Defend Liberty

Toward the end of 1775, Muhlenberg was authorized to raise and command as its colonel the 8th Virginia Regiment of the Continental Army. After George …