Taking Back Our Stolen History
Business Plan

Business Plan


I have put in thousands of dollars and thousands of hours over the last 5 years in preparing these websites. It started out just as a history site as I had accumulated a few hundred events in history that I had organized on Onenote in chronological order. I decided it would be good to share this alternative history and at least have it online where events could be tagged for easier sorting and possibly get suggested additions or revisions from others. I then found a glossary plugin and started adding glossary terms, later calling it the Wickedpedia. The other additions such as a store, classifieds, courses and crowdfunding seemed logical additions in order to monetize the site once a social media theme was added.

Now, I am ready for launch but need the expertise of someone with a background in internet business growth and a conservative, truthseeking patriot that will help develop the brand and culture.

For the right partner, no investment is necessary, only your ability to promote and build the brand, thus spreading the truths that are being hidden by our global elite. This is the most important thing, since so many are in a delusional stupor of deception, and unless they wake up to the impending tyranny that lies ahead, there will be no freedom of speech and none of these websites will be permitted to exist. HistoryHeist can be removed from the other 2 because I have invested the most time in it. For the other 2, Patriup.com and PATRIO.Tv, I would retain as little as 20% for the ideal partner or possibly 100%, becoming a paid consultant or contractor for a set period TBD. Basically, I’m open to possibilities. The vast majority of my time over the past 5 years has been dedicated to developing these sites. My funds are depleted. I have a patented home gym, and other future businesses I can build once I get some positive income from these sites, so these can sooner than later be your business to build, if preferred, or I can remain an owner/partner. Regardless, I will always be in the fight for truth and freedom.


See this link for the original document