Taking Back Our Stolen History
CNN Special Assignment (1985) “Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?”
CNN Special Assignment (1985) “Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?”

CNN Special Assignment (1985) “Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?”

“Over the past year CNN has repeatedly asked the Department of Defense and the Air Force about radio frequency weapons. After much resistance DoD finally said that the subject was too sensitive to discuss.”

Chuck DeCaro, first Special Assignment Correspondent for CNN | MMI and US Air Force academy graduate, Special Forces officer, DOD consultant and military strategist.

DeCaro: “Electronic mind control research is not new. A scientific milestone in this area came in the 1960s, when Dr. Jose Delgado demonstrated remote control over a “charging bull”. By connecting a radio antenna to electrodes inserted into the bull’s brain, proved that the animal’s aggressive impulses could be forded, electronically manipulating the bull’s muscle reflexes.

Delgado: “Do you realize the fantastic possibilities, if from the outside we could modify the inside? Could we give messages to the inside? But the beauty is that now we are not using electrodes.”

DeCaro: “In recent years Delgado has shown that the behavior of monkeys can be altered using low-power pulsating magnetic fields. But in these experiments there were no antenna implants.”

Delgado: “Any function in the brain, emotions, intellect, personality, well, will be perhaps modified by this non-invasive technology.”

DeCaro: “Delgado’s research has so far been limited to animals”.

“But in the Soviet Union a radio frequency or RF device has been used for over 30 years to manipulate the moods of mental patients. It’s called a LIDA machine.” (Please refer to a previous post)

From CNN Special Assignment (1985) “Weapons of War, Is there an RF Gap?” (Electromagnetic frequency weapons, RF weapons)

By CNN Special Assignment Correspondent Chuck DeCaro (U.S. Air Force Academy graduate, Special Forces officer, DOD consultant)

Additional information on Jose Delgado’s research: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jos%C3%A9_Manuel_Rodr%C3%ADguez_Delgado#Research

CNN reporter asks scientists to reproduce RF mind-interference machine from data found in Soviet scientific literature and test it on him. He reports the induced visual effects.

(DeCaro) “CNN enlisted the help of noted physicist Dr. Elizabeth Rausher and electrical engineer Bill VanBise to build and test an RF mind-interference machine from data found in Soviet scientific literature. The machine itself was inexpensive and easy to construct using parts from a consumer electronics store. It emits a weak magnetic field pulsed at extremely low frequency.

As the subject of the test, I was blindfolded and my ears were blocked to prevent inadvertent clues as to what was happening. A magnetic probe was placed about eighteen inches from my head. As the experiment began, two signal generators produced waveform patterns that were transmitted by the magnetic probe at about one 1/1000 of the Earth’s natural magnetic field strength.”


VanBise (watching a chart recorder): “Describe anything that you see, if any.”

(DeCaro) In the control room, VanBise varied the waveforms being generated. In another room, I could see waveforms changing shape in my mind.


DeCaro: A parabola just went by.

VanBise: Oh, yeah, I just flipped the switch. Parabola?

Rausher: Uh-huh.

VanBise (makes note on the chart): Alright. Let’s see. Check this out. That’s what happened, I flipped the switch.


DeCaro: A spike right there!

VanBise: I dramatically changed the generator; I stepped it by ten right here, and the intermix from the two generators was right where you said that you saw a spike.


(DeCaro): VanBise says that when I fail to see any change it was because he had not set the proper frequency and power levels.

(DeCaro): Later, I asked VanBise what a weapon using this technology could do.


VanBise: Induce basically what would be considered hallucinations in people; direct them to do things against their so-called better judgement.

DeCaro: How easy would it be to assemble a weapon from existing off-the-shelf parts?

VanBise: Three weeks, I could put together a weapon that would take care of a whole town.

DeCaro showed the results of the test to Dr. Robert Becker, a two-time Nobel nominee for his work in the biological effects of electromagnetism and received comments.

CNN requests Dr. Becker’s opinion on the experiment

(DeCaro) “We showed the results of our test to Dr. Robert Becker a two-time Nobel nominee for his work in the biological effects of electromagnetism”

Becker: “This is a very significant experiment because it carries our understanding of how vision is actually performed a step further, into the mystery.

(DeCaro) He said he thought the machine caused the disturbance in the brain’s interpretation of vision and as such could be used as a weapon.

Becker: “That kind of a disturbance in the visual system could markedly influence the operations of a fighter pilot, a helicopter pilot. Or even as simple an aberration in the visual field as making everyone seeing double or everyone having their visual field jitter like a poorly-adjusted television screen.

The effect of that upon the efficiency with which an Army and Air Force or a Navy would operate would be catastrophic.”

DeCaro: “More of our RF weapons in my next report. Chuck de Caro, CNN special assignments”

On Mind Control Weapons

(DeCaro) “Dr. James Fraser (image) did electromagnetic research for the U.S. Air Force for many years. At one time he proposed a battlefield RF weapons system.”

“You could make a an antenna that would be carriable by a helicopter and this could be expected to produce a wide variety of symptoms actually, by humans who happen to be standing in the beam.”

(DeCaro)”According to Dr. Fraser the Air Force never followed up.”

“At the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory another RF weapons concept is nicknamed the brain bomb. According to (…) the brain bomb would focus on nuclear blast into a huge pulse of low frequency RF energy that would stun huge numbers of troops. Apparently, it too has not yet been funded.”

(DeCaro)”Though the official Defense Department explanation of the Woodpecker is that it is an over-the-horizon Radar designed to track U.S. missile launches, some scientists suspect that the Woodpecker is designed to interfere with human brain function.”

Dr. Becker: “As far as I am concerned, the potential that this has for producing a direct psychoactive effect upon a total American population is there, has never been disproven.”

(DeCaro)”Dr. Robert Becker is a pioneer in the field of bioeffects of electromagnetism.”

Dr. Becker: “The single range within which the Woodpecker operates is that which has been reported by many investigators to produce a tranquilizing effect upon animals.”

Dr. Beck: “We are just incredibly sensitive to these magnetic stimuli.”

(DeCaro)”Dr. Bob Beck, a PhD in nuclear engineering has done extensive research into electromagnetic effects on humans.”

Dr. Beck: “The signal was permeating power grids in the United States, it was being picked up by power lines, reradiated, it was coming into the homes in light circuits.”

Dr. Vilenskaya: “I was surprised after coming here that the influence of electromagnetic fields was almost completely ignored here.”

(DeCaro) Dr. Larissa Vilenskaya was heavily involved in Soviet electromagnetic research before being allowed to immigrate to the United States. She told CNN about Soviet research in electromagnetic effects.

Dr. Vilenskaya: “They demonstrated theoretically and also demonstrated experimentally that low frequency, low energy electromagnetic fields also possess biological efficiency because any field not only carries energy but also carries information.”

(DeCaro)”She stated that the research was carried out on orders from the Soviet government.”

Dr. Vilenskaya: “Of course the military were interested in this potential for influence (to promote influence).”

(DeCaro)”Is the United States military working in the field of electronic mind control?”

“Officially the Department of Defense will not comment because the subject area is quote “too sensitive”. But CNN has learned from this government scientist who did not want to be identified that a Navy laboratory conducted research into the use of an RF device for counterterrorism and special operations.”

Scientist: “It’s possible to entrain a certain percentage of a population apparently with weak magnetic fields”.

“The study also showed that RF signals could dissolve certain types of rat brain cells at a distance causing disorientation and nausea” According to the scientist: “Even though the program was successful, the government never followed up on it”.

Source: https://www.information-book.com/electromagnetic-harassment-health-attacks/cnn-rf-weapons-mind-control/