An organized group of homosexuals who use extortion and other illicit methods to exert a controlling influence over a particular industry or field. The Gay or Velvet Mafia can mainly be found in three industries or fields: the media; Hollywood; and the Catholic Church, according to a report by Dr. Eowyn (see below). The gay mafia is an extension of a secret society, the Illuminati, that have infiltrated these main influential fields, to destroy Christianity and Christian values, free governments, and the liberties of the human race so that they can eliminate moral men and women that have resisted their takeover efforts to form a New World Order. It is an overall Satanic agenda to corrupt the hearts and minds of man through entertainment, manipulative or fake news, and by undermining Christianity – its values and teachings, from within its largest organization, the Catholic church. A velvet mafia also exists in politics to smear conservative politicians that are against gay marriage and other LGBT agendas promoted by the powerful elite. Many elite have often engaged in homosexual acts as initiation into secret societies that offer connections for their own political, sexual, or financial aspirations.
The Gay Mafia and America’s aggressive homosexual agenda
One of FOTM’s faithful readers recently sent me an email of palpable frustration, a sentiment I share and no doubt by you as well. She wrote:
Is it just me or is something really in the perverted wind of this country? I turn on the TV and suddenly on a soap I have watched decades, a character who has been on there for a few years is suddenly a transgender. I watch a Sunday show on PBS, “Calling the Midwife,” and suddenly a supposedly happily married man sexually approaches a stranger in a man’s restroom. Some of my favorite shows, like “CSI” have gay characters, and the list goes on. ABC-Disney is making a sitcom about the life of a gay man, Dan Savage, who is one of the nastiest-mouthed human beings out there.
How can 4% of the population control 80% of the viewing?
I saw a couple of years ago that Obama’s senior adviser Valerie Jarrett went to Hollywood and demanded changes. A few months ago, Ulsterman wrote that Jarrett was overheard in OUR White House bragging they have so much more to do to us…. Our viewing choices are shrinking daily. Not to mention the sad world we are leaving the children.
Indeed, how can such a small percentage of the population — the percentage of self-identified LGBTs in the U.S. population actually is less than 2% — control so much of entertainment, the media, and pop culture?
Here’s how.
Ever heard of the Gay Mafia? This is Wikipedia’s definition:
The “Gay Mafia” and “Velvet Mafia” are typically associated with the upper echelons of the fashion and entertainment industries, and the terms are also used humorously by gay people themselves. The term was widely used in the 1980s and 1990s, and could often be seen in the pages of the New York Post…. “Lavender Mafia” refers to the perceived homosexual elements of life within the Catholic church.
But Wikipedia doesn’t go far enough because the word “mafia” is undefined. This is how the Oxford Dictionaries defines “mafia”:
- An organized international body of criminals, operating originally in Sicily and now especially in Italy and the US and having a complex and ruthless behavioral code.
- Any organized group using extortion and other criminal methods.
- A closed group of people in a particular field, having a controlling influence.
Clearly, definition no. 1 is not appropriate for the Gay Mafia because it’s not about Sicily or Italians. Definitions nos. 2 and 3 are more appropriate. The term “Gay Mafia” therefore may be defined as:
An organized group of homosexuals who use extortion and other illicit methods to exert a controlling influence over a particular industry or field.
The term Velvet Mafia is actually credited as being coined by New York Times writer Steven Gaines in the early to mid 1970’s. He felt it was a slightly more elegant term to use to refer to a group of powerful gay men that frequented Studio 54 in New York City. The truth be told, the people that were originally cited as the Velvet Mafia were David Geffen, Calvin Klein, Truman Capote, Barry Diller, Andy Warhol, Jann Wenner, Sandy Gallen, and Halston. This was the core group of people that frequented Studio 54. Over the years though many more were added to the list including Freddie Mercury, Elton John, Rosie O’Donnell, Ellen Degeneress, and basically anyone that was gay and garnered some level of success.
The Gay Mafia can be found in at least three industries or fields: the media; Hollywood; and the Catholic Church.
Ever heard of an organization called the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA)?
According to the NLGJA’s web site:
The National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association (NLGJA) is an organization of journalists, media professionals, educators and students who work within the news industry to foster fair and accurate coverage of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues. NLGJA opposes all forms of workplace bias and provides professional development to its members.
Wikipedia says the NLGJA, based in Washington, D.C., was founded in 1990. It currently has about 700 members in the U.S. and abroad, primarily journalists and students in print, broadcast, and online media.
The NLJGA exerts its influence over journalism and the media in the following ways:
- From its inception, NLJGA hosts an annual convention inviting their members to participate in top-level training sessions, thought-provoking discussions, and social and professional networking events.
- The organization’s most noteworthy tangible contribution to the journalism industry is the NLGJA Stylebook Supplement on LGBT Terminology — a guide used by journalists when writing about the LGBT “community.”
- “Sexual orientation in the workplace” seminars, offered free of charge to news organizations, provides an LGBT-friendly office environment for homosexual journalists, and pushes for domestic partnership benefits at newspapers across the nation.
- The seminars evolved into the Newsroom Outreach Project — meetings with broadcast, print and online newsroom leaders across the country on correct terminology and treatment of LGBT in the workplace.
- Rapid Response Task Force is a team of LGBT journalists who address any news piece that readers report as being offensive or inaccurate and inform writers and readers of the correct terminology.
- Student outreach via the NLGJA Student Central website, which provides support to young journalists in their early years with scholarships and internships, online networking opportunities, articles about LGBT issues in journalism, student project opportunities, NLGJA membership information, and links to online resources.
The video below is about a NLGJA fundraiser on April 16, 2015 in New York City’s Prince George Ballroom which featured an auction of items of the Chippendale male strippers. Attendees included ABC’s Meredith Viera (who was the main speaker), CNN president Jeff Zuckerman, and other media stars from the big networks CNN, MSNBC and Fox News.
The video’s narrator, news media watchdog Accuracy In Media (AIM) editor Cliff Kincaid, says that the NLGJA is subsidized by the media on both the left and the so-called right (Fox). According to the UK’s Digital Spy, in 2006, CNN donated $100,000 (!) to the NLGJA.
Kincaid warns that the next phase of NLGJA’s media campaign is paving the way for America’s acceptance of “transgendered rights,” and after that, of the sado-masochistic “leather community.”
WND also warns about a coming “media blitz” to “normalize transgenderism.” Former Olympian champion Bruce Jenner’s “I’m a woman” coming-out as a male-to-female transgender on an ABC primetime special with Dianne Sawyer is only the beginning.
That there’s a powerful homosexual clique in the entertainment industry is no secret. Perhaps the most infamous “outing” of Hollywood’s Gay Mafia was that by former Hollywood powerhouse Michael Ovitz, “the man who once was king.” In 2002, in a series of interviews with Vanity Fair magazine’s Bryan Burrough, Ovitz blamed his downfall on the vicious backstabbing by Hollywood’s Gay Mafia.
Note: Ovitz is a Hollywood talent agent who co-founded Creative Artists Agency (CAA) in 1975 and served as its chairman until 1995, after which he briefly was president of the Walt Disney Company from October 1995 to January 1997.
According to Burrough, a “driving factor” in Ovitz’s decision to do the Vanity Fair interviews was his “burning need to name names, to throw light on the shadowy Hollywood cabal he believes did him in. He calls it the Gay Mafia, though several of its ‘members’ aren’t gay, and much of what he says about these men is nasty and unprintable. In Ovitz’s eyes the cabal’s demagogic leader . . . is [David] Geffen, laying waste to all Ovitz held dear, spreading rumors about his family, at the same time he was poisoning the business deals that would have saved AMG [Artists Management Group]—all things Geffen denies.” Geffen’s partners in crime, Ovitz alleges, include former Disney C.E.O. Michael Eisner, the New York Times, and Ovitz’s onetime protégés at the Creative Artists Agency, Bryan Lourd, Kevin Huvane, and Richard Lovett.
Note: David Geffen is the openly homosexual co-founder, with director Steven Spielberg, of DreamWorks.
According to Ovitz, “David [Geffen] tries to destroy everything close to me. He went after my kids. He spread rumors about them. The guy is totally immoral, and he paints himself like this priest.” The vehicle Geffen repeatedly used to sabotage Ovtiz’s image is New York Times’ Hollywood correspondent Bernard Weinraub, whom Ovitz called the Gay Mafia conspiracy’s town crier and who wrote a list of nasty articles on Ovitz over the years. Ovitz claimed he had twice met with the newspaper’s senior staff, including publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., but “it’s been no use.” As Ovitz put it, “Geffen comes up with the spin, and Weinraub parrots it back, quoting the same people over and over. There’s no balance in their coverage of me. None. Zero.”
Ovitz was never able to recover. Today, the man who once ruled Hollywood has almost completely disappeared in the aftermath of the smear campaign by Geffen and the Gay Mafia that rules Hollywood.
Even the Catholic Church has a “lavender mafia” that, while not exerting the kind of power and influence on American culture as the media and Hollywood Gay Mafia, nevertheless works to corrupt the church and undermine its teachings.
In an article for Life Site News, John Westen describes a 2012 paper written by Polish priest and Ph.D. in Philosophy Fr. Dariusz Oko, “With the Pope Against the Homoheresy,” in which Fr. Oko recounted his discovery of a “huge homosexual underground in the Church.”
Fr. Oko writes that “I began my work as a struggle against a deadly, external threat to Christianity, but then gradually discovered that the enemy is not only outside the Church, but within it, as well,”
Oko reveals his own run in with a homosexual clique in the Roman Catholic Church blocking justice for those abused by homosexual clergy, headed by the homosexual Archbishop Emeritus of Poznań, Juliusz Paetz. Oko learned of the archbishop “from a seminarian who told me, all trembling from emotions and terror, about his having been molested by his own ordinary. He was at a brink of losing faith, as well as mental and spiritual integrity. Our interventions at various levels of Church hierarchy were of no avail, however; we encountered a wall that could not be overcome, even in a case as self-evident as that.” What finally broke through the wall, was “a tremendous commotion in the media and reaching the Pope [Benedict XVI] himself. Otherwise, everything was blocked at lower levels of local or Vatican hierarchy.”
Describing the formation of homosexual cliques of clergy Fr. Oko says:
They know well, however, that they may be exposed and embarrassed, so they shield one another by offering mutual support. They build informal relationships reminding of a clique or even mafia, aim at holding particularly those positions which offer power and money.
When they achieve a decision-making position, they try to promote and advance mostly those whose nature is similar to theirs, or at least who are known to be too weak to oppose them. This way, leading positions in the Church may be held by people suffering from deep internal wounds.
They may actually achieve a dominating position in many areas of church hierarchy, become a “backroom elite” which actually has tremendous power in deciding about important nominations and the whole life of the Church. Indeed, they may even prove to be too powerful for honest, well-meaning bishops.
Fr. Oko also wrote about “the fear and confusion of the clergy, particularly in certain dioceses and congregations, when faced with” the topic of homosexuality. The clergy “escape into silence, unable to articulate even elementary statements on the teaching of the Church on the subject. What are they afraid of? Where does that fear in entire groups of mature, adult men come from? They must be afraid of some influential lobby which wields its power and which they may fall into disfavor with.”
Fr. Oko maintains that Pope Benedict XVI was well aware of this subculture within the Church, publicly lamented its “filth” and the damage it had caused, and “made cleansing the Church from homosexual abuse and preventing its reoccurrence in the future one of the priorities of his pontificate. He removed compromised clergymen from their offices with much energy. In the very first months following his election, still in 2005, he had an instruction issued to strictly forbid ordaining untreated homosexuals. The instruction was preceded by a letter sent from the Holy See to bishops around the world, ordering that priests with homosexual tendencies be immediately removed from any educational functions at seminaries.” Later in 2008, the Pope issued a directive forbidding even non-practicing homosexuals from becoming seminarians.
Ominously, when Fr. Oko wrote his paper in late 2012, he warned that the homolobby “represents the very centre of internal opposition against the Pope” and that Pope Benedict XVI “cannot do it all by himself.” He “needs each and everyone of us. He needs support and healthy preaching in every local Church . . . defending the truth of salvation, no matter how much it should cost us.” Fr. Oko said that “If homolobbyists are allowed to act freely, in a dozen or so years they may destroy entire congregations and dioceses,” resulting in “entire countries and nations” leaving the Church.
It is the contention of Leo Zagami, author of Pope Francis: The Last Pope?, that Pope Benedict XVI resigned because of the power of the church’s homosexual underground.
This is what Fr. Oko urges faithful Catholics to do:
- Recognize the priests who are homosexual: Fr. Oko warns that active homosexual priests are “devious” and “masters of camouflage.” Although members of the homolobby are a relatively small group, they often hold key positions (which they are very anxious to achieve), create a close network of relationships and support one another, “which is what makes them dangerous.” One way to recognize them is “by their fruit” (cf. St. Matthew 7:16).
- The homosexual mafia in the Church must be dealt with in a very professional way. We must act like a prosecutor or an officer in the battlefield.
- It is important that we find a large group of people of goodwill to protect us and support what we do. That group should include clergymen, as high in the hierarchy as possible; experts in various fields; archive records specialists; lawyers; policemen; journalists; and as many believers as possible.
- Exchange information, documents, and evidence. The global network of homolobbies and homomafias must be counterbalanced by a network of honest people.
- Make use of the Internet, an excellent tool that makes it possible to create a global community of people concerned about the fate of the Church.
- Be mindful that we are like “sheep sent among wolves,” and so we must be “as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves” (St. Matthew 10:16). We must have the courage to stand up against evildoers, as Christ had the courage to stand up against the Pharisees of his times. “God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:7).
- All interventions should be made with utmost respect and love for every person, including the abuser.
A fourth ‘gay mafia’ is considered to exist in the political arena. Considering the numerous pedophile rings that have been discovered and investigated in the last 25 years and the glass ceiling that exists to prevent investigations that always seem to lead upwards to men in high political positions of government – be it prince, parliament, congress, president, police chief, etc. – overwhelming evidence has existed against this elite group, but the investigations are shut down by these powerful men to prevent exposure. Consider ‘The Finders’ pedophile group, the Jimmy Saville investigations in England, the exposed pedophile ring in Australia, networks in Belgium, Mexico, Portugal, Venezuala, Afghanistan’s Bacha Bazi Boys, and rings in Asia, Africa and many other countries among the highest levels.