(b. Jan 29, 1970) was the Speaker of the House of Representatives from 2015 to 2019 and was the Republican nominee for Vice President in the Presidential Election 2012, as selected by Mitt Romney on August 11. In 2016, Ryan initially declined to support GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and as a result, faced a spirited primary challenge backed by Sarah Palin. Speaker Ryan knew the DOJ was spying on Deven Nunes’s staff in the Trump Russia collusion hoax and kept it hidden from his fellow Republican lawmaker. Ryan was reelected for another term but then retired at the age of 47, rather than face a challenge to his reelection in 2018. As Speaker of the House, he accomplished little and lost the GOP majority in 2018. After he left Congress, he moved to the Washington, D.C. area despite not residing there while he was a congressman.[1] He also joined the Board of Directors of the parent corporation for the Fox News Channel.
Ryan is a Never-Trumper who in late 2022 publicly opposed his nomination by the GOP for president in 2024.[2] A sell-out to the liberal media and the Establishment, Ryan gushed on ABC’s “This Week” in praise of tyrant Nancy Pelosi after she was repudiated by voters that Pelosi somehow had “a career to be proud of!”[3]
Paul Ryan has repeatedly caved into the homosexual agenda, beginning as early as 2007 when he voted for special rights for homosexuals in the EDNA bill. Subsequently, he supports adoption by homosexual couples, and changing the military to appease the homosexual movement. Ryan also cast votes in favor of funding amnesty, in favor of bailing out Wall Street (TARP), and in favor of a budget that continued funding for Planned Parenthood. Ryan used his power in the House to punish conservative members, and was a cheerleader to transfer power to Obama with the Trade Promotion Authority. Simply put, Paul Ryan is a puppet for the Establishment.
He claims a pro-life voting record throughout his numerous terms as U.S. Representative for Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District, but has almost no legislative pro-life achievements. He is the chairman of the House Budget Committee. Because Ryan ran for re-election to Congress while being the 2012 Vice Presidential candidate, he was able to continue in public service despite his defeat for Vice President.
In the only vice presidential debate, Paul Ryan defeated liberal Joe Biden by a 48–44% margin, according to a CNN poll.
Ryan publicly endorsed Romney in March 2012, while the more conservative candidates of Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich were still in the race, and even “asked Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich to bow out.”[4]
Ryan is an “Inside the Beltway” type – he began as a congressional staffer and has never held a serious job in the private sector. While he has indicated support for reducing government, some of the specifics in his economic proposals have not been particularly conservative or helpful politically to the Republican Party.[5] His selection as the Republican Vice President 2012 focused national attention on his economic ideas, steering media attention away from social issues.
Ryan has been criticized for holding big government and globalist positions.[5] Some have criticized Ryan as being a “big spending conservative.” He also supports mass migration, amnesty for illegal aliens, and globalist trade policies.[6][7][8] Ryan has aligned with the Koch brothers.[9] While voicing pro-life positions, Ryan has a mixed record on abortion issues.[10] He called James Comey a man of integrity, “as far as I know”, despite Comey admitting to leaking and being influenced by politics when investigating senior political officials.[11] After leaving Congress, Ryan joined the board of Fox News, where he pushed for the network to turn against President Trump.[12]