Earth life is meant to be a test to see if we are willing to obey God. As immortal spiritual beings, we are given the opportunity to gain a body of flesh and blood, but overcome the passions, appetites, and desires of the natural body. We are spiritual beings going through a mortal experience, or probationary period – not mortal beings that can have spiritual experiences. God knows who we aeach are and what we are capable of. Satan seeks to destroy each of us by enslaving us to sin or those who wish to control us through their own sinful and corrupt ways – having no control of their appetites, passions, and desires – and use or seek power to fulfill their desires.
To the Illuminati, Lucifer, or Satan (they are the same thing)—is good. Philosophically, religiously, whatever—it doesn’t matter. Lucifer is good to them. Lucifer is symbolically the savior because of the forbidden knowledge, self-awareness, and intellectual reasoning he (figuratively, metaphorically, or literally) gives humans with the ability to think rationally and this elevates them to a God among all other animals on earth.
Lucifer, and the Illuminated have monopolized truth. They monopolize truth by deceiving the masses with pseudoscience, false reality, and distracting them with mundane things. The illuminated reveal only portions of knowledge (originally revealed by the true God, but stolen and monopolized) to those who are sworn to secrecy. Those introduced to it and show a propensity for corruption are given more and more knowledge as they go deeper and deeper into the occult religions of Luciferianism and Satanism.
“Thus “SATAN,” once he ceases to be viewed in the superstitious, dogmatic, unphilosophical spirit of the Churches, grows into the grandiose image of one who made of terrestrial a divine MAN; who gave him, throughout the long cycle of Maha-kalpa the law of the Spirit of Life, and made him free from the Sin of Ignorance, hence of death.” (Blavatsky, Helena – The Secret Doctrine V I p. 198)
“Thus Lucifer – the spirit of Intellectual Enlightenment and Freedom of Thought – is metaphorically the guiding beacon, which helps man to find his way through the rocks and sand banks of Life, for Lucifer is the Logos in his highest.” – Blavatsky, H.P. – The Secret Doctrine v. II p. 162
Since the devil and his angels were cast out of Heaven, they weren’t given the opportunity to have a physical body of flesh and bones, but they often seek to possess the bodies of mortal beings. There are many such instances recorded in scripture (Matt. 9:32; 12:22; Mark 1:24; 5:7; Luke 8:30; Acts 19:15). In Ancient Egypt, Satan promised an alliance to a few people who became the Mystery School members, and are known as the Brotherhood of the “Children of the Fire”. According to author and former high-ranking Satanist Daniel Mastral, there are two kinds of portals where these cast down demons seek to possess human bodies:
- Portals to the body which allow demons to interact and control humans through demonic possession. The most basic ritual is channeling, where a medium lets a spirit talk through his mouth, dispensing counseling and commands. Blood sacrifices, symbols, music, drugs and special meditation permit a higher level of demonic attachment and consequently, more spiritual powers to the follower. These powers are the classic occult tricks of divination, telepathy (in fact messages delivered by demons), creation of fire, telekinesis, etc. These are not enhancements on the individual, but merely deeds done by spirits to look like the person has “evolved”. More advanced followers can leave their bodies and perform astral projection, where they move around in their spirits, while their bodies are resting. In this condition, they can also visit and interact with demonic spirits. The whole hierarchy in Satanism depends on power and the level of the demon who is “residing” with the person, his protector. Usually people with long family ties with the occult have the most powerful demons by their sides. Strong demons can indeed inflict disease and create accidents, and fights among satanists are common. Fortunately, they can’t harm true Christians, who are protected by the Holy Spirit and angels from God.
- Portal to Earth are more complicated. According to Mastral, reality is comprised of nine dimensions which overlap in space but are separated in practice. He gives us the metaphor of an elevator. Spirits from more elevated dimensions can go down to lower floors, but no one can go up. We live in the fourth dimension. Below us there are several powerful demons who have been imprisoned by God as judgement. Lucifer is the only evil spirit to visit the ninth and highest plane. Some portals are temporary and some, the most important ones, are permanent. Temporary portals depend on exact timing and special alignment of the dimensions, and this knowledge is beyond our science or perception. That’s why occultists obsess with numerology, gematria and astrology; for these are the tools that allow the calculations to be performed in order to profit from the portals to contact high level spirits.
Blood Sacrifices
Evil spirits cannot manifest in the middle of Fifth Avenue. They need the strong energy created in blood rituals in order to materialize. But once the ritual ends, they must go. More stable contact can only be achieved through portals. Permanent portals are the main objective of Satanists (they like to be called children of Lucifér, with stress in the last syllable). According to Mastral, there are 90 of them, and 72 have been opened by the turn of the century. Nine more had been opened by 2006 and the last the last nine were apparently in 2013. The exact conditions for the openings of these portals are known only to few witches of the highest rank. We can expect that they require huge amounts of human sacrifice and psychic energy. A great honor given to a Satanists is to be able to pass through one of these portals and meet demonic powers in their “home turf”. In this process, there is a temporal shift, with minutes on Earth meaning hours in the other plane (much like what happens in “alien” abductions). Satan’s hope is that with the opening of the last portals, powerful demons from lower dimensions will be able to come to earth and eventually, interact with humankind. They will not present themselves as demons, but as benevolent aliens and evolved spirits of light.
Blood drinking is not about human youth and longevity –Blood Drinking is nourishment for demons ! Blood drinking keeps the demons strong.
In the upside down world of evil the “perverse reverse” –the life is in the blood not for the humans but for the demons that are hosting in the bodies of the humans. Humans actually get sick from the consumption of human blood–a disease called kuru. The human bodies do age and look horrible from the abuse the demons wreak havoc on their physical bodies. Demons don’t sleep and they can make a human stay up 3 days straight, thus destroying the physical appearance of the human body. However, at some point the demons have to take care their human host or they will kill it. And then they have the difficulty of finding another host. And every body full of demons has one leader.
The demons are energized and fortified by the tortured adrenalized blood of children. The process to trick people into becoming reprobates, thus losing their soul, mind and body is very sophisticated and requires small steps designed to slowly bring demons into their bodies. “They” want to build a legion of demons to fully mind control and take over. MK Ultra Programing is a demonization program. Mind control is done via demons according to some affiliated with the process.
There are many steps and paths to open one to demons. One important part of the process is getting the victim to become vegetarians. After years of vegetarianism “They” introduce a little blood in a ritual –that opens one to Blood Lust Demons and then the victim is overrun and taken over. The victim is no longer human — the body is human but the mind and spirit is Legion.
In Revelations 9:1-2, John witnesses Satan turn the key to unleash the very powers of hell on an unsuspecting world. Satan’s intent is to destroy the earth, and so too those that serve him. Previously, God has overmastered the plagues through his destroying angels, but Satan is permitted to direct operations from this point bringing the misery that fuels hell to the surface of the earth. The Greek for the KJV phrase “the key to the bottomless pit” literally translates to “the key to the shaft of the abyss,” the shaft, or portal, that leads to hell.
Satan, the great deceiver and counterfeiter
Satan tries to imitate the work of God by transforming himself nigh unto an angel of light (2 Cor. 11:12–15) thus deceiving his followers that he is god and the giver of light and knowledge. He is also a worker of miracles, by which he deceives many upon the earth (Rev. 13:1–15). In fact, John says that in the last days he ‘deceives the whole world’ (Rev. 12:9). He can cite scripture to make his point seem plausible (Matt. 4:1–11). He tries to persuade us to do evil, and to make those choices that will finally give him the mastery he was denied in the premortal existence—to have all power over us, to lead us captive at his will. All of this is his scheme to make man miserable like himself.
He has a counterfeit for everything as the adversary of opposition, an essential element in gaining true knowledge and understanding as man could not know hot if he did not know cold, good if he did not know evil and its consequences. Thus God must allow both good and bad in this world for our own benefit or destruction. He seeks to build his counterfeit kingdom which imitates the kingdom set up by the true God of this world, Jesus Christ, with his Councils of 13 vs Christ’s 12 apostles; he and his 2 beasts (one from the sea and one from the land) vs the true Godhead (God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost); his evil rituals vs the sacred rituals of Christ’s temples; his counterfeit principles (lust vs love, temporal gratification vs eternal glory, indulgence vs discipline, his scientific and medical miracles (typically fraudulent) vs unexplainable miracles that can only be the work of deity; immunity from sin (those in power don’t prosecute their own) vs forgiveness of sins from Christ (the only One worthy to excuse sin through His Eternal sacrifice); and many more counterfeits all meant to enslave mankind and bring about his evil designs.
By “worshiping” Satan and turning one’s back on God’s rules, it is possible to gain control over vast empires and gather enormous riches (see Matt 4:8-9 where Satan tempts even Christ with this counterfeit glory). But these gains come with a price which is not always seen at the time. Later, when repercussions come from breaking the rules, the empire and riches one had gained will become their very undoing.
Hybrids and DNA
Mastral tells us that some human individuals are indeed empowered by changes in their DNA. This can happen in three ways: demonic sexual spirits (incubus and succubus) can transport semen among humans; a demon possessed man can fertilize a woman, or, very rarely, a couple can pass through a portal and have sex in the other side. In all cases, the higher energy affects the embryo’s DNA in a way that makes it easier for the individual to interact with spirits and be a channel for more powerful psychic powers. Normal people can’t stand perfect possession from high level demons, the body would die, and that’s why channelers are always exhausted after a “session”. The Satanists’ goal is to eventually perfect a human who can stand a complete possession from a very high demon and exhibit powers never seen on Earth. This person may even exist today, and he will be the antichrist.
Even if you don’t believe in this weird spiritual reality, you should be very concerned that our globalist elite do, and that they require human blood for their plans. We live in the age of Alice Bailey’s Externalization of the Hierarchy, when centuries-old occult secrets will be revealed. The bad guys know that we know what they are doing, and we should expect open war soon. However, this is not a material war; it is a spiritual one: we have God on our side and his holy angels to protect us. Mastral himself decided to leave the group when he faced the fact that demons could not touch Christians. Satan knows he will be defeated, and wants to take as many as he can with him, while deceiving them with the promise of victory over God. Ultimately, we have to remember Jesus’ words: “I am the Way […] none comes to the Father but through Me”. God has given us a “portal” to a higher dimension and perfect evolution, through the sacrifice of His Son.
Recommended Reading:
- The Dark Gods, by Anthony Roberts and Geoff Gilbertson
- The Demonologist by Gerald Brittle
- Ouija The Most Dangerous Game by Stoker Hunt
- Messengers of Deception by Jacques Vallee
- The Beautiful Side of Evil by Johanna Michaelsen
- Dark Secrets of the New Age by Texe Marrs
- Blood Ritual by Philip de Vier
- Wicca; Satan’s Little White lie by William Schnoebelen
- The New Satanists by Linda Blood
- Satan’s Assassins by Brad Steiger and Warren Smith
- Inside the New Age Nightmare by Randall N. Baer
- Satan’s Underground by Lauren Stratford
- Transformation of America by Cathy O’Brien with Mark Phillips
See Chronoligical History of Events that involve Satanism

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Whistleblower: X-Factor Winner, Altiyan Childs, Reveals World’s Secret Religion

Lil Nas X Releases Nike ‘Satan Shoes’ That Contain Human Blood And Are Limited To 666 Pairs, Nike Sues

Rapper Azealia Banks Dug Up Her Dead Cat Named Lucifer and Cooked It on Instagram

The Vatican Unveils Bizarre 2020 Nativity Scene in St-Peter’s Square

Nxivm Sex Cult Founder Keith Raniere Sentenced To 120 Years In Prison

Disturbing MKULTRA and Child Abuse Paintings Displayed on Billboards in Italy for Affiche Week 2020

FBI & NYPD Raid Fashion Exec’s HQ in Pedophilia Sex Ring Investigation

Kobe Bryant Dies in Helicopter Crash