Taking Back Our Stolen History


Sports stars have become the idols of children across the globe in dozens of sports. They are put on a pedestal by media and masses turn out to worship their sport and its stars. These kids want to be like them and understand that in order to achieve this level of achievement and popularity, they must totally dedicate themselves to that sport just like their hero. Bay points out on his radio program that this required:

…a dedication and a zeal which had always been associated with religion. Olympic athletes, for example, train 6-7 days a week, for 2-8 hours daily, to prepare for the chance to win a gold medal. How many Christians in today’s world, but especially in America, show such dedication? Most American Christians today do not even read their Bibles on a daily basis, nor pray regularly.

Christians reading this might see the subtle, seemingly harmless guise used by Satan to lead many to glorify themselves as gods rather than glorifying He who can give eternal gifts that will never fade away, even He who died to save us all if we would only worship him and give him our glory.

Bay next examines our modern olympc games to determine if they are Paganistic as the original:

The Pagan places great emphasis upon symbols, because they secretly communicate Pagan spiritual knowledge to the initiated while simultaneously hiding such knowledge from the uninitiated.

Let us examine the symbols of the Modern Olympics. The Olympics utilizes three symbols: The Interlocking Rings, The Flame, and The Dove. I find it interesting that three symbols are utilized, because three is a critically important number to the Pagan. In fact, it is so important that he worships the number. New Age writer, Elizabeth Van Buren explains in her book, The Secret Of The Illuminati that the number three denotes the Pagan Trinity of Father, Mother, and Son. Further, three symbolizes spiritual balance and understanding, as denoted by the symbol of the Third Eye. The number three also is considered the first perfect spiritual number. This is symbolized by the Triangle, the most important figure in occultic Geometry. In fact, the Triangle is represented by the Pyramids, another symbol of the Pagan Trinity. Van Buren states that the Pyramid is a triangle, and “indicate(s) to man the nature of God..The Mystery knowledge has come to light in our time in order that man may at last understand the truth regarding his own divinity.” (p. 130). The number three is a critical number.

Bay gives more on each symbol in his full article HERE if you want to read it, but I’ll move on to the recent 2016 and the upcoming 2020 Olympic games to point out the research of some other alert patriots.  You will then see that the modern Olympic Games is just as occultic as the original Greek Games and that the Olympics are being deliberately utilized as a vehicle to overcome the difficult barrier of differing cultures and languages, paving the way for the establishment of the Satanic New World Order.

2016 Olympics

When you look at the map of the Rio Olympic site, you can clearly see a reversed pyramid. They have pushed the detail to such a point that even the eye (the all-seeing eye at the top of the pyramid) has been represented.

Here you clearly see a pentagram:

The Olympic flame is represented under a shape of sun referring to the sun (Lucifer) worship:

Here you have the satanic horn sign meaning “Hail Satan”

The Theme Song of the 2016 Rio Olympics:

There’s more 2016 Olympic symbolism here 

Professional Wrestling and the New World Order

Is there a sport that more closely resembles the New World Order than professional wrestling with all of its fakery and Hollywood style acting that many believe is as real as it gets? On 7 July 1996, a new faction of the wrestling world was formed by a small number of ‘elite’ wrestlers, consisting of Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Scott Hall, and Kevin Nash – best known for their appearances in World Championship Wrestling and the World Wrestling Federation, with the gimmick of an unsanctioned group of wrestlers aiming to “take over” and control WCW in the manner of a street gang. This they did, saving the dying ‘sport’ of professional wrestling and dominating programming for the next several years. They called themselves the New World Order or nWo for short.

Wikipedia documents the beginnings and history of the nWo of Professional Wrestling:

“The nWo storyline was an idea created by WCW Executive Vice President Eric Bischoff, whose inspiration for the angle came after attending New Japan Pro Wrestling’s Battle Formation show at the Tokyo Dome on April 29, 1996. The show was headlined by a NJPW vs. UWFi match for the IWGP Heavyweight Championship, as New Japan’s Shinya Hashimoto defeated UWFi’s Nobuhiko Takada. Bischoff wanted to do an invasion-type angle where WCW was being sabotaged by another wrestling group, initially insinuated as being the WWF, since the nWo’s founding members had previously wrestled for the company. The nWo was originally portrayed as a separate entity from WCW. Often, propaganda style vignettes and product commercials concerning the nWo were presented in the style of a broadcast signal intrusion, with a voice proclaiming, “The following announcement has been paid for by the New World Order“.

The match Bischoff promised, a six-man tag team match billed as the “Hostile Takeover match”, was scheduled as the main event of Bash at the Beach at the Ocean Center in Daytona Beach, Florida on July 7, 1996. Hall and Nash came to the ring by themselves, leaving speculation open as to who the third man was. Team WCW then entered with all three members wearing face paint as a sign of solidarity.”

Of course, the nWo elites won the match and afterwards, “Mean Gene Okerlund interviewed Hogan. During the interview, Hogan exclaimed, “Well, the first thing you gotta realize, brother, is this right here is the future of wrestling! You can call this the new world order of wrestling, brother!”. Hogan’s statement gave the group its name – the New World Order The show closed with the three wrestlers continuing to taunt the fans, who booed and pelted them with garbage.

In 1997, at nWo Souled Out, Hogan and The Giant fought to a no contest in the main event due to the nWo referee, Nick Patrick, being biased toward Hogan. (a judge biased to the NWO sure sounds familiar!)”

The Wikipedia history of the nWo takeover and reign offers some interesting parallels to the clandestine NWO elite that are attempting to take over the world and makes for an interesting read if you have time for the whole thing.

As you will hopefully see from this article, the globalist are using sports to condition us, not only to the term “new World Order”, but the actual acceptance of it as a Satanic world government and religion. Through Hollywood movies, TV shows, music, ads, and other media and entertainment, we are slowly and carefully being led away from God by a very deliberate pied piper. Sports and entertainment are not bad things, of course, but we must understand how Satan uses them against us so we aren’t unsuspecting victims.

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