Taking Back Our Stolen History


ARPANET, the Beginning of the Internet

Libertarians often cite the internet as a case in point that liberty is the mother of innovation. Opponents quickly counter that the internet was a government program, proving once again that markets must be guided by the steady hand of the state. In one sense the critics are correct, though not in ways they understand. The internet indeed began as a typical government program, the ARPANET, designed to share mainframe computing power and to establish a secure military communications network. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), now DARPA, of the United States Department of Defense, funded the original network.

Of course the designers could not have foreseen what the (commercial) internet has become. Still, this reality has important implications for how the internet works — and explains why there are so many roadblocks in the continued development of online technologies. It is only thanks to market participants that the internet became something other than a typical government program: inefficient, overcapitalized, and not directed toward socially useful purposes.

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Chronological History of Internet Related Events

Mark Zuckerberg Hacks the Harvard House Sites

Mark Zuckerberg Hacks the Harvard House Sites

This is the night of sophomore Mark Zuckerberg’s infamous hacking of the Harvard house sites. Zuckerberg wrote in his online diary that night: "let the hacking begin." Zuckerberg lived in Kirkland House, just a stone’s throw from Winthrop. Michael McKibben’s oldest son, now a surgeon, was a Harvard University student and member of the football team. He lived in Winthrop House as a junior. McKibben said ...
The Eclipse Foundation Releases Version 2.0.1 with Source Code Containing Substantial Innovations From Leader Technologies. IBM would Claim Copyrights.

The Eclipse Foundation Releases Version 2.0.1 with Source Code Containing Substantial Innovations From Leader Technologies. IBM would Claim Copyrights.

The Eclipse Foundation (IBM, Xerox, Hoffman La Roche, Bill Fenwick, Fenwick & West LLP) formed November 29, 2001 released Version 2.0.1. of a social networking software. IBM would claim copyrights. The source code contains substantial innovations from Leader Technologies supplied to IBM / Eclipse via James P. Chandler. James Chandler (also Leader's patent counsel at this time) met with Montgomery County, Maryland development officers to negotiate ...
NSA Whistleblowers, William Binney & Kirk Wiebe, Resign Because of the NSA's 'Acting in Deliberate Violation of the Constitution' with Massive Spying

NSA Whistleblowers, William Binney & Kirk Wiebe, Resign Because of the NSA’s ‘Acting in Deliberate Violation of the Constitution’ with Massive Spying

William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe are  National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, Binney developed a revolutionary information processing system called ThinThread that, arguably, could have detected and prevented the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but NSA officials ignored the program in favor of Trailblazer, a program that not only ended in total failure, but cost ...
Judicial Conference is Held which Begins the "Safe Harbor" Mutual Fund Washington Bribery Scam that Permits Judges and Politicians to Hide Conflicting Stocks

Judicial Conference is Held which Begins the “Safe Harbor” Mutual Fund Washington Bribery Scam that Permits Judges and Politicians to Hide Conflicting Stocks

On Mar. 14, 2001, the Judicial Conference made sweeping changes to its ethics advisory, opening the door for widespread abuse of mutual fund exemptions that gave judges and judicial employees an excuse to hide their investments in deep-pocketed litigants behind a so-called mutual fund "safe harbor" opinion. James Chandler's influence in these changes is confirmed by Washington, D.C. sources. Jan Horbaly, Clerk of Court and Executive, ...
Vice President Al Gore told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "I took the initiative in creating the Internet."

Vice President Al Gore told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer: “I took the initiative in creating the Internet.”

Vice President Al Gore told CNN's Wolf Blitzer: "I took the initiative in creating the Internet." Hindsight shows that this may have been a Freudian slip since Gore was in on the planning of the Deep State shadow government's plan for a rogue element within the C.I.A. to take over the Internet. Since Clinton came to power in 1993, this global surveillance grid was not accountable ...
A White Paper Titled "Unrestricted Warfare" is Published by Two China PLA Colonels

A White Paper Titled “Unrestricted Warfare” is Published by Two China PLA Colonels

While the Chinese use of cyber and economic warfare is no surprise to anyone who has been paying attention, it may well be worthwhile to look into some of the literature the Chinese People’s Liberation Army has produced on the subject. As our own Coriolanus has pointed out, the Chinese have announced everything they’ve done; it’s just been overlooked in the mass of documentation and communication (with ...
Lotus, the go-to Communications and Collaboration Platform of the C.I.A., is Sold to IBM

Lotus, the go-to Communications and Collaboration Platform of the C.I.A., is Sold to IBM

Lotus sold to IBM. Lotus was the go-to communications and collaboration platform of the C.I.A. By the late 1990's, the government bagan to discover that Lotus Notes could not handle the large scale collaboration requirements of the Internet. That is when IBM advisor James P. Chandler met Michael McKibben and Leader Technologies who had invented what is now called 'social networking' in 2000. Chandler and IBM ...
Bill Clinton appointed John M. Deutch as C.I.A. Director

Bill Clinton appointed John M. Deutch as C.I.A. Director

Belgian born Bilderberg attendee (1998-2002) John Deutch became Director of Central Intelligence in May 1995. The New York Times reported in July 1995 that on his appointment, Deutch "moved quickly to change things, Frederick Hitz [Inspector General of the Central Intelligence Agency] was the only senior official who kept his job." On November 15, 1996, Deutch was at Locke High School in Los Angeles at a town ...
Deep State Puppets Sponsor the 3rd CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference with Objective: "to require that telecom... redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping."

Deep State Puppets Sponsor the 3rd CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference with Objective: “to require that telecom… redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping.”

Clinton, Bush, Obama consiglieri James P. Chandler III and Chief of Staff John D. Podesta, via the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, sponsored the "Third CPSR Cryptography and Privacy Conference" to gather intelligence with the objective: "to require that telecommunications manufacturers and service providers redesign their systems to facilitate wiretapping." This laid the foundation of Obama's eventual ICANN give away TREASON (Oct. 01, 2016) & NSA ...
14 Yr. Old who Invented Email in 1978 obtains Copyright. History Whitewashes Him in Favor of DARPA

14 Yr. Old who Invented Email in 1978 obtains Copyright. History Whitewashes Him in Favor of DARPA

In 1978, a 14-year-old named V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai developed a computer program, which replicated the features of the interoffice, inter-organizational paper mail system. He named his program “EMAIL”. Shiva filed an application for copyright in his program and in 1982 the United States Copyright Office issued a Certificate of Registration, No. TXu-111-775, to him on the program. As required by the Regulations of the Copyright Office, ...