Born Feb 20, 1942 (age 78), is the senior Republican United States Senator from Kentucky and the current Senate Majority Leader. Although his voting record has been rated as conservative by some, McConnell is an establishment RINO Backer who has blocked pro-life legislation, pushed for pro-abortion nominees to the courts, and who sometimes rams through liberal-favored deals to increase the debt ceiling.
McConnell has been arguably the least effective Majority Leader ever during the 115th U.S. Congress, accomplishing remarkably little in two years of Republican control of both the White House and Congress under President Donald Trump. While credited with confirming some appellate judges, not all of whom are conservative, McConnell has made less progress in confirming Trump’s nominees to district court judgeships. A globalist, McConnell rushed to congratulate Joe Biden on his stolen election result in December 2020 while ongoing lawsuits remained in the courts that could prove widescale election fraud in favor of Biden.
Newsweek reported in 2019:
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell squashed two bills intended to ensure voting security on Thursday, just one day after former special counsel Robert Mueller warned that Russians were attempting to sabotage the 2020 presidential elections “as we sit here.”
McConnell said he wouldn’t allow a vote on the bills because they were “so partisan,” but, as previously reported, earlier this year McConnell received a slew of donations from four of the top voting machine lobbyists in the country.
“Clearly this request is not a serious effort to make a law. Clearly something so partisan that it only received one single solitary Republican vote in the House is not going to travel through the Senate by unanimous consent,” said McConnell on the Senate floor.
The plans would likely burden the two largest electronic voting machine vendors in the United States, Election Systems & Software and Dominion Voting Systems, with new regulations and financial burdens. Together, the companies make up about 80 percent of all voting machines used in the country and both have far-reaching lobbying arms in Washington D.C. Many of those lobbyists have contributed to the McConnell campaign, reported Sludge last month, an investigative outlet that focuses on money in politics.
In 2018 and again in 2020, McConnell worked overtime to try to keep his critic Roy Moore from being elected to the U.S. Senate from Alabama, preferring instead that the deeply Republican state elect a Democrat or a pro-Deep State Republican.
McConnell’s second wife is CFR member Elaine Chao, married since 1993. Chao is from a wealthy Taiwan family that profits from international trade, and her sister Angela is the second wife of billionaire Jim Breyer, one of Facebook’s first venture investors (via Accel Partners) who now invests heavily (via Breyer Capital) in Communist China and AI (sold tranhumanist CTRL-Labs to Facebook in Sept 2019) and has been photographed smiling with its Chairman Xi Jinping.
Elaine Chao was an up-and-coming Republican operative then serving as the president of United Way of America. She’s also the eldest of Chinese-born shipping magnate James Chao’s six daughters. Her father built a fortune as founder and chairman of the Foremost Group, a privately held outfit based in New York City that moves iron ore, coal, scrap metal, and wheat around the world. And Chao père delivered the bulk of the couple’s wealth in a 2008 gift valued between $5 million and $25 million. The Chao family has also been a reliable supporter of McConnell’s campaigns and the Kentucky state party, contributing $391,000 over the course of his career.1
“In a panic” following the election victory of Donald Trump, China appointed McConnell’s sister-in-law, Angela, to the Bank of China’s board of directors just 10 days after the 2016 Election. She became the first ever American board member and only the second foreigner in the banks history, the 4th largest bank in the world, to do so. Chao and McConnell’s father-in-law, James Chao, also sit on the board of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation which is the largest defense contractor in China.
Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends”, noted:
So Mitch McConnell, the Senate majority leader, his wife Elaine Chao, who’s the transportation secretary in the Trump administration, her family has deep economic and financial ties to the Chinese government itself. They are in the shipping business, and they own something called the Foremost Group, and really, in 1993, Mitch McConnell, as a senator, travels to China with his father-in-law, James Chao, as guests of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation.
The China State Shipbuilding Corporation is the largest defense contractor in China, and the projections are that by 2030, if current trends continue, they are going to surpass the U.S. Navy as far as naval capability. Basically, what happens is, the China State Shipbuilding Corporation says to the Chao family, ‘Look, we will build your ships. We will finance the purchase of some of your ships. We will provide crews for your ships. We will provide contracts for you to ship state-owned goods from state-owned companies around the Pacific. In other words, we are going to set you up in the shipping business,’ which is exactly what they do, and, in fact, James Chao — this would be Elaine Chao’s father, Mitch McConnell’s father-in-law — and Elaine’s sister, Angela Chao, actually joined the board, in 2007 and 2008, of something called China State Shipbuilding Corporation, CSSC Holdings, which is a subsidiary of the largest defense contractor in China. So you have this powerful American political family that is making U.S. policy related to China, related to trade, and other critical issues that is highly dependent upon the good graces of the Chinese government.”
Insert Note: But this gift could be seen as more than just a gift. It may have been acquired, according to Schweizer, thanks to the couple’s fealty to China, the source of the Chao family fortune. And that fealty may have occurred at the expense of the nation they had pledged to serve. (NY Post)McConnell, “has benefited because a few years ago, James Chao gave Mitch McConnell a gift between five and twenty-five million dollars that more than quadrupled his net worth overnight,” Schweizer said. “So this is not just about Elaine Chao’s family getting wealthy. That wealth has now trickled into Mitch McConnell’s pocket, as well, and it’s a huge problem because if you chart the positions that Sen. McConnell has taken on China over the last 20 years, guess what? Shock of all shocks, he has become increasingly soft as it relates to China, and I think it is directly related to the fact that he knows his family’s financial future is tied to the good graces and good faith of the Chinese communist government.”
“So the election of Donald Trump, there’s no other way to say it, it completely freaked out the Chinese government because Trump has really been focused – whether one agrees with him on trade policy or not – he has focused since the 1980s on what he regards as a rising threat of China; whether it relates to trade, economics, or military power.”
Elaine Chao has met at least 10 times with politicians and business leaders from Kentucky in response to requests from McConnell’s office, according to documents provided to Politico by the watchdog group American Oversight. In some cases, those people later received what they were hoping for from Chao’s department, including infrastructure grants, the designation of an interstate highway and assistance in getting state funds for a highway project — although the documents don’t indicate that the meetings led to those outcomes.
We have all known for some time that many politicians have been engaged in drug trafficking while playing the hypocrite and advancing the “war on drugs.” It’s now being reported (not by the mainstream media) that the Ping May, a cargo vessel owned by the in-laws of Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell, was boarded by Colombian inspectors and they discovered roughly ninety pounds of cocaine in forty separate packages.
Now, here’s a relevant bit on McConnell’s legislative record after he married Elaine Chao (he had taken hardline stances against China prior to the marriage).
In the ensuing years, McConnell has loudly defended China in its actions against Hong Kong and Taiwan, even claiming that “the United States needed to be ‘ambiguous’ as to whether we would come to the defense of Taiwan if attacked by China.” When Sen. Jesse Helms introduced the Taiwan Security Enhancement Act, pledging support for Taiwanese independence, in 1999, it had “twenty-one co-sponsors and heavy Republican support. But McConnell was not on the list.”
When Congress required China to document annual progress on human rights in order to maintain its trade status in the aftermath of the Tiananmen Square massacre, ditching the requirement became a priority for the country. In 2000, “McConnell cosponsored S.2277, which would do just that.”
McConnell also fought attempts to punish China for vigorously undervaluing its currency, a tactic that led Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to invoke the nuclear option, changing Senate rules on voting. The bill passed, 63-35, with McConnell voting against.
In light of the impeachment coup against President Trump, McConnell called the House vote “unprecedented” and said that the Senate will “provide stability.” McConnell failed to call any witnesses at the impeachment trial, such as scandal-ridden Hunter Biden whose testimony could have ended Joe Biden’s presidential bid, and McConnell rushed through a vote of acquittal of Trump which proved to be merely a pyrrhic victory. Chao, who is a two-time secretary under Republican presidents, has her own track record of promoting China despite its bad actions.
Chao has also done her part to support her ancestral home.
When she served as Secretary of Labor under George W. Bush, her department resisted efforts to “call out the Chinese government over its workers rights practices.” When a petition was filed against China on the subject of worker’s rights based on the US Trade Act of 1974, Chao opposed it.
After a bipartisan congressional report citing Chinese espionage against the US circulated in 2000, Chao “was critical of the report,” making clear she “in no way” agreed with its findings, and, Schweizer writes, “dismiss[ing] the idea that China could pose any threat to the United States.”
The editor of The Resurgent wrote about what happens when you cross Team McConnell.
Roger Ailes had Bill Shine reach out before he himself reached out. Roger had a problem and the only way he could resolve the problem was to take me off the air. Elaine Chao was on the Newscorp board of directors and, according to Roger, Elaine was “riding [his] ass” about me being on Fox. I was supporting Matt Bevin in the 2014 Republican primary in Kentucky against McConnell. And it didn’t matter why I was on television and on what topics I was or was not talking, Chao had told Roger I was an unwelcome presence on Fox and not a team player. Roger had not only told me, but conveyed to my boss at RedState that I was becoming a problem for him with Elaine.
Along with his treasonous acts, Senator Mitch McConnell voted for the following:
1. Voted to Let Harry Reid Fund ObamaCare – (2013, RCV 206) Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky voted to end debate and allow Senate Democrats to re-insert funding for ObamaCare into the Continuing Resolution to fund the federal government. Although McConnell did vote against the final bill, he and all Republicans knew that voting for cloture to end debate would allow Senator Harry Reid to fund ObamaCare by a party-line vote, and thus a vote for cloture was a de facto vote to fund ObamaCare.
2. Voted for the Fiscal Cliff Tax Hike – (2012, RCV 251) The fiscal cliff was a fake crisis created by Congress and the president. In which President Obama threatened to shut the government down if Republicans refused to massively raise taxes. In response, Senator McConnell personally negotiated with Vice President Biden and produced a New Year’s Day 2013 fiscal cliff deal that raised payroll taxes on 77 percent of U.S. households and contained no real spending cuts.
3. Voted for the Ineffective “Super Committee” Debt Hike – (2011, RCV 123) During the 2011 debt ceiling impasse, McConnell came up with the idea of allowing President Obama to increase the debt limit three times in exchange for allowing Congress a symbolic vote of disapproval each time. McConnell’s idea carried the day and he voted to pass the Budget Control Act, which allowed over $2 trillion in new debt. In return, taxpayers got stuck with the “super-committee”, which failed to come up with any agreement on targeted spending cuts and gave us the across-the-board sequestration cuts instead.
4. Voted for the Wall Street Bailout (T.A.R.P.) – (2008, RCV 213) Senator McConnell voted for the $700 billion bailout of Wall Street. Taxpayers should never have been forced to pay for the reckless lending practices of the big banks. McConnell took credit for being a major part of negotiating the bailout, and called the passage of T.A.R.P. “the Senate at its finest.”
5. Voted to Bail Out the Housing Market – (2008, RCV 186) Senator McConnell also voted to bail out the government-sponsored mortgage lending companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The risky lending activities of these organizations were a major factor in creating the housing bubble that led to the financial collapse of 2008, yet McConnell and the Senate voted to allow Fannie and Freddie to borrow up to $300 billion of the taxpayers’ money.
6. Voted to Increase the Federal Minimum Wage – (2007, RCV 42) Senator McConnell voted for the Fair Minimum Wage Act that increased the federal minimum wage from $5.15 per hour to $7.25 per hour in 2007. Raising the minimum wage is a bad idea because it reduces employment especially among low-skilled workers. The cost of raising the minimum wage is passed onto consumers in the form of higher prices for goods and services.
7. Voted to Give the Government Unprecedented Surveillance Powers – (2006, RCV 25) In spite of warnings by 4th Amendment and privacy advocates, Senator McConnell voted to make most of the USA-PATRIOT Act’s provisions permanent in 2006. He also voted for the FISA Amendments Act of 2008, which granted immunity to U.S. telecommunication companies for giving information about their customers to the government without a warrant (2008, RCV 168). Together, the “Patriot Act” and the FISA Amendments Act authorized unprecedented surveillance powers that have been used by the FISA courts to allow bulk data collection on U.S. citizens without a warrant. Yet McConnell called the Patriot Act “one of the most important and overdue pieces of legislation in a generation”, and declared that perhaps “it did not go far enough”.
8. Voted against Eliminating the Federal Ethanol Mandate – (2005, RCV 138) Senator McConnell voted to table an amendment that would have eliminated the federal mandate that forced ethanol to be blended into the fuel supply. The ethanol mandate is a market-distorting disaster that has increased the cost of gasoline, while environmentalist groups admit that it is actually bad for the environment (not to mention your car).
9. Voted for Massive New Energy Subsidies and Regulations – (2007, RCV 430) Senator McConnell voted for final passage on an omnibus energy bill that created massive new subsidies for green energy development, while also tightening environmental regulations in some areas. The bill massively tightened fuel mileage requirements for passenger vehicles and created a new renewable fuels standard, both of which have increased the cost of both cars and fuel. Also, this is the bill that started the infamous phase-out of incandescent light bulbs.
10. Voted for Medicare Part D – (2003, RCV 457) Senator McConnell voted to pass Medicare Part D, a massive entitlement expansion that conservatives rightly predicted would tremendously expand the deficit and add trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities to the federal rolls.
Chronological History of Events Related to Mitch McConnell

Mitch McConnell’s Sister in-law Angela Chao Dies in Mysterious Car Accident

The Collapse of Cryptocurrency Exchange FTX and The Democrat Money Laundering Scheme

Michael Stenger, Senate Sergeant-at-Arms on January 6, Murdered One Day Before J6 Hearing

Congress Overrides President Trump’s Veto of $740 Billion Defense Bill

McConnell Joins With Schumer To Block Potential Trump VETO Of Defense Bill, Keep Big Tech Protection

Republican senators find body bags and anti-Trump messages on their doorsteps

Amy Coney Barrett Sworn in as United States Supreme Court Justice at Trump White House Ceremony

Senate Impeachment Trial Begins

House Democrats Pass Partisan Articles of Impeachment Against President Trump