Notice: Function wpdb was called incorrectly. wpdb must set a database connection for use with escaping. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.6.0.) in /home/leefloyd/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6031
Taking Back Our Stolen History

Osama bin Laden’s “Mountain Fortress”, Shown to the US Public by the Corporate Media, and like Saddam’s Nuclear Weapons, Never Actually Existed

The Lair of Bin Laden is a fictoid that originated in the highly-enterprising British press on November 27th, 2001. The chronology is as follows. On …

NSA Whistleblowers, William Binney & Kirk Wiebe, Resign Because of the NSA’s ‘Acting in Deliberate Violation of the Constitution’ with Massive Spying

William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe are  National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblowers who worked at the agency in excess of 36 years. As Technical Director, …

Hiroshi Hasegawa, a Terrorism Expert and Japanese Television Analyst at NHK, Suicided Days after Questioning 9/11 Official Narrative on Live TV

Hiroshi Hasegawa, Chief Commentator and political news analyst at NHK (the only public TV channel in Japan) and expert on “terrorism,” revealed that Israeli nationals …