Taking Back Our Stolen History
Dumbing Down of America
Dumbing Down of America

Senator Poindexter: “The Cult of Rockefeller, Carnegie…to be guarded against in the educational system of this country!”

During the crucial years of the school changeover from academic institution to behavioral modification instrument, the radical nature of the metamorphosis caught the attention of …

NEA Annual Mtg: “the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations… control the policies,… menace true academic freedom and defeat the primary purpose of democracy…”

The philanthropic agenda of the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations was made explicit in 1914 when the National Education Association passed a resolution at its annual …

Communist Defector and Christian Convert Orestes Brownson: “The Great Object was to get Rid of Christianity, and to Convert our Churches into Halls of Science”

It has taken more than a century and a half for the government schools to degenerate into the militantly anti-Christian, nightmarish system that it is …