Taking Back Our Stolen History

Whistleblower Emma Reilly Reports to Top UN Officials that Sr. UN Official, Eric Tistounet, had been Giving the Beijing Dictatorship Names of Chinese Human Rights Activists

As early as 13 February 2013, UN human-rights officer Emma Reilly reported to the top UN human-rights official at the time that another senior UN …

Hillary Clinton presented an Ethics Statement to the U.S. Senate Promising not to involve The Clinton Foundation in any way in the business of the U.S. State Dept.”

Secretary of State-designate Hillary Clinton on January 5, 2009, in a letter to State Department Designated Agency Ethics Official James H. Thessin: “For the duration …

The Hague Agreement of 1930: The Formation of the Bank of International Settlements by the Central Banks Under the Auspices of German Reparation Payments for WWI

The formation of the BIS was agreed upon by its constituent central banks in the so-called Hague Agreement on January 20, 1930, and was in …