Taking Back Our Stolen History

Transcripts of Page’s closed-door testimony in July 2018 were Released Revealing that Obama’s DOJ Ordered FBI Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton

Former FBI legal counsel Lisa Page testified to Congress that the Justice Department ordered the FBI not to charge former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton …

Report: 100 Actions the Deep State FBI and DOJ took that were Corrupt, Criminal, or Outside Policy in Order to Exonerate Hillary and Setup Trump

The FBI leadership under the Obama Administration took many actions that deviated from standard practice and/or were corrupt and/or criminal in their efforts to exonerate …

Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, Confirms ‘No Factual Evidence’ of Collusion between Donald Trump’s Campaign and Russia

President Trump tweets that Chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Burr, had confirmed on February 7th that there had been ‘no factual evidence’ of …

Report: Bruce Ohr Warned FBI and DOJ Officials that Steele’s Dossier was Connected to Hillary Clinton and Cautioned them It May be Biased

According to a report by award-winning investigative journalist John Solomon, former top DOJ official, Bruce Ohr warned FBI and DOJ officials that Steele’s dossier was connected …

FOIA Documents Reveal Obama State Dept Urgently Provided Classified ‘Russiagate’ Docs to Multiple Senators Ahead of Trump Inauguration

Judicial Watch today released two sets of heavily redacted State Department documents, 38 pages and 48 pages, showing classified information was researched and disseminated to multiple U.S. Senators …