Taking Back Our Stolen History
United Nations

United Nations

The gradual development of the UN from an international organization into a world government was planned from the world body’s beginning in 1945. The communists and American one-world Insiders, operating primarily through their CFR front, “worked energetically and tirelessly to lay the foundations for the United Nations.” We saw also that from start to finish the UN has been wholly a CFR-conceived and driven operation. The UN’s basic philosophy is both anti-American and pro-totalitarian, basically ignoring God’s existence and implying that it grants rights. The UN seeks power to control the environment, population, children … the world and is building its global army to enforce its will. Once the UN was granted global legislative, executive, and judicial powers, the various UN bodies (UNESCO, WHO, WTO, ICAO, ICC, IMF, etc.) began and are now exercising those powers to various degrees — and constantly pushing to usurp more control (ie. Agenda 21 & 2030 as enviro-cops, Arms Trade Treaty gun grabbers, UN ‘Peacekeepers’ genocides, and various other front organizations setup to accomplish the New World Order Satanic agenda.

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Chronological History of the UN and its Organizations

WHO Official: Asymptomatic Spread of Coronavirus 'Very Rare'

WHO Official: Asymptomatic Spread of Coronavirus ‘Very Rare’

A top World Health Organization (WHO) official on Monday said that it appears “very rare” for an asymptomatic person with the coronavirus to transmit it to another person, a potential bit of good news in the fight against the virus. “From the data we have, it still seems to be rare that an asymptomatic person actually transmits onward to a secondary individual,” said Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical ...
Researchers Retract Botched Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump

Researchers Retract Botched Anti-Hydroxychloroquine Study Which Was Used To Attack Trump

An influential study which found anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine raised the risk of cardiac issues has been retracted by its three authors. The study, published on May 22 in the UK's prestegious Lancet medical journal, relied on bogus data from a company called Surgisphere, which would not transfer the full dataset for an independent review, and "can no longer vouch for the veracity of the primary data sources." While the ...
WHO Official Removed Important Study on Italy’s Early Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic a Day After Publication

WHO Official Removed Important Study on Italy’s Early Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic a Day After Publication

Ranieri Guerra, the Italian WHO official who removed the study, previously served as director-general for preventive health at the Italian health ministry from 2014-17. The report - extremely critical of Italy’s haphazard early response to the pandemic - was supposed to be a blueprint for governments not yet hit by the coronavirus. Kuwait funded the report, written by WHO scientist Francesco Zambon and 10 colleagues across Europe. The Guardian: ...
Celebrities Hold WHO Fundraiser Promoting Social Distancing

Celebrities Hold WHO Fundraiser Promoting Social Distancing

One World: Together at Home (also known as Together at Home) was a propaganda concert that was organized by Global Citizen of New York City and curated by singer Lady Gaga, in support of the World Health Organization. The special was intended to promote the practice of social distancing while staying together during the COVID-19 pandemic. On April 18, 2020, a six-hour pre-show was streamed online immediately prior to the television global broadcast. The online portion ...
Dr. Peter Daszak Thanks Dr. Fauci in Email for Insisting the COVID-19 Virus was Naturally Occurring When Both Men Knew it was a Lie

Dr. Peter Daszak Thanks Dr. Fauci in Email for Insisting the COVID-19 Virus was Naturally Occurring When Both Men Knew it was a Lie

On June 1st of 2021, emails from April 2020 were released via FOIA. In one email from April 18, 2020, WHO official Dr. Peter Daszak thanked NIAID head official Dr. Anthony Fauci for insisting the COVID-19 virus was naturally occurring — when both men knew this was a lie. In a sane world, Dr. Anthony Fauci would be sitting in a prison cell today. The man lied ...
Dr. Annie Bukacek Blows the Whistle on Covid Death Certificates

Dr. Annie Bukacek Blows the Whistle on Covid Death Certificates

At the height of the government’s coronavirus lies and lockdowns, 30-year veteran physician, Dr. Ann Bukacek, stood at the podium of Liberty Fellowship and exposed the gross exaggeration of corona death certificates that were being encouraged by the CDC as a way of  manipulating public perception regarding the nature and extent of the virus. She used the CDC’s own statements to prove her assertions. For daring to ...
Director General of WHO Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History

Director General of WHO Severely Overstated the Fatality Rate of the Coronavirus Leading to the Greatest Global Panic in History

The controversial Ethiopian politician and Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO), Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, claimed in a press conference in early March that the fatality rate for the coronavirus was many multiples that of the fatality rate of the common flu. This egregiously false premise has led to the greatest panic in world history. The Director General of the WHO spoke on March 3, 2020 and shared ...
42 Million Babies Aborted in 2019, Now the Leading Worldwide Cause of Death

42 Million Babies Aborted in 2019, Now the Leading Worldwide Cause of Death

According to the tracking service, Worldometers, 42 million abortions were carried out around the world in 2019. For another year, abortion became the leading cause of death in the world. As of December 31, Worldometers recorded 42.4 million abortions, which represented more than half the total number of deaths by every other cause (58.6 million). Lifesite News reported that abortions “dwarfed every individual cause of death, including overall deaths due ...
Report: Iran Tortured, Sexually Abused, and Killed Protesters in Detention

Report: Iran Tortured, Sexually Abused, and Killed Protesters in Detention

A report from the Paris-based Kurdistan Human Rights Network (KHRN) on Sunday charged Iranian officials with killing one person who was detained during last month’s protests and torturing several others. Three imprisoned students told KHRN they were threatened with rape and ordered not to discuss sexual and physical violence they experienced or witnessed. KHRN said it has accumulated “evidence and testimony from people that showed high ...
Ms. Agnes Kalibata of Rwanda Appointed as Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit

Ms. Agnes Kalibata of Rwanda Appointed as Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres announced today the appointment of Agnes Kalibata of Rwanda as his Special Envoy for the 2021 Food Systems Summit. In 2021, the Secretary-General will host a Food Systems Summit with the aim of maximizing the co-benefits of a food systems approach across the entire 2030 Agenda and meet the challenges of climate change. As a key contribution to the Decade of ...