The communists of old, who used guns and tanks to take over a nation, and the cultural Marxists of more recent times, who seek to take a nation over from within, have both made clear their hatred of marriage and family, and have done all they can to destroy both. Sexual morality in general was targeted by these activists, and everything from abortion, free sex, homosexuality, and so on have been promoted. We saw much of this happening in the former Soviet Union, Germany, and other countries. And it sure was not pretty.
But while political communism seems to be a spent force today, the ideology behind it is alive and well in the West. What we call cultural Marxism has been moving full steam ahead. Taking over the institutions of power and influence is now the preferred strategy of the revolutionaries, and it has been going on for nearly a century now.
For background on this, and to learn more about communists like Antonio Gramsci who spoke about the “long march through the institutions,” see here:
I have written before about the goals of the communists in the West. One such American list includes these points:
- Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
- Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression.
-Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press. - Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.
- Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”
- Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a “religious crutch.”
- Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”
- Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
- Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.
The targeting of the family and the war on morality, especially sexual morality, has been a hallmark of these folks for many decades now. One of the most important exposes of this is a very important book penned in 2015 by Paul Kengor called Takedown: From Communists to Progressives, How the Left Has Sabotaged Family and Marriage (WND Books). A nice summary of this well-documented volume appears in an article from last year. In it Kengor states:
Efforts to fundamentally transform marriage and family have been long at work, but never (until now) accepted and pushed by the mainstream. In the past, these efforts were spearheaded by the most dangerous radicals. For two centuries, leftist extremists made their arguments, from the 1800s to the 1960s, characterized by the Communist Manifesto, where Marx and Engels wrote of the “abolition of the family!” Even then, in 1848, Marx and Engels could call “abolition of the family” an “infamous proposal of the communists.”
“Blessed is he who has no family,” Marx wrote to Engels, at best only partly in jest. Marx’s partner in crime detested family and marriage so much that he refused both. The ideological duo fulminated against the “bourgeois claptrap” of marriage, which was merely a “system of housewives held in common.” Engels was carrying the banner to smash monogamy a century before the 1960s New Left adopted the credo.
Efforts to revolutionize family and marriage continued, from socialist utopians like Robert Owen, Charles Fourier, and Albert Brisbane to cultural Marxists in the Frankfurt School such as Herbert Marcuse and Wilhelm Reich to 20th-century leftists and progressives ranging from the Bolsheviks—Lenin, Trotsky, Alexandra Kollontai—to Margaret Sanger Betty Friedan Kate Millett, and ’60s radicals Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Mark Rudd.
When Tom Hayden and Robert Scheer ran a “Red Family” colony in near Berkeley in the 1960s, they were merely following the footsteps of socialist-utopian colonies in the 1800s in places like Oneida, New York and New Harmony, Indiana.
In his book he spends a lot of time detailing this war on marriage and family. The push for all things homosexual today comes out of all this of course. Indeed, he has a whole chapter on “Communists and Homosexuality” for example. He writes:
As communists over time broke down barriers in sexual relations and the covenant of marriage, many moved toward acceptance and advocacy of homosexuality and bisexuality. “Smashing monogamy” was merely one manifestation of blowing up coveted traditions. Some of these cultural Marxists practiced what they preached. Kate Millett’s “sexual politics” had translated into a lesbian lifestyle for her personally, and the New Left politics of guys like Mark Rudd and Bill Ayers at least dictated that they give bisexuality a shot.
Critical Theory the main tool of cultural Marxism can be applied to anything that is deemed to be an obstacle to the ‘social and cultural revolution’ that was put in place by the Judeo Frankfurt School theorists and subversives. It is a simple strategy which has devastating consequences. The only way it can be countered is to regain control of our institutions and expose it for the seditious agenda that it is so that future generations are not brainwashed into hating themselves, their ancestors, their culture and ultimately their own people.
Many Americans are familiar with political correctness yet may not be familiar with its origins in cultural Marxist theory. While classical Marxism argued that capitalism and the class structure it created must be overthrown because it is oppressive to workers, cultural Marxism argues that it is not economics that creates oppression but rather the nuclear family, traditional morality and concepts of race, gender and sexual identity. These are the chains of tyranny which must be broken by revolution.
Modern woman, are you unhappy in your marriage? Are the responsibilities of motherhood and the burdens of work getting you down? Patriarchy! Black man, do you feel hard done by? Does it seem like the deck is always stacked against you and you can’t get a break? Racism! Gay man, are you tired of the sneers and microaggressions of straight men? They’re afraid that they’re gay too. That’s why they hate you!
These are the narratives which are paraded endlessly in our education system. They are not natural or accidental. They have been constructed by intellectuals and academics who have had a radical agenda to transform the nation, and benefit themselves in the process.
Believers in these doctrines of straight, white male oppression today call themselves liberals and social justice warriors. This is a post-war fabrication designed to deceive everyday Americans about their revolutionary agenda. They are not liberals. They are Marxists.
Cultural Marxism is the Marxist dialectic fused with Freudian theory and applied to identity and culture. Like all forms of Marxism, it is based upon categorizing people into abstract groups and then creating a narrative of historical oppression between them. The strategy of Marxists is always to cultivate a victimized group and then convince its members that solidarity is required against the oppressors. This creates resentment and hatred and is how Marxist ideologies fulfill their revolutionary objectives.
The cultural Marxism that our societies are infected with is a particularly Western phenomenon. After the Russian Revolution of 1917, Marxists in Europe believed that the dictatorship of the proletariat was at hand. They were wrong. The revolution failed to spread. In despair, and in one of Mussolini’s prisons, a young Italian socialist Antonio Gramsci wrote that the problem was the Christian bedrock of Western European cultures. He encouraged Marxists to develop a fifth column inside these countries to destroy the foundations of Western cultures. Only then would international socialism be achievable.
This call to subversion was picked up by Marxist scholars based around the Institute for Social Research in Frankfurt, Germany. In the tumultuous milieu of Weimar Germany, theorists such as Max Horkheimer, Herbert Marcuse, Erich Fromm, Theodor Adorno and Georg Lukacs integrated the theories of Sigmund Freud with classical Marxism to develop the foundations of critical theory deconstructionism, post-structuralism and postmodernism. Known as the Frankfurt School, many of these intellectuals fled Hitler’s Germany for the United States where they were welcomed by Progressives and socialist intellectuals. The theories of the Frankfurt School unified the vanguard of the 60’s countercultural movement and have since spread to every discipline in our universities, colleges and schools. These theories, which obsess about colonization, subjugation and oppression, have indeed colonized higher education in the West.

Marxism is always cloaked in high-sounding utopian rhetoric. This is a ruse. What cultural Marxists seek has nothing to do with true diversity, social harmony or universal tolerance. They don’t want the races getting along. They seek power. The solution for the perceived injustices that Cultural Marxists have manufactured is radical social engineering The power to carry out this social engineering must be given, of course, to a politically-correct elite determined to remake society along ideological lines.
This is why cultural Marxists always seek to enter government, academe or influential positions in the media. In the process of remaking society, unsurprisingly, these Cultural Marxists gain enormous wealth, status and power. This is how careers and fortunes are made in the industry of grievance. It is also why Marxism is so appealing to the ambitious and unscrupulous. They target the youth to create a new generation that will become a psychologically manipulated bunch of doublethinkers loyal to the tyrranous government.
Thus it is no surprise that the groups which cultural Marxists have labelled victims are themselves now worse off than ever. The decline of black America over the last fifty years has been a modern tragedy. Across all metrics, black communities have been deteriorating. The solution loudly demanded by cultural-Marxist opportunists is always more of the same, thus accelerating the decline of these communities.
Marxism proved over the twentieth century that it is the deadliest and most destructive belief system on the planet. It has a body count beyond measure and has left a trail of brokenness, suffering and desolation wherever it has taken hold. Marxist ideology destroyed the traditional civilizations of Europe and Asia until they renounced it in the 1990’s. It is in the West that it has lived on in hybrid form, gnawing away at the fabric of our societies. That fabric will not hold forever. Every knee taken, every glass bottle thrown and every incitement to victimhood is another crack in the unity of the nation; and without unity there can be no United States.
In George Orwell’s prophetic book ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four‘, he envisions a totalitarian world like we are seeing today:
- Psychological Manipulation -The Party barrages its subjects with psychological stimuli designed to overwhelm the mind’s capacity for independent thought. The giant telescreen in every citizen’s room blasts a constant stream of propaganda designed to make the failures and shortcomings of the Party appear to be triumphant successes. The telescreens also monitor behavior—everywhere they go, citizens are continuously reminded, especially by means of the omnipresent signs reading “BIG BROTHER IS WATCHING YOU,” that the authorities are scrutinizing them. The Party undermines family structure by inducting children into an organization called the Junior Spies, which brainwashes and encourages them to spy on their parents and report any instance of disloyalty to the Party. The Party also forces individuals to suppress their sexual desires, treating sex as merely a procreative duty whose end is the creation of new Party members. The Party then channels people’s pent-up frustration and emotion into intense, ferocious displays of hatred against the Party’s political enemies. Many of these enemies have been invented by the Party expressly for this purpose.
- Language as Mind Control –One of Orwell’s most important messages in 1984 is that language is of central importance to human thought because it structures and limits the ideas that individuals are capable of formulating and expressing. If control of language were centralized in a political agency, Orwell proposes, such an agency could possibly alter the very structure of language to make it impossible to even conceive of disobedient or rebellious thoughts, because there would be no words with which to think them. This idea manifests itself in the language of Newspeak which the Party has introduced to replace English. The Party is constantly refining and perfecting Newspeak with the ultimate goal that no one will be capable of conceptualizing anything that might question the Party’s absolute power.
- Doublethink – The idea of “doublethink” emerges as an important consequence of the Party’s massive campaign of large-scale psychological manipulation. Simply put, doublethink is the ability to hold two contradictory ideas in one’s mind at the same time. As the Party’s mind-control techniques break down an individual’s capacity for independent thought, it becomes possible for that individual to believe anything that the Party tells them, even while possessing information that runs counter to what they are being told. At the Hate Week rally, for instance, the Party shifts its diplomatic allegiance, so the nation it has been at war with suddenly becomes its ally, and its former ally becomes its new enemy. When the Party speaker suddenly changes the nation he refers to as an enemy in the middle of his speech, the crowd accepts his words immediately, and is ashamed to find that it has made the wrong signs for the event. In the same way, people are able to accept the Party ministries’ names, though they contradict their functions: the Ministry of Plenty oversees economic shortages, the Ministry of Peace wages war, the Ministry of Truth conducts propaganda and historical revisionism, and the Ministry of Love is the center of the Party’s operations of torture and punishment.
- Newspeak – For Orwell, freedom of expression was not just about freedom of thought but also linguistic freedom. This term, denoting the narrow and diminishing official vocabulary, has been used ever since to denote jargon currently in vogue with those in power.
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