Report: China Orders Towns to Count How Many Citizens ‘Believe in God’ and Then Monitor Them
China’s central government has intensified its crackdown on Christianity in recent months by pressuring local government officials to keep a count on the number of citizens who believe in God and to monitor them, according to a new report. The CCP (Communist Party of China) even is threatening the officials in towns and villages with repercussions if the number is wrong. Three government officials in Yongcheng ...

Freedom House released a Report on China’s Religious Freedom
Freedom House released a report on China’s religious freedom. Key Findings Controls over religion in China have increased since 2012, seeping into new areas of daily life and triggering growing resistance from believers. At least 100 million people—nearly one-third of estimated believers in China—belong to religious groups facing “high” or “very high” levels of persecution (Protestant Christians, Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims, and Falun Gong). Despite tightening ...

Study Shows Christians Continue to be the Most Persecuted Religion with 90,000 Christians Killed for their Beliefs Worldwide in 2016
Christians continued to be the most persecuted group across the globe in 2016, according to a study. The upcoming report from Italian-based Center for Studies on New Religions, determined that 90,000 Christians were killed for their beliefs worldwide last year and nearly a third were at the hands of Islamic extremists like ISIS. Others were killed by state and non-state persecution, including in places like North ...

Tony Blair Faith Foundation created for Advancement of One World Religion
Globalist puppet Tony Blair founded a new organization called the Tony Blair Faith Foundation. He stated, “Because of globalization moving us all closer together, we need a foundation that will re-educate the world so that religions can learn how to get along together in this ever-closer society.” Blair launched a curriculum at Yale University called “Faith and Globalization”, becoming the key guest lecturer there. The course ...

The Theosophical Society was Officially Formed in NYC by Helena Blavatsky and others as ‘an Unsectarian Body of Seekers after Truth’
On the southern edge of Madras, India’s fourth largest city, nestled between the sea and one of the city’s busiest boulevards, is a sprawling, well-wooded compound known locally as Adyar. For more than 100 years, Adyar has been the international headquarters of the Theosophical Society, a worldwide organization dedicated to the promotion of Eastern religious thought and the occult. Nowadays, Adyar is chiefly famous among Madrassis ...