Taking Back Our Stolen History

Leader Technologies sues Facebook for Patent Infringement. How the Deep State Conspired to Steal their Social Networking Invention as a Tool for Rogue CIA Mind Control

Trillion Dollar Rip-Off: Social Networking is a Stolen Trade Secret One of the largest government sponsored industrial espionage thefts of copyrights, trade secrets, and patents …

Court of Appeals Issued Decision ‘In re Seagate Technology’ making it Virtually Impossible for Inventors to Demonstrate Willful Infringement

In 2005, the multinational corporations asked the Supreme Court to prevent permanent injunctions in patent litigation even after the patent owner had established that there …

Dropbox Recieves Initial Funding. A CIA Internal Publishing References use of DROPBOX for ‘Exfiltration’ defined as “Unauthorized Transfer of Data from a Computer or Server”

Following its first round of seed funding on June 1, 2007, Dropbox was founded by MIT students Drew Houston and Arash Ferdowsi, as a startup …