Top NATO Scientist With Security Clearance Busted Spying for China
Intelligence services for the country of Estonia have reportedly uncovered that one of its top scientists had been recruited by Chinese military intelligence and was working at a sensitive NATO research institution specializing in maritime and submarine research, according to a bombshell Daily Beast report. It's been revealed that the spy, identified as 57-year old Tarmo Kõuts, was recently arrested and stood trial last week. The man "renowned in the ...

Harvard Study Concludes ‘The More Guns a Nation Has, the Less Criminal Activity’
A Harvard study published by the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy concluded, “The more guns a nation has, the less criminal activity.” The study’s conclusion is contradictory to conventional wisdom about gun violence and understandably received very little media attention. Norway, Finland, Germany, France and Denmark, which have high rates of gun ownership, have low murder rates. On the other hand, in Luxembourg, where handguns are ...

The Estonia Catastrophe: The Mysterious Sinking of the Baltic Ferry Estonia
The unexplained sinking of the Baltic ferry Estonia on its way to Stockholm from Tallinn in late September 1994 is the third mega-disaster (albeit not chronologically) that occurred within the framework of a military exercise. The day before it sank, Estonia had also been the scene of a terrorism exercise in which the scenario was a terror bombing of the ferry. Looking at the NATO military assets that were ...