Taking Back Our Stolen History
Culture / Cultural Marxism
Culture / Cultural Marxism

Great Leap Forward

(1958-1961) was a campaign to nationalize industry and agriculture in China, instituted by Chinese dictator Mao Tse-tung, which included collectivizing farmland. Peasants were forced to produce steel …

Ferguson Riots

One of several Marxist-inspired uprisings during the Obama administration. Elected as America’s first “post-racial” president according to mainstream fake news media, Obama exacerbated racial tensions and left a …

New Normal

According to Wikipedia, it is “a state to which an economy, society, etc. settles following a crisis, when this differs from the situation that prevailed …

Fifth Column

A group of people or sympathizers who rationally and clandestinely try to undermine a larger group to which it is expected to be loyal. Members …