a German politician serving as Chancellor of Germany since 2005 and leader of the centre-right Christian Democratic Union (CDU) since 2000; since 24 October 2017 she and her Cabinet continue as the acting government until a new government is formed. Merkel has been widely described as the de facto leader of the European Union, the most powerful woman in the world, and the leader of the Free World. Born in the D.D.R., the Communist portion of Germany in 1954. Her biography says she was born on July 17, 1954, and that she is the daughter of a Lutheran minister from an East German-controlled church. However, Soviet KJB archive files reveal an entirely different story indicating she was born on April 20th (Hitler’s b-day) according to the records of German Dr. Karl Klauberg, recognized as the father of artificial insemination who had also preserved Hitler’s sperm.
The internet has long been full of speculation about Angela Merkel’s possible role as a Stasi informant in former East Germany. Two former leaders of the Communist Youth League, Gunter Walther and Hans-Jörg Osten, have claimed that Merkel served as Propaganda Officer as a student in Leipzig the 1970s. Merkel has stated she was “Cultural Secretary” for the Communist Youth League, and mainly in charge of procuring theater tickets.
Angela Merkel’s Stasi files have not been released, indicating the Stasi Records Center believes she is not a perpetrator, but a victim. Expert Stasi historian Hubertus Knabe has analyzed the available data and found no hard evidence Angela Merkel was actually “Informant Erika”, as is often claimed online.
Speaking to Gateway Pundit, however, a veteran journalist familiar with Russia has revealed that it is considered an open secret in Moscow that Angela Merkel was a KGB asset.
Her father, Lutheran pastor Horst Kasner (nicknamed “Red Kasner”), was member of a KGB front organization, who regularly hosted the KGB arm of the Stasi, the source said. KGB assets Klaus Gysi, father of leftist politican Gregor Gysi, and Clemens de Maizière, father of Helmut Kohl’s former minister Lothar de Maizière, were regular guests in the Kasner household.
Lothar de Maizière was the last Prime Minister of East Germany, in which function Angela Merkel served as his spokeswoman. After German reunification, Lothar de Maizière is said to have recommended the wallflowery, unremarkable Angela Merkel to West German Chancellor Helmut Kohl, who took her under his wing as “My Girl” and groomed her for leadership in the conservative Christian Democrat party.
Lothar de Maizière was exposed as Stasi informant code named “Czerny” and withdrew from politics in 1992. So Angela Merkel was actually placed in government by a Stasi asset.
Angela Merkel was not active in the East German opposition movement in the 1980s until she suddenly decided to join the “Democratic Awakening” (Demokratischer Aufbruch – DA) in 1989, founded by Stasi agent Wolfgang Schnur, also a friend of her father’s. Members of the KGB unit Luch Group later admitted to using the DA to infiltrate the East German opposition.
“A restaurant owner in (West German capital) Bonn told me that Gregor Gysi and Angela Merkel frequented his restaurant together in the 1990s, always speaking Russian together, so no one could understand them”, the source said. Angela Merkel was Minister in Kohl’s cabinet at the time, despite belonging to a RINO conservative party who don’t usually meet with Communist politicians like Gysi.
“When they are drunk, high-ranking Russian intel officers in Moscow used to brag about how the German chancellor is a KGB asset”, the veteran journalist told the Gateway Pundit, speaking on condition of anonymity. “A major German publisher researched the subject, but never published anything. Why not is anyone’s guess.”
Merkel’s Stasi files contain huge gaps, “as if whole deletion teams were active”, the source claims. “Most of the files were probably taken to Moscow.”
Angela Merkel had a close working relationship with Vladimir Putin, with whom she spoke Russian just as he spoke German, having served as a KGB agent in Dresden 1985-1990. She met Putin more than any other world leader as German Chancellor 2005-2021.
“I always knew he wanted to destroy Europe”, Merkel said to an audience in Berlin in June, nonetheless denying she had done anything wrong. “I don’t think I have to say that I was wrong. And so I will not apologize.”
A number of biographies have been written about her, with the most critical one perhaps being “the first life of Angela M”, written in 2013 by a journalist for Die Welt who later joined the rightwing populist AfD party. This centered on how she was a member of the FDJ, the communist youth organization, when she was at school, and how she later served as cultural secretary for the FDJ while working as a physicist at the Academy of Sciences, leading to Merkel denying this role included propaganda.
In 1968, Merkel joined the Free German Youth (FDJ), the official communist youth movement sponsored by the ruling Marxist–Leninist Socialist Unity Party of Germany. She participated in several courses on Marxism-Leninism with her grades only being regarded as “sufficient”. According to her former colleagues, she openly propagated Marxism as the secretary for “Agitation and Propaganda” and received her higher education at Karl Marx University, Leipzig.
To be fair to her: in any case, she wasn’t a politically active avid Communist trying to make a career in the German Democratic Republic. That however changed with the “Wende”, the period during which the Berlin wall fell and Eastern Germany was absorbed into the West. During that period, Merkel joined the Democratic Awakening and made a blitz career in politics, morphing from a stuffy Eastern German researcher in November 1989 to entering the German Bundestag in 1990, in order to be appointed shortly after as Minister for Women and Youth in the government of Chancellor Helmut Kohl in January 1991.
The Democratic Awakening was based on existing politically active church groups and that’s where Merkel’s father, Horst Kasner, comes in. He was a pastor, who had moved from Hamburg to East Berlin in 1954, when already a lot of people had fled the Communist regime. Eastern German official documents describe him as “an opponent” of the regime, but later his nickname seems to have evolved into “red Kasner”, as he was then campaigning for the Eastern German Church to be split off from the Western Germany Evangelical Church in a bid to reconcile Christianity and “socialism”, as the Communists called their ideology. This was very much something the Eastern German regime desired, as cutting Church ties with the West would strengthen their grip on the Church, which was a vehicle to oppose the regime.
Some sources describe Merkel’s father as someone who toed the regime line within the Eastern Germany Church community, although it must be said that other sources contradict this. Gerd Langguth, a former European Commission representative in Germany, takes the former line and when writing the obituary of Merkel’s father in Die Welt, he points out that, unlike the children in other pastors’ families, the higher education of Kasner’s children, including Angela Merkel, was not impeded, a sign that he may have been quite friendly towards the regime. He writes that Kasner may well have taken this conciliatory stance for the good of his children. One biography of Merkel even claims that she enjoyed special treatment at school thanks to her father’s connections. It’s hard to know of course, and can we really blame a father to do everything for his children?
Instead of speculating, let’s stay to the facts. One of these facts is that Wolfgang Schnur, the leader of the first Eastern German opposition party who was later unveiled as a Stasi, has been pretty clear that he employed Angela Merkel because her father was a lifelong friend.
Schnur was active in the Synod of the Federation of the Protestant Churches in the GDR and as an attorney he defended many Eastern German political dissidents in the 1980s. This may have helped this Stasi man to infiltrate so deeply into the Eastern German opposition movement that he emerged as one of its leaders when the wall came down. For what it’s worth: he has claimed to be acting against Stasi advice in joining the opposition movement.
After that, also for Merkel’s second jobs in politics she ends up working for a politician who didn’t only have to step down over suspected Stasi links but who also comes out of the world of Eastern-German Church politics. That is Lothar de Maiziere, the first democratically elected Prime Minister of Eastern Germany.
When Merkel had to find a new way in politics after the Democratic Awakening had been crushed in March 1990 due to the Stasi – connections of its leader, she was appointed as deputy spokesman for Lothar de Maiziere, in April 1990, who was the leader of the Eastern German Christian Democration Union, a so-called “bloc party”, whose function it was to serve as a pretense of real democracy. He had just won the first democratic elections in Eastern Germany and was about to become Prime Minister. In a later interview, Lothar de Maiziere recalls how German Chancellor Kohl was easy to be convinced to merge the Eastern German CDU into the Western German one, despite some protest in his party, because, according to de Maiziere, “in all areas of the GDR we had an office (…) and we were able to conduct a comprehensive electoral campaign. The Chancellor was always open to such considerations”. Also the liberal party decided so, given the high number of members and despite some resistance.
Lothar’s cousin and Germany’s current Interior Minister Thomas de Mazière was also appointed to his cabinet in April 1990, closely working together there with Merkel. Thomas comes from the West-German wing of the family that had been estranged from the Eastern-German wing. Merkel and him both go back a long way, especially as Merkel appointed Thomas de Mazière to serve as her chief of staff when she became Chancellor in 2005.
According to Thomas, in 1990, he would have recommended his uncle to hire Merkel. Thomas had been impressed by her qualities at the press conference where Schnur’s resignation as the leader of “Democratic Awakening” was declared. That party was in an electoral association called “Alliance for Germany with Lothar de Mazière’s CDU. In a joint interview with his cousin, Lothar de Mazière makes clear that even before his cousin’s recommendation, Merkel had already impressed him, as she “was very good at moderating” between the “squabbling” different parties of the association.
Oddly, in this particular interview, Lothar de Mazière doesn’t mention that his father, Clemens de Mazière, and Merkel’s father knew each other. It’s also very likely that Lother himself knew Merkel’s father personally, as both had been prominent in Eastern German Church politics for years.
Lothar de Maizière’s father Clemens was the Eastern German Church’s lawyer, where he worked closely together with Merkel’s father to split the Eastern German Church off from its Western German counterpart. As said, this was a policy desired by the Eastern German regime. Clemens de Maizière was a shrewd Stasi-operator who apparently even betrayed his own family. After the war, Clemens had swiftly converted from Nazism to Communism as he had once belonged to Adolf Hitler’s “Sturmabteilung”, with membership number 3952867. Just to give a bit of background on politics in Communist Eastern Germany.
As mentioned, Merkel’s father may well only have cooperated with the regime to prevent worse and for the good of his family. He may not even have been aware that Clemens de Maizière was a Stasi man. If that would be the case, how tragic it must have been when his daughter’s boss and Clemens’ son, Lothar de Maizière, was accused of having been a Stasi operator in December 1990, resulting in his resignation as Eastern German Prime Minister. Lothar de Maizière would have worked for the Stasi since 1981, the year after his father Clemens, a long-time Stasi asset, had passed away, as he also took over his father’s role of the Eastern German Church’s lawyer. Before he went into active politics, Lothar de Maizière, was the vice president of the synod of the Association of Protestant Churches in the GDR. How likely is it that he would not have known Merkel’s father?
In a nutshell: Merkel may well have gotten her second job because the Democratic Awakening had been in a pre-election alliance with the Eastern German CDU and because she did such an impressive job dealing with journalists when the Democratic Awakening was in crisis. But apart from that, there is something very intriguing about the direct and indirect connections between her father and her first two political bosses.
Did Merkel use her father’s Church policy connections to get her first two jobs in politics, twice working for people who had to resign over Stasi allegations? Did her father know or suspect they were? Did Merkel herself know or suspect? Questions abound. According to one critical biography of Merkel, right after the wall had fallen, she actually started to emancipate herself from her father who was “deeply enmeshed into the system of German Democratic Republic”. One example is how she did not join the social democrats, like her mother, but the Democratic Awakening, which had an alliance with Helmut Kohl’s conservatives.
Shouldn’t this have been investigated more deeply? Lothar de Mazière is still alive. Despite all the indications, he maintains he wasn’t secret Stasi agent “Czernie”. Then, it was De Maiziere’s government which ordered the destruction of Stasi computer tapes. The West-German government had been warned even before the elections in March 1990 about possible Stasi connections of the CDU lead candidate in Eastern Germany but because of his membership of the CDU, this may not have been thoroughly researched, according to Stasi-expert and Die Welt-journalist Uwe Müller.
Both Schnur and Lothar de Mazière emerged as leaders of the Eastern German opposition movement before having to step down because of Stasi accusations. Both brought Angela Merkel to the fore. There are the Stasi archives, the many people who were involved in the Democratic Awakening and Eastern Germany’s CDU, people within Eastern Germany’s Church community. Doesn’t this deserve more investigation?
Maybe the only thing that can be concluded here will be that Merkel was lucky enough to be able to use her father’s dodgy political connections to launch her career. To be fair, without wanting to claim that no proper evidence can be presented to counter that claim: everything points in that direction. Isn’t that something interesting?
This is almost 30 years later. But has there been a proper debate in Germany over the role of the Stasi and its network during and after the unification of Germany? Even if the regime’s network would have only played a very minimal, almost accidental role in kickstarting Angela Merkel’s career: shouldn’t this be out in the open?
It’s commonly accepted that in the “East Block” countries that abandoned Communism, there was a lot of continuity also after 1990. Not only are there Putin and his KGB buddies who are ruling Russia. The frustration that many who were high up in Communist Poland haven’t seen their careers squashed is at the heart of Poland’s rule of law reforms – or at least the Polish government uses this public concern as the excuse to crack down on a justice system. One in four Eastern Germans was a member of the Stasi, which has been described as “worse than the Gestapo” by Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal, The Christian democratic, liberal and social democratic “bloc parties” of Eastern Germany– which must have been infested with Stasi influences – were absorbed into Western Germany’s political system. Is it really surprising that the old elites managed to help each other in the politically turbulent period when Germany was unified?
Conspiracy Theory
Stasi GDR files indicate that she was born on April 20th, 1954, and details of her birth were included in the records of the German Dr. Karl Klauberg, who was one of the Nazi “death doctors” convicted by Soviet courts and imprisoned. When he later was recognized as a brilliant scientist, he was released after seven years and was recognized as the father of artificial insemination. The Soviets were even more intrigued when they discovered Dr. Klauberg had preserved frozen samples of the sperm of Adolf Hitler. The forces of darkness in high places decided to try to produce a child from Hitler’s sperm, obviously for occult and illuministic purposes. Dr. Klauberg then brought the youngest sister of Eva Braun (Hitler’s wife), whose name was Gretl, to Eastern Germany, and the result of the experiment produced not a biological son of Hitler, but rather a daughter.
Amazingly, Adolf Hitler was born on April 20th, 1889, and Angela Merkel was born on April 20th, 1954. (April 20th is 11 days before the witches’ high sabat of Beltaine.) Angela became a custodian of the Catholic Church through its connections with the East German Lutheran Church. Once a German Pope would take the Roman throne, Angela Merkel was to also take her biological father’s position as German Chancellor. (VN: The holiest days for the occult are from April 19 to May 6)
On April 20th, 2005, the Nazi Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, (16th), precisely on the 116th birthday of Adolf Hitler. Then on November 22nd, 2005, Hitler’s biological daughter, Angela Merkel was elected Chancellor of Germany. The day of that election, November 22nd, was the anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin’s Origin of the Species, which is an antichrist publication denying the Creator of the universe.
If the Soviet record is true, and the evidence is strong, it opens up some amazing possibilities. The undeniable fact is that Angela Merkel came from obscurity to triumviral power as German Chancellor, President of the European Union, and head of the powerful G-8 economic cartel. (VN: Sounds like the rise of Obama here in the US. Wonder if he is also a rothschild?) When I began to do further research on this, I discovered that Hitler’s father, who took the name Hitler, was the illegitimate son of a Rothschild mistress whose last name was Schicklgruber.
Sources: Wikipedia; ZeroHedge; Vatic Project
History Events Involving Angela Merkel

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Germany Bans Gatherings Of More Than TWO People

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Ex-Spy Chief Says Merkel’s Open Border Policy Created “Security Crisis” For Germany

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The Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland Was Unveiled with a Ceremony… a Bizarre Satanic Ritualistic Ceremony!