An Elite-controlled front organization [sadly, after its beginnings in honor of such a remarkable woman in Florence Nightingale (see below)] whose true purpose is the complete opposite from its stated purpose. Sad to say the Red Cross is a disaster ‘racket’ which is in the business of making money from people’s misery, especially with totally engineered disasters such as 9/11. Donations go to benefit the Elite’s expansion of their empires and the fast-developing police state in your own backyards. The organization is a fraud. Donations mostly go to fat cats who pay themselves huge salaries and bonuses while doing next to nothing to actually help real people in the real world.
They sell the blood on, of course, but they apparently also use the blood for other things to which the public is generally not privy and one could legitimately ask where does all the money go and to whom? For the most part, they keep it for themselves as do the vast majority of major, household-name charities. The families of the victims of 9/11 had to badger, harass and threaten the Red Cross in an attempt to obtain $11 million that they would not release to the families, as long as one year after the event – and that is just what we were told in the media, so my guess is that the actual figure was much, much higher than this.
The CEO of the Red Cross and other senior administrators receive obscene salaries and massive perks, all of which are paid directly from contributions. At the time of writing, the salary of the current president is almost $700,000 per annum and the total revenue of the Red Cross is well in excess of $3bn!
The moment a ‘natural’ disaster such as Hurricane Katrina, the Haitian earthquake or the Japanese Tsunami occurs; the Red Cross floods the airwaves with ads seeking donations. With music full of pathos playing in the background, the announcer tells us that the Red Cross is ‘always there in time of need’ and now that the poor victims are suffering terribly, ‘won’t you please open your heart and wallet?’
These people have totally mastered the science of extracting money from the unthinking masses. For example, the dust from the World Trade Center demolition had not even settled (literally) before the Red Cross were appealing to us all to give blood and money to help the families of the victims of the ‘terrorist’ attack. Thousands of people gave blood and even more gave millions of dollars to the Red Cross. Perhaps, it would have been pertinent to ask ‘blood for whom’? Everyone was dead (there were few injuries, relatively speaking) so why was the Red Cross asking for blood donations day and night for a week or longer?
In Sept. 2005, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones wrote, “As the aftermath of hurricane Katrina continues to wreak mayhem and havoc amid reports of mass looting, shooting at rescue helicopters, rapes and murders, establishment media organs are promoting the Red Cross as a worthy organization to give donations to. The biggest website in the world,, displays a Red Cross donation link prominently on its front page. Every time there is a major catastrophe the Red Cross and similar organizations like United Way are given all the media attention while other charities are left in the shadows. This is not to say that the vast majority of Red Cross workers are not decent people who simply want to help those in need”.
In fact, the Red Cross has been caught ‘red-handed’ withholding money in the wake of terrible disasters that require immediate funds. In the name of the ‘Liberty Fund’ for 9/11 family relief, the Red Cross collected $564 million in donations yet only actually distributed around $150 million.
The then Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy arrogantly proclaimed, “The Liberty Fund is a war fund. It has evolved into a war fund. We must have blood readiness. We must have the ability to help our troops if we go into a ground war. We must have the ability to help the victims of tomorrow.” (She resigned under fire in Dec. 2001, and died in 2011. )
On Jan 3, 2005, CNN reported: “Charities swung into action after the September 11 terrorist attacks, raising more than $1 billion. But questions are being raised about where and how and how much of that moneywas actually distributed. Bearing the brunt during a hearing of the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s oversight panel was outgoing Red Cross President Dr. Bernadine Healy. Healy was hammered by one New York official for the Red Cross’ decision to put aside nearly half of the money raised for future needs that may include terrorist attacks. ‘I see the Red Cross, which has raised hundreds of millions of dollars that was intended by the donating public to be used for the victims of September 11 — I see those funds being sequestered into long-term plans for an organization,’ New York Attorney general Eliot Spitzer testified. ”
The Red Cross received an outpouring of donations after the quake, nearly half a billion dollars. The group publicly celebrated its work, but in fact, the Red Cross repeatedly failed on the ground in Haiti. Confidential memos, emails from worried top officers, and accounts of a dozen frustrated and disappointed insiders show the charity broke promises, squandered donations, and made dubious claims of success. The Red Cross says it has provided homes to more than 130,000 people. But the actual number of permanent homes the group has built in all of Haiti: six.
ProPublica and NPR’s investigation shows that many of the Red Cross’s failings in Haiti are of its own making. They are also part of a larger pattern in which the organization has botched delivery of aid after disasters such as Superstorm Sandy. Despite its difficulties, the Red Cross remains the charity of choice for ordinary Americans and corporations alike after natural disasters. The Red Cross won’t disclose details of how it has spent the hundreds of millions of dollars donated for Haiti.
In other promotional materials, the Red Cross said it has helped “more than 4.5 million” individual Haitians “get back on their feet.” It has not provided details to back up the claim. And Jean-Max Bellerive, Haiti’s prime minister at the time of the earthquake, doubts the figure, pointing out the country’s entire population is only about 10 million. “No, no,” Bellerive said of the Red Cross’ claim, “it’s not possible.”
When a cholera epidemic raged through Haiti nine months after the quake, the biggest part of the Red Cross’ response — a plan to distribute soap and oral rehydration salts — was crippled by “internal issues that go unaddressed,” wrote the director of the Haiti program in her May 2011 memo. Throughout that year, cholera was a steady killer. By September 2011, when the death toll had surpassed 6,000, the project was still listed as “very behind schedule” according to another internal document.
The Red Cross said in a statement that its cholera response, including a vaccination campaign, has continued for years and helped millions of Haitians. But while other groups also struggled early responding to cholera, some performed well. “None of these people had to die. That’s what upsets me,” said Paul Christian Namphy, a Haitian water and sanitation official who helped lead the effort to fight cholera. He says early failures by the Red Cross and other NGOs had a devastating impact. “These numbers should have been zero.”
In fact the Red Cross has a long, long sordid history of stealing cash donations intended for disaster relief. Following the disastrous San Francisco earthquake in 1989, the Red Cross donated only $10 million of the $50 million that had been raised, and kept the rest.
Similarly, following the Oklahoma City bombing in 1995 and the Red River flooding in 1997 many donations were also withheld. Even as far back as the Korean War, the Red Cross was plundering soldiers’ relief packages, the famous ‘Red Cross Parcels’ from home.
The Red Cross is very adept at stealing money and looting mail and has been exposed in this respect many times but it has been allowed to escape sanctions, punishment or exposure because the organization is so closely allied with and indeed is inextricably linked with the Elite establishment. It is without doubt an organization run by Elite insiders whose purpose is to gather intelligence and steal from the poor, underprivileged and needy to further line the pockets of the rich.
Several minor charities that were involved with the 2004 Tsunami relief project expressed outrage in public to say that large charities like Red Cross and Oxfam were engaged in secret negotiations that resulted in a large amount of the public-donated money being withheld from those most affected by the disaster. See Red Cross Hasn’t Spent $200 million Raised for S. Asian Tsunami
The message here should be clear to all. Under no circumstances donate money to major charitable organizations unless you would like your money to go to benefit the Elite’s expansion of their empires and the fast-developing police state in your own backyards. Find smaller independent charitable organizations that you know to be reliable and make your donations to them.
“The American Red Cross (ARC), is widely considered a great American institution. It is generally thought of as among the world’s premier humanitarian organizations. Clearly, almost everyone thinks of it as a life-saving agency. Most people know this non-governmental organization (NGO) to be heavily dependent upon the blood and currency generously donated by the American people. But, what if all of the above is untrue? What if everything you think you know about the American Red Cross is a ghastly nauseating lie?“
My name is Dr. Leonard Horowitz. What I am about to share with you is deeply disturbing, yet potentially life-saving. The American Red Cross is not what it appears to be. …“
Let me begin by telling you a bit about myself, and about my bias. For the past ten years I have been conducting health science and U.S. Government cover-up investigations as an independent, Harvard-trained, award-winning medical journalist and internationally recognized authority in public health.” He’s got a lot of credentials here; I’ll just read this one more.“
In 1999, I won the prestigious ‘Author of the Year Award’ from the World Natural Health Organization for my tenth book.” He’s got ten of them. “It is called Emerging Viruses: AIDS &Ebola – Nature, Accident or Intentional? Government health officials have said this book is largely responsible for America’s rapidly growing anti-vaccination movement. The blood banking industry is meticulously explored here as well.”
“… let me explain by giving you a little background on the people who run the American Red Cross. … Founded in 1881 by American humanitarian Clara Barton, the American Red Cross(officially named The American National Red Cross) was first chartered by the U.S. Congress in1900. A second charter, still in force, was granted in 1905. Not long after, however, John D.Rockefeller pirated the entire blood banking industry, along with the administrative leadership of the ARC. As you will soon learn, this quintessential coup de’etat represented more than a glorious economic opportunity. The takeover of the ARC, and the entire blood industry, was apparently required to fulfill a far more sinister, even occult-linked, political objective-eugenics management for a racially purified planet.” Uh-oh, sounds like the Nazis, doesn’t it?
“To begin, during this time, John D. Rockefeller and his associates were making a concerted effort to control the entire field of medicine in America.” And since then they’ve done that.“During the 1890s, Rockefeller interests in medical education and ‘scientific medicine’ were spearheaded by Frederick T. Gates, John D. Rockefeller’s investment manager.” He knew a lot about medicine! “1901 saw the founding of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research. In1902, Rockefeller’s General Education Board was founded with a mission to annihilate the causes of racial discords.” Well, that sounds pretty good, but – “This agenda was clarified two years later with the publication of John D. Rockefeller’s Occasional Letter No. 1 in which he detailed his plans to mold Americans to his concept of ‘perfect human nature.’ This, he claimed,might best be accomplished by destroying parental influence, traditions and customs, while reducing national intelligence levels.” Pretty good guy!
“In 1904, the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (home to today’s Human Genome Project) was built on the estates of John Foster and Allen Dulles, lawyers for the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company. The Dulles Brothers, who openly professed John D. Rockefeller’s racial hygiene doctrines, later directed the U.S. military’s Office of Strategic Services (OSS), which became after World War II, the CIA. Charles B. Davenport constructed the Cold Spring Harbor facility to provide a home for racial hygiene research, what was then called ‘eugenics research.’” Who really knew what eugenics was? “The first racial hygiene laws in the world evolved from investigations and reports issued from here. John D. Rockefeller and Averill Harriman, America’s wealthiest oil and railroad magnates, invested more than $11 million – an extraordinary fortune at that time – in funding this facility. Soon thereafter, in 1909, the first genetics laboratory was established at the Rockefeller Institute and directed by Dr. Phoebus Aaron Theodor Levine.
“By 1907, medical education had been mostly monopolized by the Rockefeller consortium. That year, the American Medical Association (AMA) advanced its medical education rating system effectively eliminating, by 1918, approximately 600 of the initial 650 medical schools. Through Rockefeller cohorts in the Andrew Carnegie Endowment for the Advancement of Teaching,Abraham Flexner was appointed to survey medical schools throughout America. This led to the infamous ‘Flexner Report’ that vilified every alternative to drug-based medicine.” These are the same guys that want to make it illegal for you to buy vitamins at the store. “The Rockefellers’ political control was clearly reflected in Flexner family relations. Abraham Flexner served on the Rockefellers’ General Education Board. Abraham Flexner’s brother, Simon, headed the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research. Simon’s brother, Bernard, later joined the board oftrustees of the Rockefeller Foundation, after he helped found the politically powerful Council onForeign Relations.
“In 1910, following the death of Averill Harriman who presided over Yale’s infamous secret society, the Skull and Bones, his widow donated 80 acres of estate property to establish the Eugenics Research Association at Cold Spring Harbor, New York, along with the Eugenics Records Office. The following year, social Darwinism subscriber, John Foster Dulles, revealed his desire to help develop a ‘super race.’” What kind of a Nazi is he? “He explained that by eliminating” – do you see, this is where this goes, okay; this is where the Red Cross goes. This is where these foundations go. “He explained that by eliminating ‘the weakest members of the population,’ a purer Aryan race might be created.” Sich heil! “According to several reputable authors, the Dulles brothers directing Rockefeller’s management group and law firm at Sullivan and Cromwell on Wall Street, later administered the American affairs of I.G. Farben – Germany’s leading industrial organization – linked intimately to Hitler and the rising Third Reich.” They made hundreds of millions of dollars off the Second World War and the slave labor in the concentration camps. “The Dulles law firm also directed U.S. business affairs for Fritz Thyssen, Hitler’s primary financial backer. Thyssen later introduced Allen Dulles to the rising Nazi fuehrer, after which brother John negotiated loans for the Nazis.
“All of this activity foreshadowed, in 1928, the Rockefeller financing of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Eugenics, Anthropology and Human Heredity in pre-Nazi Germany. Ernst Rudin,Hitler’s chief racial hygienist, was given authority over this institute principally funded by the Rockefellers. Eugenic psychologist Dr. Franz J. Kallmann, and blood geneticist Otmar Verschuer assisted Dr. Rudin. Their institute was named for Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II who was a solid supporter of early eugenics experiments” – and why was that? Because he was into the occult, and he wanted to further his royal bloodline.
“According to historic records, Hitler was also an avid student of the occult and a member of the largely secret Thule Society that contained members of the British royal family and European banking industry. … Thule Society members, with connections to other politically influential leaders in the United States, including members of the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University, are believed to have founded the National Socialist Party in Germany, primarily to initiate World War II.” Oh, they don’t do that kind of stuff. Yes, they do. That’s how they work.All of our wars have been Illuminati constructions.
“In my 1999 book, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, I shed more light on these shadowy figures of eugenics history. Shortly before the war, in 1936, according to investigative journalist Anton Chaitkin, Nazi eugenicist and Rockefeller grantee, Dr. Franz Kallmann published his schizophrenia experiments after immigrating to New York because he was half-Jewish.” Schizophrenia experiments, okay? “The secret society known as the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry published his account of more than 1,000 cases.” Well, why did they do that?What have the Masons got to do with schizophrenia experiments? Because they’re all run at the top by the Illuminati, that’s why. “His book was used in 1939 to rationalize the ‘murder of mental patients and various ‘defective’ people,’ according to Chaitkin and others. At the same time, the infamous Nazi doctor Josef Mengele” – and we’re going to do a lot about him in the coming shows on mind control – “and Otmar Verschuer were collecting blood samples, particularly from twins, to conduct genetic experiments to further advance the eugenics field.” And they did some heavy stuff.“
Thousands were butchered and their heads, eyeballs, limbs, and organs were delivered to Mengele, Verschuer, and the other Rockefeller-linked contingents at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute.“
It was apparently no random coincidence that the Rockefeller family gained so much control over the ARC and blood banking, because Laurance Rockefeller assembled the New York City blood council that evolved to largely control the international blood banking industry. The importance of blood and bloodlines is a recurring theme throughout history with the Illuminati,particularly when considering the highest level and objectives of the secret Scottish Freemasons. According to the ‘Structure of Freemasonry,’” – a publication – “the ‘Order of the Red Cross’ stands third in the top echelon of power just behind the Sovereign Military Order of Malta …”
“According to authors Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in Holy Blood Holy Grail, themselves Freemasons, this practice of identifying the red cross with Masonic tradition began in 1188” –you see, the Masons had the red cross in the 12th century. And you thought the Red Cross was new, huh? It’s call the Rosicrucians, people! The Rosicrucians! ”They adopted this symbol when the Prieuré de Sion”– the Merovingian top royal bloodline of the Illuminati – “accepted the ceremonies of Ormus, said to have been an Egyptian sage, mystic, and ‘a Gnostic ‘adept’ in Alexandria’ – a ‘hotbed of mystical activity’ during the first century A. D.”
”In the 14th century in Germany, the word “Illuminati” applied to the high initiates of the“Brotherhood of the Snake.” Well, the snake, “used by Rockefeller-directed organized medicine today, became a symbol of evolving illuminance or intelligence.” You know, the snake around the cross, the AMA. “Likewise, the Knight’s Templar symbol shows the snake beginning and ending with a swastika. Citing van Helsing’s research again, ‘One of the main branches of the Illuminati in Germany were the mystical Rosicrucians who were introduced at the beginning ofthe 9th century by Charlemagne.’” And you thought you knew what the Red Cross was! Yeah, so did I.“
In Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional? I explained how and why,at the end of WWII, the Dulles brothers, in support of Rockefeller alliances” – this is very, very important that you know that this kind of stuff happened here – the Rockefeller-supported alliances “arranged false Red Cross identifications for Nazi war criminals, scientists” – like
Wernher von Braun and Joseph Mengele – “and military officials to escape through what they called the ‘rat lines.’” They brought a whole bunch of Nazis over here. Mengele was brought here and put to work on mind control by the CIA. “A couple of years ago, the New York Times carried a story that explained that Red Cross officials were aware of the Nazi atrocities occurring in the concentration camps of WWII. They said they were remiss in reporting that evidence. They omitted, however, the intelligence that the entire Red Cross organization was directed, from high above, by the same devils that directed the business dealings between the Nazis, I.G. Farben, the CIA and the Rockefeller Standard Oil Company from the rise of the Third Reich. No wonder, the New York Times reported in another article, much of the Nazi-stolen gold suddenly emerged in Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan Bank.” Oh, boy. See, Rockefeller supplied the Nazis, he supplied Hitler with the technology to turn coal into oil and to gasoline. Hitler didn’t have any gasoline for his tanks and his planes. But thanks to Rockefeller, and Rockefeller selling him oil through Spain.
Laurence Rockefeller, the “Laurence Rockefeller-directed New York City Blood Bank knowingly released” – oh, this is hard, this is very hard. But you remember this. They “knowingly released thousands of pints of blood contaminated with the AIDS-virus, HIV, despite holding secret the oxygenation technologies capable of cleaning the virus from infected supplies.” Do we remember that scandal? “After developing AIDS, approximately ten thousand hemophiliacs died throughout the United States, along with countless others around the world. Likewise, in 1999, CNN reported that approximately 500,000 Chinese people became infected with HIV and received the hepatitis B, C and herpes (cancer) viruses through contaminated blood, likewise preventable, but purposely neglected.
“In my latest book, Death in the Air: Globalism, Terrorism, and Toxic Warfare … I detail the Rockefeller family’s and their foundation’s association with the population control industry.They are currently moving to eradicate half of the planet’s current population” – half of the population; some figures go down to a half a billion people – “including America’s civilian population as well. According to the Rockefeller-directed Population Council of the City of New York, and its affiliate, the Negative Population Growth, Inc. of New Jersey, the U.S. population requires culling to 125 or 150 million people.” That’s less than half the number already that we have right now. “And that, in a nutshell, is what ‘America’s New War’ on terrorism – leading to WW III – is really about. Global population control and reduction through managed chaos. Using the standard Machiavellian practice of creating urgent problems, then costly solutions, America has been railroaded into what promises to be a long and deadly war against people previously,and likely still, on the payroll of a secret government and the CIA.
“Now you might comprehend, if you have ‘the eyes’ to read the above text, and the discernment necessary to perceive the truth it relays, why I found it nauseating that Americans so readily gave their blood and money to the Rockefellers’ Red Cross. If you are among the millions who made that mistake, chalk it up to simple deception. But for heaven’s sake, don’t do it again!Please donate directly to the families who have been victimized. That way your contribution might do more than aiding and abetting the enemy.
”Now, if you want to look up this whole article – I didn’t read even half of it – you go to I got the article off of, which is another good source. Scary stuff, huh? Well, I’d rather be scared and informed than scared and ignorant. See, the GIout there in the foxhole, he’s able to overcome his fear because he knows the enemy.
- John Hamer is a British geo-political researcher. He is the author of the book ‘The Falsification of History’ –
Related –
- Red Cross was a front for Wall Street Bankers in Bolshevik Revolution /Chapter Five (thanks Leland)
- Red Cross in Haiti – Where did the Money Go? – See more at:
Florence Nightingale was a major influence on those who initially setup the British Red Cross in 1870
One of my (Editor: Lee Floyd) heroes is Florence Nightingale (before you glance at my profile again, yes, I’m a man, but still consider her a hero) who came to prominence during the Crimean war by serving as a compassionate nurse after hearing of the horrific conditions of the wounded soldiers in the Crimean War. Florence Nightingale was born on 12 May 1820 into a rich, upper-class, well-connected British family at the Villa Colombaia, in Florence, Italy, and was named after the city of her birth. Nightingale underwent the first of several experiences that she believed were calls from God in February 1837 while at Embley Park, prompting a strong desire to devote her life to the service of others. As a youth, Florence was attractive, slender, and graceful and often went without, or ate little food, but this was not because she wanted to be a model. No, it was so that she might sneak out and give food to the poor. It is this inability to see another’s lack and not share, the idea that she had been given much and too must give, that follows closely that standard that our Savior set and expects of us.
Nightingale worked hard to educate herself in the art and science of nursing, in spite of opposition from her family and the restrictive social code for affluent young English women. At Thebes, she wrote of being “called to God”, while a week later near Cairo she wrote in her diary (as distinct from her far longer letters that her elder sister Parthenope was to print after her return): “God called me in the morning and asked me would I do good for him alone without reputation.” Florence Nightingale gained the nickname “The Lady with the Lamp” from a phrase in a report in The Times:
“She is a ‘ministering angel’ without any exaggeration in these hospitals, and as her slender form glides quietly along each corridor, every poor fellow’s face softens with gratitude at the sight of her. When all the medical officers have retired for the night and silence and darkness have settled down upon those miles of prostrate sick, she may be observed alone, with a little lamp in her hand, making her solitary rounds.”
In 1856, Queen Victoria awarded Florence Nightingale a brooch for her services in the Crimean war. The brooch wasn’t only decorative, but it was a sign of royal appreciation at a time when suitable decorations for female civilians didn’t yet exist. Known as the Nightingale jewel, and designed with the supervision of Prince Albert, the brooch bears an inscription encircling the badge with four words: “Blessed Are The Merciful”. A letter from the Queen to Ms. Nightingale reads:
Dear Miss Nightingale,—You are, I know, well aware of the high sense I entertain of the Christian devotion which you have displayed during this great and bloody war, and I need hardly repeat to you how warm my admiration is for your services, which are fully equal to those of my dear and brave soldiers, whose sufferings you have had the privilege of alleviating in so merciful a manner. I am, however, anxious of marking my feelings in a manner which I trust will be agreeable to you, and therefore send you with this letter a brooch, the form and emblems of which commemorate your great and blessed work, and which, I hope, you will wear as a mark of the high approbation of your Sovereign!*
It will be a very great satisfaction to me, when you return at last to these shores, to make the acquaintance of one who has set so bright an example to our sex. And with every prayer for the preservation of your valuable health, believe me, always, yours sincerely, …Victoria R.
If only all of those who serve in the Red Cross, or any service organization for that matter, would serve with half of her passion and goodness. Fortunately, many do, but the evil powers in the world see opportunity to exploit where others see opportunity to serve.
Chronological History of Events Involving the Red Cross

The Movie “Contagion” is Released Indoctrinating the Masses to Vaccinate when there is a Pandemic Scare

Leaked US Army Document Details Plan for Re-Education FEMA Camps in America

An Updated International Red Cross Audit Records a Total 282,077 Deaths of All Internees in all German Concentration Camps from All Causes.