As can be witnessed after the transition which St. Augustine finalized, the practices, rites, and manner of worship of the Catholic church changed in ways that astonishingly parallel characteristics of other religions whose roots
lie in the ancient mystery schools. Celibate monks in drab-colored robes, with shaved heads and prayer beads, chanting set prayers and incantations – all startlingly harkens to nearidentical aspects of the practices of Chinese Buddhism. In fact when Catholicism first made its way into the Orient, representatives were extremely startled to witness these similarities and wrote letters back home expressing their dismay.
While the trinity of Father, Son and Holy Ghost is still present, the introduction of Mariolotry (i.e. the veneration of Mary) produced an exoteric symbol of deity or deific concept – thus creating a Catholicized version of the Ra/Osiris – Isis – Horus relationship. The twelve apostles and various other Biblical identities became deified, and constitute a Catholic equivalent of a pantheon of immortals, not unlike the qualities and attributes of those of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome – to which mere mortals can directly offer prayers (instead addressing the Father in the name of Jesus Christ), usually for specific needs or purposes.
The term saint went from referring to a mortal follower of Christ (the equivalent of the definition of a Christian today) to a pinnacle title of impeccable status – sainthood – applied only to those who lived a life honorable and exemplary enough, having met a specific criteria, and who are now deceased. All but a handful of the billions of mortals that have graced this planet could ever hope or dream of achieving such loftiness. Is it not unlike the elite dream of achieving immortality and surmounting the Grecian Mount Olympus?
While the term purgatory is nowhere to be found in the Bible, its postulated likeness is uncannily reminiscent of the Grecian concept of Hades. The more one looks, the more it becomes apparent that Roman Catholicism is not much more than an exoteric shell of religiosity – in the same vein as those exoteric shells of ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome – which hides an esoteric core of initiates and secret doctrines deep within. Except, in this case, the shell utilizes Christ, His mother, His apostles, His atonement, His good works, as well as twisting His sacred words to mask the Luciferian doctrines deeply concealed within.
Secret societies, and the mystery schools at their cores, truly exist and are found in every single culture throughout earth’s history. In our modern age their initiates have infiltrated and all but dominate every government on earth. Their initiates and sycophants are among the richest and/or most influential members of every segment of society heavily influence and/or control every major corporation in the world, either through the board of directors or directly in executive positions. The most powerful of such secret societies’ prominent families and established groups not only control the largest banks, but also have control over the world’s money supply. Initiates of secret societies do not disclose that they are initiates to anyone but other initiates in a private setting.
At their core, the dogma and agenda of these secret societies are Luciferian and practically identical. The most powerful and nefarious of these secret societies not only make blood oaths to uphold each other (requiring the death of initiated exposers and whistleblowers), but some initiations actually involve the murder/sacrifice of an innocent human being as a demonstration of abject loyalty to the order.
In an age of increasing hostility towards organized religion, and increased scapegoating in fallacious claims that many of societies ills originate from religious institutions, what better way to disguise the morals, ethics, codes, philosophies and doctrines of the mystery schools than to present them as existing wholly outside the framework of religion – that they are universally applied spiritual truths – that they are a fundamental part of mankind’s metaphysical nature? In other words: secularize them.
This is precisely what has been done. Over the past century, mystery school theologies and tenets have been gradually infused into Western popular culture through secular channels. They now permeate the mindset of the general public as accepted “non-offensive truths.” Three particular movements established to accomplish this include: Theosophy, Secular Humanism, and New Age Spiritualism. These have been created, funded and promoted within popular secular culture with the purpose of disguising what is Luciferian doctrine at its root. In every instance, the religiosity of the tenets have been made acceptable either through generalized, mystical, pretentiously-sophisticated grandiose terminology, or through whitewashing the spiritual aspects of Luciferian values by claiming to use scientific methods of searching for the virtues that best suit the human race. The former method makes such dogma easier to swallow and embrace for spiritually-minded people; the latter method is geared to appeal to academics, intellectuals and atheists. With either route, the end results are already plotted to arrive at the destination of mystery school Luciferianism.
Which secret society rules the world? Global elite, bankers, politicians, or religion? Well, the world is ruled by powerful and dangerous secret societies. Here’re the top 10 most mysterious secret societies that actually hold the key to everything in today’s world:
#1. Skull And Bones
Founded in 1832 by Yale University students, Skull and Bones is surrounded by conspiracy theories; the most popular being that the CIA founders were members of this secret society and that they still control it. The society has been criticized for everything — weird sexual acts, the Kennedy assassination, espionage and drug smuggling.
#2: The Bilderberg Group
The Bilderberg was started in 1954 in the Netherlands “to create an aristocracy of purpose,” mainly in the United States and Europe. Its members include some of the most powerful and highly influential people in the world — from the IMF’s top officials to presidents and EU leaders. The most famous conspiracy theories say the group is run by the Nazis, it is trying to impose a one world government, and it runs the US Republican party.
#3: Freemasonry
The all-male group, formed in 1717 in London, has six million powerful members across the world. It is alleged that George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Winston Churchill, Mozart, and Harry Houdini were Freemasons. They are infamous for secret passwords, secret handshakes, designing the Pyramids, and plotting the French Revolution.
#4: The Knights Templar
In 1119, nine knights founded the Knights Templar: a Catholic military order created to protect pilgrims traveling through the Holy Land, as well as guard the most sacred Christian treasures. Its non-combatant members developed the earliest forms of banking throughout Christendom, and built fortifications across Europe and the Holy Land. Though it was disbanded in 1312, it is said that the Freemasons are keeping the flame alive for the Knights Templar.
#5: The Hashashin
The Hashashins, or the Assassins, one of the most fearsome of all the secret societies in the world, are known for assassinating their religious and political enemies, regardless of the number of security personnel guarding their targets. It is said that the group of legendary contract killers, formed in the late 11th century, were vanquished by the end of the 13th century but left its dangerous legacy in today’s Syria and Iran.
#6: The Cadaver Society
A secret society of students at Washington and Lee University. It is rumored that underground passageways — which its members use to remain undetected — span the campus. It is speculated that the Cadaver Society serves as a branch of the Illuminati, a group that has control over powerful systems like banks and governments.
#7: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Founded in the late 19th century, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was dedicated to the study of the occult, the paranormal, and metaphysics — and everything considered magical. The order, also known as the “Golden Dawn”, has been one of the single biggest influences on 20th century western occultism such as Wicca.
#8: Ordo Templi Orientis
An international fraternal and religious society, Ordo Templi Orientis is modeled after the Freemasonry structure and centered on a degree of occultism. Many Ancient Egyptian Gods and the Devil are invoked during the rituals, which are sometimes performed naked, and use virgin priestesses, children, and priests.
#9: Rosicrucians
Founded by a group of German Protestants in the early 15th century, the philosophical secret society was perceived as very dangerous at the time, as they reportedly used occult practices to bring about a global transformation. It is claimed they are the guiding force behind every significant revolution in modern history.
#10: The Illuminati
Perhaps the most popular cult of modern society, the Illuminati was formed to end superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. It is alleged that they conspire to establish a New World Order and gain political power by using the media to brainwash the masses.
Sources: Christian Markham; Anonymous-News
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