An organization founded by Dr. Mary Calderone, the former medical director of Planned Parenthood, in NY in 1964 and funded by Hugh Hefner, founder of Playboy, and that is influencing school systems all across America in sex education. Their philosophy was to break from traditional teachings on sex and make children think more sexually. Calderone stated: “Children are sexual and think sexual thoughts and do sexual things.” The SIECUS curriculum initiates children into the ideas that homosexuality, bisexuality, and trans-sexuality are normal and healthy lifestyles, and that abortion is a convenient and acceptable method of birth control. Moreover, it is teaching your children that those who disagree with these views – even on religious grounds – are narrow-minded bigots on the fringe of society. It encourages children to shun the values of their parents if those values contradict those held by SIECUS. It was fostered by the editor, contributors and co-editors of a magazine called SEXOLOGY, a paperback that was considered pornography years ago, and these are the same people who are behind the sex education program in our public school system. Read More…
Chronology of Events Related to SIECUS and Sex Education

Rasmussen Poll: 85% of Americans Oppose Explicit Child Books in Elementary School Libraries

Report: California 8th Graders Taught Anal, Bondage, & Sex Involving Blood in Sex-Ed Class

Parents Protest as Texas School Approves Polarizing Sex-ed Curriculum Teaching ‘Gender Identity’

Texas School District Mandates Teaching Kids How to Have Anal Sex

Report: Children as young as SIX are to be given compulsory self-touching lessons that critics say are sexualising youngsters

UK Government Finalizes Gay & Trans Sex Education to be Taught to FIVE-YEAR-OLDS in UK Beginning 2020-21 School Year & Opting Out is ILLEGAL

Government Threatens to Shut Down Christian Schools Unless they Purge God and Family Oriented Curriculum

U.N. Report Advocates Teaching Masturbation to 5-Year-Olds

SIECUS is Founded by Former Planned Parenthood Director with Seed Money from Playboy Founder Hugh Hefner