Defined as “premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant targets by subnational groups or clandestine agents, usually intended to influence an audience” according to US law. It is used to describe incidents “facilitated” by agents provocateurs from the FBI’s Joint Terrorism Task Force. It is an increasingly common aspect of commercially-controlled media reports in the 21st century, particularly since 9/11. The stereotypical image, that of a Muslim suicide bomber (often a patsy or radical known and provoked by the dark-side of intelligence agencies), is exploited to try to scare lawmakers into passing Draconian and vaguely worded laws, and to scare the public into acquiescing. These laws often related to mass surveillance or otherwise infringe on civil liberties.1
Chronological History of Events Related to Terrorism

Nigerian Leader: Weapons Sent to Ukraine Are Ending Up in Hands of Terrorist Groups in North Africa

Author of Social Media Threat Proclaiming White Power And Threatening Murder Spree Against Blacks at County Fair Identified As Black Teen

FBI Whistleblower LEAKS Bureau’s ‘Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide’ on ‘Militia Violent Extremists’

Biden Waves Sanctions Against Terrorist Nation Iran

Essay on Patriotism and Globalism by Chilean-born Sven von Storch – National Sovereignty: Make Latin America Great

Kabul Airport Bombings: Largest 1-Day Loss of U.S. Soldiers’ Lives in Afghanistan Since 2011

Leftist Car-ram Attacks US Capitol, Kills an Officer, then Killed by Capitol Police

Canada Declares Proud Boys a Terrorist Group, Same Category as Islamic State

Former CIA Counter-Insurgency Officer Urges US Govt to Use War Tactics Against Capitol Protestors