Taking Back Our Stolen History
Mind Control / MKULTRA

Mind Control / MKULTRA

Why did countless American people go along with the War on Iraq? Why did so many people call for a police state control grid? A major component to a full understanding of why this kind of governmental and corporate corruption is to discover the modern science of mind control. This is no accident; this is a carefully crafted design. The drive to dumb down the populations of planet earth is a classic art that existed before the United States did. One component to understanding and deciphering the systems of control is to become a student of the magicians of influence and propaganda.

When people think about mind control, they usually think in terms of the classic “conspiracy theory” that refers to Project MkUltra. This program is a proven example of ‘overt mind control.’ The project had grown out of an earlier secret program, known as Bluebird that was officially formed to counter Soviet advances in brainwashing. In reality the CIA had other objectives. An earlier aim was to study methods ‘through which control of an individual may be attained’. The emphasis of experimentation was ‘narco-hypnosis’, the blending of mind altering drugs with carefully hypnotic programming.

One of the most common examples of mind control in our so-called free and civilized society is the advent and usage of TV. This isn’t to say that all things on TV are geared towards brainwashing you. They’re not. But most of the programming on television today is run and programming by the largest media corporations. ..Read More

Chronological History of Events Related to Mind Control

Movie 'Conspiracy Theory' Premieres

Movie ‘Conspiracy Theory’ Premieres

Jerry (Mel Gibson) is a rather paranoid, slightly delusional, and slightly disturbed conspiracy theorist. If not engaged in conspiratorial theories, he works as a taxi driver who seems to be constantly on the edge, fueled, presumably, by sufficient doses of caffeine leaving him constantly rambling on about a whole host of conspiracy theories to his bewildered taxi fares who all give the viewer the distinct impression ...
Lecture by Dr. Colin Ross: The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate

Lecture by Dr. Colin Ross: The CIA and Military Mind Control Research: Building the Manchurian Candidate

The Canadian psychiatrist and specialist on trauma and dissociation, Dr. Colin Ross, presented a paper at the 9th Annual Western Clinical Conference on Trauma and Dissociation in Orange County, California, where he showed that he encountered evidence from released CIA-FOIA documents that the agency did research on the creation of Manchurian candidates since World War II. Dr. Ross and research organizations like the New York based ...
Ted Kazinski, the Unabomber, Arrested. He had Entered a CIA Sponsored Mind-Control Program at Harvard University

Ted Kazinski, the Unabomber, Arrested. He had Entered a CIA Sponsored Mind-Control Program at Harvard University

Ted Kazinski, aka the Unabomber, arrested for a series of bombings dating back to 1978. It turns out that Kazinski was part of a CIA sponsored mind-control program dating back to his college days at Harvard (1958-62) as reported by the LA Times. As a child, Kaczynski skipped both sixth and 11th grade, and began studying as an undergraduate at Harvard when he was only 16 ...
President Clinton Confirmed that 4000 Human “Experiment[s] Conducted from 1945” Were Covered Up

President Clinton Confirmed that 4000 Human “Experiment[s] Conducted from 1945” Were Covered Up

On October 2, 1995, President Clinton confirmed that 4000 “experiment[s] conducted from 1945” were covered up by officialdom for “fear of embarrassment”. Even in the midst of such an apology, the severity of the crime is trivialized by such language: embarrassment must surely have ranked quite low among the concerns of the men and women involved with inhuman experiments which might, were justice to be served, have qualified them for ...
The Verdict of the Trial of the Century: OJ Simpson ...Not Guilty of Murdering wife Nicole Brown Simpson or Ron Goldman. Was He Really Innocent?

The Verdict of the Trial of the Century: OJ Simpson …Not Guilty of Murdering wife Nicole Brown Simpson or Ron Goldman. Was He Really Innocent?

On June 12, 1994, Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman were found stabbed to death outside Nicole's condo in the Brentwood area of Los Angeles. Simpson was a person of interest in their murders. Simpson did not turn himself in, and on June 17 he became the object of a low-speed pursuit by police while riding as a passenger in the white 1993 Ford Bronco SUV owned and driven by his longtime friend Al Cowlings. TV stations interrupted coverage ...
CIA's MK-ULTRA Victims Give Explosive Testimony to President’s Committee on Radiation of Being Raped, Shocked, Drugged, & Tortured as Children

CIA’s MK-ULTRA Victims Give Explosive Testimony to President’s Committee on Radiation of Being Raped, Shocked, Drugged, & Tortured as Children

The CIA mind-control apparatus has been well known since 1975, when 10 large boxes of documents were released pursuant to Freedom of Information Act requests. Several good books were then written on the subject of the CIA program known as MK-ULTRA. Officially spanning ten years from 1952-62, MK-ULTRA involved the use of LSD on unwitting military and civilian subjects in the United States. LSD and more ...
The 1994 Rockefeller Report Examining Biological Experimentation on U.S. Military

The 1994 Rockefeller Report Examining Biological Experimentation on U.S. Military

During the last 50 years, hundreds of thousands of military personnel have been involved in human experimentation and other intentional exposures conducted by the Department of Defense (DOD), often without a servicemember's knowledge or consent. In some cases, soldiers who consented to serve as human subjects found themselves participating in experiments quite different from those described at the time they volunteered. For example, thousands of World ...
Canadian Journalist, Serge Monast, Exposes Project Blue Beam - a Scientific Plan to Usher in a One World Religion and New World Order

Canadian Journalist, Serge Monast, Exposes Project Blue Beam – a Scientific Plan to Usher in a One World Religion and New World Order

Following is the transcript of a taped presentation by Serge Monast, a French-speaking Canadian journalist. Although there was no date on the tape, Monast speaks of 1983 as "eleven years ago", so we will assume this talk took place in 1994. We heard rumors from time to time of harassment against Mr. Monast, and later had heard that he was killed. That is an unconfirmed (by ...
The Greenbaum Speech: Dr. Corydon Hammond's Groundbreaking Speech on SRA, Hypnotic Mind Control Techniques, and Deprogramming

The Greenbaum Speech: Dr. Corydon Hammond’s Groundbreaking Speech on SRA, Hypnotic Mind Control Techniques, and Deprogramming

Dr. Corydon Hammond, a Psychologist from the University of Utah, delivered a stunning lecture entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse" at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality in Alexandria, Virginia on June 25, 1992. Listen below... The revealing essay below on the role of cults in ritual abuse and mind control consists of key excerpts from a courageous, landmark lecture by psychologist ...
MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly Rescued from her Mind Control Enslavement by Intelligence Insider Mark Phillips

MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly Rescued from her Mind Control Enslavement by Intelligence Insider Mark Phillips

On August 3rd, 1977 the 95th U.S. Congress opened hearings into the reported abuses concerning the CIA’s TOP SECRET mind control research program code named MK-Ultra. On February 8th, 1988, a top-level MK-Ultra victim, Cathy O’Brien, was covertly rescued from her mind control enslavement by Intelligence insider Mark Phillips.  In 1995 when the US National Security Act was invoked on her testimony for US Congressional Permanent ...