Survey finds ‘sextortion’ rife in Latin America, women worst hit
One in five people in Latin America and the Caribbean has either direct or indirect experience of officials using their positions of power to demand sexual favours, usually from women, according to a survey published on Monday. "Sextortion" - abuse of power to obtain sexual favours - is prevalent in Latin America partly due to inequality between men and women in politics and pay though few ...

Ship Seized In Record $1.3 Billion Cocaine Bust Belongs To JPMorgan
A record $1.3 billion, or 18,000 kilos worth) of cocaine (15,500 kilos) was seized from a container ship at a Philadelphia port after having stopped in Colombia, Chile, Peru, Panama and the Bahamas. The vessel, the MSC Gayane, is owned by JP Morgan, and was seized by US authorities according to the Wall Street Journal. The Gayane is the world's second-largest container ship - operated by ...

The Mysterious Death of Panama Papers Investigative Journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia
Caruana Galizia was the first person to learn of the Panamanian companies before the Panama Papers leak of April 2016. The Panama Papers are a collection of over 11 million leaked documents exposing shady financial dealings from more than 200,000 offshore entities, some dating as far back as the 1970s. When Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia began connecting the dots between corruption in her home country ...

Testimony of Nurse Nayirah: Fake News Propaganda Created by Bush Connected PR Firm to Drum Up War Support
A 15-year-old girl named “Nayirah” testified before the U.S. Congress that she had seen Iraqi soldiers pulling Kuwaiti babies from incubators, causing them to die. The testimony helped gain major public support for the 1991 Gulf War, but — despite protests that the dispute of this story was itself a conspiracy theory — the pleas were ignored and it was later discovered that the testimony actually ...

The U.S. launched its invasion of Panama and Extracted Manuel Noriega to the U.S. Under the False Pretense of Dealing Drugs
In 1989, George H.W. Bush brought Robert Mueller to Main Justice to dispose of another nemesis, Panamanian President Manuel Noriega. Aside from supporting LaRouche’s “Operation Juarez,” Noriega had refused to go along with the cocaine financing of George H.W. Bush’s Contra insurgency operations directed at El Salvador and Nicaragua. Based on his work for the CIA, Noriega just knew way too much about George H.W. Bush ...

The Iran Contra Affair First Revealed when Pilot Eugene Hasenfus is Shot Down Over Nicaragua While Delivering Arms & Cocaine to the Contras
The (Iran) Contra affair is first revealed on this date when pilot Eugene Hasenfus is shot down over Nicaragua while delivering arms to the Contras (and quite likely cocaine if it had made its way back to the U.S.). Hasenfus admits to being CIA, a claim immediately publicly refuted by CIA insiders as General John Singlaub of the American Security Council and Elliott Abrams of the State Department. On March ...

Colonel Edward Cutolo Published an Affidavit Exposing Operation Watchtower about the CIA’s Drug Trafficking
Operation Watchtower was one of many drug trafficking operations from Central America consisting of the placement and operation of low frequency radio beacons to guide low-flying pilots from Colombia to Panama. It also consisted of making available to the pilots the radio frequencies and schedules of drug interdiction aircraft so as to avoid detection. Because of the extremely low altitude these drug-laden aircraft flew, often less ...

Jonestown: A CIA Mind Control Experimentation Camp Turns into a Massacre (Not a Kool-Aid Suicide) when Congressman Ryan & Team Show up to Investigate
913 people died in Jonestown, a small compound carved out of the jungles of Guyana, a small country on the northeast coast of South America. The media at the time reported that it was a fanatical group of followers of the Rev. Jim Jones, lead to the jungles of South America to get away from the oppression of life here in America. They also reported that ...

Coup of 1901: US President William McKinley Assassinated to Transition the American Republic to the American Empire
United States President William McKinley was shot on the grounds of the Pan-American Exposition at the Temple of Music in Buffalo, New York, on September 6, 1901 as the result of a conspiracy. On September 11, 1901 (9/11/01) he was poisoned while convalescing at the home of Exposition President John G. Milburn. McKinley died on September 14, 1901. Shortly thereafter, Theodore Roosevelt became the 26th President of ...