Taking Back Our Stolen History

Goldman Sachs Fined $6 billion to Settle Faulty Mortgage Claims from the 2008 Financial Crisis. No Worries! They got $13 Billion in Taxpayer Bailout Funds

The New York Times reported “Goldman is trying to enter 2016 with a clean slate and put much of its outstanding regulatory issues behind it.” …

Hacked Hillary emails prove State Dept. Colluded with Obama and Clinton Foundation to give Globalists like IBM, Cisco, Microsoft and Goldman Sachs control of the Internet

Christina Sass, Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) program director, sent a 62-page CGI leadership email and briefing to two U.S. State Department ambassadors. The primary recipient …

Judicial Conference is Held which Begins the “Safe Harbor” Mutual Fund Washington Bribery Scam that Permits Judges and Politicians to Hide Conflicting Stocks

On Mar. 14, 2001, the Judicial Conference made sweeping changes to its ethics advisory, opening the door for widespread abuse of mutual fund exemptions that …