The Delaware Supreme Court ruled on Friday that mail-in voting is unconstitutional in the state. It was a unanimous decision!
🚨BREAKING: Delaware Supreme Court finds mail in voting unconstitutional- BANS mail in voting.
See thread:
— Brandon Straka (@BrandonStraka) October 7, 2022

Attorney Julianne Murray filed the lawsuit back in July 2022 over the new law that allows voters to request and submit ballots through the mail.
Julianne Murray is a Georgetown-based lawyer challenging incumbent Attorney General Kathy Jennings in the Attorney General race in Delaware in November.
On Monday The Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft interviewed Julianne Murray following her historic Supreme Court victory on Friday.
Julianne argued successfully that the mail-in voting legislation was illegal in the state. The Supreme Court agreed. The Supreme Court of Delaware also ruled that same-day voter registration is also illegal in the state.
These were HUGE constitutional wins for the citizens of Delaware.
Julianne also discussed how her case may affect the future of elections in the US.
Julianne Murray: For people who don’t know, election law is state specific. So as much as the feds are trying to federalize a lot of the elections, it’s still very state-specific, and it is driven by state constitutions and state statutes… The Delaware constitution is very specific about absentee voting. It was actually amended in 1943 by our general assembly, where absentee voting was added constitutionally. And when they did that, they said, the general assembly shall enact laws for people who are unable to appear at their polling place in their election district because of absence from the district for public service, your business or your occupation, or sick or physically disabled. That’s all in the constitution. So in 1972, there is an advisory opinion of the Delaware supreme court that says that list is exhaustive, meaning it’s only the three things that are listed. These are the reasons that you can absentee vote, and if you’re not on that list, you can’t absentee vote. And historically, Delaware has a very strong tradition for voting in person. At our constitutional conference convention in 1897, they were talking about voter fraud, buying votes, bribery, and things like that…
…The only constraint on them (Democrat lawmakers) is other provisions of the Constitution. And to me it was clear. And so it’s a win for the rule of law. It’s a win for constitutional law. And it also is just it snaps their egos a little bit. But it needed to happen. It really needed to happen.
Julianne Murray is running for Attorney General Delaware. You can support her here.
Source: TheGatewayPundit