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Women’s March on Washington: Pro-abort Billionaire George Soros Gave Nearly $90 Million to Feminist anti-Trump Protest Groups
Women’s March on Washington: Pro-abort Billionaire George Soros Gave Nearly $90 Million to Feminist anti-Trump Protest Groups

Women’s March on Washington: Pro-abort Billionaire George Soros Gave Nearly $90 Million to Feminist anti-Trump Protest Groups

Liberal women’s events around the country were backed by more than 50 groups which in turn were supported by former Nazi and now current Democrat financier George Soros. Previous anti-pro-life efforts include Soros funding a three-year campaign to abolish pro-life laws around the world, particularly in Ireland.

The march was led by the following four co-chairs:

  • Tamika D. Mallory, whose bio says she “has worked closely with the Obama Administration as an advocate for civil rights issues, equal rights for women, health care, gun violence, and police misconduct.” She also served on the transition committee of NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio.
  • Carmen Perez, who served as the executive director of Belafonte’s Soros-financed The Gathering for Justice.
  • Linda Sarsour, a self-described “Brooklyn-born Palestinian-American-Muslim racial justice and civil rights activist,” who serves as “the Executive Director of the Arab American Association of New York, co-founder of Muslims for Ferguson, and a member of Justice League NYC,” her march bio relates.
  • Bob Bland, the CEO and founder of Manufacture New York (MNY), which his bio describes as “a social enterprise that is rethinking the fashion ecosystem (design, development, distribution) and creating a new, vertically-integrated business model that will transform apparel & textile production for the 21st century.”

The protests did not allow women supporting right to life to join them but they joined Linda Sarsour who has connections with CAIR and the terrorist group Hamas.

Leftist Celebrities who attended include: Chelsea Handler, America Ferrera, Unzo Aduba, Scarlett Johnansson, Debra Messing, Padma Lakshmi, Julianne Moore, Hari Nef, Yara Shahidi, Constance Wu, Olivia Wilde, Monica Ramen, Katy Perry, Cher, Danielle Brooks, Patricia Arquette and Zendaya.

The mission statement for the march claimed that the gathering was meant to send a message “that women’s rights are human rights.”

The statement reads:

The rhetoric of the past election cycle has insulted, demonized, and threatened many of us – immigrants of all statuses, Muslims and those of diverse religious faiths, people who identify as LGBTQIA, Native people, Black and Brown people, people with disabilities, survivors of sexual assault – and our communities are hurting and scared. We are confronted with the question of how to move forward in the face of national and international concern and fear.

In the spirit of democracy and honoring the champions of human rights, dignity, and justice who have come before us, we join in diversity to show our presence in numbers too great to ignore. The Women’s March on Washington will send a bold message to our new government on their first day in office, and to the world, that women’s rights are human rights. We stand together, recognizing that defending the most marginalized among us is defending all of us.

Activists Gloria Steinem and Harry Belafonte served as honorary co-chairs. In 2005, Belafonte founded the Gathering for Justice group, which has since been the recipient of numerous grants from Soros’ Open Society Foundations.

The official partner’s list for the Women’s March on Washington read like a who’s who of the far-left, including groups such as CODEPINK, the Southern Poverty Law Center and 350.org.

Source: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2017/01/12/anti-trump-womens-march-backed-soros-funded-groups/

Pro-abortion billionaire George Soros has donated nearly $90 million to feminist groups behind a January 21 protest of President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

In a report, Alatheia Nielsen at NewsBusters revealed that more than a quarter of the groups listed as “partners” on the Women’s March on Washington website were funded by Soros. These include Planned Parenthood, to whom Soros has given over $21 million since 2000, and the Center for Reproductive Rights, to whom Soros has given over $3 million since 2000. Other Soros-funded groups participating include the National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Catholics for Choice, Equality Now, NARAL, the National Abortion Federation, the Human Rights Campaign, MoveOn.org, NAACO, and Amnesty International.

The feminist anti-Trump march, which the media touted beforehand was marred by disagreements over gender, class, and race.

Some women withdrew their participation because of the lack of minority women in the protest’s leadership roles, the New York Times reported. Others disagreed on whether the march – or its offshoot local marches – should focus more on race or gender.

Democratic Socialists of America, a group called “Lady Parts Justice,” and numerous environmentalist groups partnered with the march as well.

According to the Capital Research Center, Soros is also connected to some the leftist groups that said they planned to “shut down” the nation’s capital protesting the inauguration on January 20. These groups are part of a coalition called DisrputJ20, which was “planning to paralyze the city [of Washington, D.C.] itself, using blockades and marches to stop traffic and even public transit” the day of Trump’s inauguration.

Undercover journalist James O’Keefe released a video showing members of the DisruptJ20 affiliate D.C. Anti-Fascist Coalition planning to unleash stink bombs and set off sprinklers at the “Deploraball,” a party at the National Press Club celebrating Trump’s inauguration.

Source: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/pro-abort-billionaire-george-soros-gave-nearly-90-million-to-feminist-anti