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Taking Back Our Stolen History
Young Earth?

Young Earth?

A form of creationism which holds that the earth and the universe are approximately 6,000 years old. Young earth creationists hold that both creation and the evolutionary position are at root tied to worldviews, and because they are both claims about historical (or prehistorical) events, they depend on untestable assumptions. At the same time, young earth creation scientists argue that the young universe view is the explanation that best fits the evidence. Scientists who advocate an old earth regard young earth creationism as being unscientific. But the predominantly atheistic scientists rely on a double standard that ignores numerous counterexamples to an Old Earth, and the believers in an Old Earth also over-rely on flawed radiometric dating.1 Read More…

Research Scientists Stunned to Discover DNA Survey Concludes All Mankind Came from a Single Couple as did Animals at the Same Time

Research Scientists Stunned to Discover DNA Survey Concludes All Mankind Came from a Single Couple as did Animals at the Same Time

A new scientific study that stunningly suggests the human race sprang from a single adult couple, as the Bible records, also suggests animals appeared at the same time, also as the Bible suggests. It was a major shock to evolutionary science when a sweeping survey of the genetic code showed the human race sprang from a single adult couple, such as an Adam and Eve. The ...
Paper: Recent mitochondrial DNA barcoding results bode well for the recent origin of species

Paper: Recent mitochondrial DNA barcoding results bode well for the recent origin of species

A recent1 review paper proposed a controversial claim—that the vast majority of animal species arose contemporary with modern humans. Not surprisingly, this claim was met with backlash from the evolutionary community. On what basis did the authors make this wide-reaching claim? Is their assertion true? Furthermore, what ramifications do their data have for the creationist explanation of the origin of species from the originally created min or “kinds”? The main focus ...
Paper: Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve

Paper: Genetics Confirms the Recent, Supernatural Creation of Adam and Eve

Abstract The advent of modern genetics has seen the evolutionary community redouble its efforts to argue for human-primate common ancestry and against the traditional Christian understanding of the origin of the human race. As has been argued in previous chapters, a careful reading of Genesis 1–11 indicates that God created Adam and Eve supernaturally and without prior ancestry, and that all of humanity traces their ancestry back to this original ...
"Thousands Not Millions'' Published by RATE Scientists after an 8 year Study on Young Earth Theory v. Evolution Theory

“Thousands Not Millions” Published by RATE Scientists after an 8 year Study on Young Earth Theory v. Evolution Theory

New RATE Data Support a Young World: Zircons are young New experiments for the RATE project strongly support a young earth. This article updates results announced in an ICR Impact article and documented at a technical conference. Our experiments measured how rapidly nuclear-decay- generated Helium escapes from tiny radio-active crystals in granite-like rock. The new data extend into a critical range of temperatures, and they resoundingly confirm a numerical prediction ...