An article on titled The Lie of the 21st Century: How Mainstream Media “Fake News” Led to the U.S. Invasion of Iraq, says: “The MSM has lost its credibility and at the same time lost viewers at unprecedented levels. on April 17, 2016, the Associated Press reported on how the U.S. population viewed the MSM ‘Poll: Getting facts right key to Americans’ trust in media’ said that “Just 6 percent of people say they have a lot of confidence in the media, putting the news industry about equal to Congress and well below the public’s view of other institutions.” Now they want to stop the alternative media from becoming a credible source for news. The New York Times is calling for the censorship of the alternative and social media by blocking “misinformation”:
Blocking misinformation will help protect the company’s brand and credibility. Some platforms have suffered when they have failed to address users’ concerns. Twitter users, for instance, have backed away from that platform because of abusive trolling, threatening posts and hate speech, which the company hasn’t been able to control.
Mr. Zuckerberg himself has spoken at length about how social media can help improve society. In a 2012 letter to investors, he said it could “bring a more honest and transparent dialogue around government that could lead to more direct empowerment of people, more accountability for officials and better solutions to some of the biggest problems of our time.” None of that will happen if he continues to let liars and con artists hijack his platform.
The audience of several corporate media companies (such as MSNBC, Fox News and CNN) declined significantly in 2013 suggesting that viewers were going elsewhere for information. The main alternative to the corporate media is the internet, where a multiplicity of smaller sources (such as One America News,, Breitbart, Infowars, and hundreds of independant journalists that vlog and blog) provide an alternative to the online corporate news sites. One response to this has been to ramp up propaganda about “cyberterrorism” and to expand internet censorship under pretexts such as the “war on terror” or the protection of “intellectual property“. Twitter, Facebook, and Google have decreased conservative page views by the billions with shadow banning, deplatforming, and other forms of censoring.
Sharyl Attkisson and Amber Lyon, both well-known mainstream media reporters and journalists, have also exposed funded movements by political, corporate, and other special interests, and have revealed that they are routinely paid by the U.S. government as well as foreign governments to selectively report and distort information on certain events. (source)(source)
A recently declassified document from the CIA archives in the form of a letter from a CIA task force addressed to the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency details the close relationship that exists between the CIA and mainstream media and academia.
The document states that the CIA task force “now has relationships with reporters from every major wire service, newspaper, news weekly, and television network in the nation,” and that “this has helped us turn some ‘intelligence failure’ stories into ‘intelligence success” stories,’ and has contributed to the accuracy of countless others.” Furthermore, it explains how the agency has “persuaded reporters to postpone, change, hold, or even scrap stories that could have adversely affected national security interests or jeopardized sources and methods.”
The document not only outlines the CIA’s role in media, but also the entire entertainment industry in general, lending further weight to revelations offered by celebrities like Jim Carrey. He appeared as a guest on Jimmy Kimmel Live, saying that, “For years now, talk show hosts, people on television, people in sitcoms have been, hired by the government to throw you off the tracks, to distract you, to make you laugh and stuff like that, make you happy and docile so you don’t know what’s really going on.”
What we seem to have here is an attempt to manipulate public perception of global events through mainstream media and news publications. But what’s perhaps most interesting is the fact that a lot of people are now waking up and seeing through many of these lies and manipulation tactics. Instead of just blindly believing what we hear on television, more people are starting to think critically, do independent research, and examine a wide array of sources and information.
In addition, the last 20 years has seen an unprecedented consolidation of media ownership, meaning that ownership of US TV, radio, newspaper and billboards is more concentrated than ever (5 conglomerates). The same process has been repeated worldwide – leaving an ever smaller number of huge corporations controlling an ever large number of formerly independent media outlets, retaining the apparent diversity of opinion while in fact exercising hierarchical control over content, thus presenting a controlled spectrum of opinion.
The US Federal Reserve System is not a federal government entity; nor is it a reserve system. It is owned by an elite group of bankers who also control the world banking system (the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, and the International Monetary Fund) and use their monetary power as one of the mechanisms to control nations. In addition, they have used deceit, money, blackmail as well as other means to manipulate the world’s industries (big tech, big ag, big pharma, big oil, etc.) – the same elite group that controls the media.
The battle between good and evil began in the war on Heaven when Satan was cast down with a third of the hosts of Heaven. The evidence of the wrath shown by the devil and his minion’s can be seen in the blood and horror that has afflicted man in these last days in preparation for the Millennium as the forces of evil have intensified and united under the powerful influences of Satan. It seems our days indeed are a culmination of this age-old battle.
As more and more people are ‘red pilled’ or awakened to the truth, ThePatriotConnection is positioned to provide the tools needed to seek further truth that has been suppressed and censored for decades …for centuries, as the powers-that-be have sought to censor truth and free speech from their controlled mainstream platforms. Essentially, a global cabal that desires ultimate power has gradually inched their ideas and puppets into every industry – education, finance, medicine, politics, technology, and even positioned many in the military who are not patriots. These industries have been weaponized against the people as a beast system that morphs society and culture to their liking.
ThePatriotConnection will look to tell a true history according to FOIA documents, first hand witness accounts, and other evidences as researched by true historians, independant investigative journalists, and other truth seekers who I may consider an expert on a particular topic. The plan is to add multiple editors who can provide their top research and they can provide free or paid content depending on their preference. Subscribers can also contribute articles and information that can be added to the history pages after it is reviewed by an editor. In this way, truth can be crowdsourced, but left to an expert or group of experts to determine its value and likelihood prior to adding the content.