A Breif History of the CIA
The CIA, the NSA, the FBI and all other three-letter, intelligence-gathering, secret-keeping agencies mimic and are modeled after secret societies. They gather and filter information by compartmentalizing the organization in a pyramid-like hierarchical structure keeping everyone but the elite on a need-to-know basis. The CIA was born from the WWII intelligence arm, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services), and was funded into permanence by the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, which donated $34 million 1945-48 alone. Nearly every person instrumental in the creation of the CIA was already a member of the CFR, including the Rockefellers and Dulles brothers.
In 1945 when the CIA was still the OSS, they began Operation Paperclip which brought over 700 Nazi scientists directly into the forming CIA, NSA, and other high-level government organizations. Since it was illegal to even allow these Nazis into the US, let alone into top-secret government agencies, the CIA convinced the Vatican to issue American passports for these 700+ Nazi scientists under the pretense that it was to keep them out of the hands of the Russians.
“After WWII ended in 1945, victorious Russian and American intelligence teams began a treasure hunt throughout occupied Germany for military and scientific booty. They were looking for things like new rocket and aircraft designs, medicines, and electronics. But they were also hunting down the most precious ‘spoils’ of all: the scientists whose work had nearly won the war for Germany. The engineers and intelligence officers of the Nazi War Machine. Following the discovery of flying discs (foo-fighters), particle/laser beam weaponry in German military bases, the War Department decided that NASA and the CIA must control this technology, and the Nazi engineers that had worked on this technology. There was only one problem: it was illegal. U.S. law explicitly prohibited Nazi officials from immigrating to America–and as many as three-quarters of the scientists in question had been committed Nazis.” -Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany
Hundreds of Nazi mind-control specialists and doctors who allegedly performed horrific experiments on prisoners instantly had their atrocious German histories erased and were promoted into high-level American jobs. Kurt Blome, for instance, was a high-ranking Nazi scientist who allegedly experimented with plague vaccines on concentration camp prisoners. He was hired by the U.S. Army Chemical Corps to work on chemical warfare projects. Major General Walter Schreiber was a head doctor during Nazi concentration camp prisoner experiments in which they allegedly starved, and otherwise tortured the inmates. He was hired by the Air Force School of Medicine in Texas. Werner Von Braun was technical director of the Nazi Peenemunde Rocket Research Center, where the Germans developed the V2 rocket. He was hired by the U.S. Army to develop guided missiles and then made the first director of NASA!
“Military Intelligence ‘cleansed’ the files of Nazi references. By 1955, more than 760 German scientists had been granted citizenship in the U.S. and given prominent positions in the American scientific community. Many had been longtime members of the Nazi party and the Gestapo, had conducted experiments on humans at concentration camps, had used slave labor, and had committed other war crimes. In a 1985 expose in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Linda Hunt wrote that she had examined more than 130 reports on Project Paperclip subjects – and every one ‘had been changed to eliminate the security threat classification.’ A good example of how these dossiers were changed is the case of Werner von Braun. A September 18, 1947, report on the German rocket scientist stated, ‘Subject is regarded as a potential security threat by the Military Governor.’ The following February, a new security evaluation of Von Braun said, ‘No derogatory information is available on the subject … It is the opinion of the Military Governor that he may not constitute a security threat to the United States.’” -Operation Paperclip Casefile: New World Order and Nazi Germany
Shortly after Operation Paperclip came Operation Mockingbird, during which the CIA trained reporters and created media outlets to disseminate their propaganda. One of Project Mockingbird’s lead roles was played by Philip Graham who would become publisher of The Washington Post. Declassified documents admit that over 25 organizations and 400 journalists became CIA assets which now include major names like ABC, NBC, CBS, AP, Reuters, Time, Newsweek and more.
In 1953 the Iranian coup classified as Operation AJAX was the CIA’s first successful overthrow of a foreign government. In 1951 Iran Parliament and Prime Minister Dr. Mohammed Mosaddeq voted for nationalizing their oil industry which upset western oil barons like the Rockefellers. On April 4th, 1953, CIA director Allen Dulles transferred $1 million to Iranian General Fazlollah Zahedi to be used “in any way that would bring about the fall of Mosaddeq.” Coup leaders first planted anti-Mosaddeq propaganda throughout the Iranian press, held demonstrations, and bribed officials. Then they began committing terror attacks to blame on Mosaddeq hoping to bring public sentiment away from their hero. They machine-gunned civilians, bombed mosques, and then passed out pamphlets saying, “Up with Mosaddeq, up with Communism, down with Allah.” Zahedi’s coup took place between August 15th and 19th after which the CIA sent $5 million more for helping their new government consolidate power. Soon America controlled half of Iran’s oil production and American weapons merchants moved in making almost $20 billion off Iran in the next 20 years.
“In 1953 the Central Intelligence Agency working in tandem with MI6 overthrew the democratically-elected leader of Iran Dr. Mohammed Mosaddeq. Mosaddeq had been educated in the west, was pro-America, and had driven communist forces out of the north of his country shortly after being elected in 1951. Mosaddeq then nationalized the oil fields and denied British Petroleum a monopoly. The CIA’s own history department at cia.gov details how U.S. and British intelligence agents carried out terror attacks and then subsequently blamed them on Mosaddeq … The provocations included propaganda, demonstrations, bribery, agents of influence, and false flag operations. They bombed the home of a prominent religious leader and blamed it on Moseddeq. They attacked mosques, machine-gunned crowds, and then handed out thousands of handbills claiming that Moseddeq had done it … Dr. Mohammed Moseddeq, who was incarcerated for the duration of his life, fared better than any of his ministers who were executed just days after the successful coup for crimes that MI6 and the CIA had committed.” -Alex Jones, “Terrorstorm” DVD
In 1954 the CIA performed its second coup d’etat overthrow of a foreign democracy; this time it was Guatemala, whose popular leader Jacobo Arbenz Guzman, had recently nationalized 1.5 million acres of land for the peasants. Before this, only 2.2% of Guatemala’s land-owners owned 70% of the land, which included that of United Fruit Co. whose board of directors were friends with the Dulles brothers and wanted to keep Guatemala a banana republic. So once again the CIA sent in propagandists and mercenaries, trained militia groups, bombed the capital, and installed their puppet dictator Castillo Armas, who the gave United Fruit Co. and the other 2.2% land-owners everything back. Military dictators ruled Guatemala for the next 30 years killing over 100,000 citizens. Guatemalan coroners were reported saying they could not keep up with the bodies. The CIA called it Operation Success.
“The CIA has overthrown functioning democracies in over twenty countries.” –John Stockwell, former CIA official
They always follow the same strategy. First, globalist interests are threatened by a popular or democratically elected foreign leader; leaders who help their populations nationalize foreign-owned industries, protect workers, redistribute wealth/land and other such actions loved by the lower and middle-class majority, hated by the super-rich minority. Next, the CIA identifies and co-operates with opposition militia groups within the country, promising them political power in trade for American business freedom. Then they are hired, trained and funded to overthrow the current administration through propaganda, rigged elections, blackmail, infiltration/disruption of opposition parties, intimidation, torture, economic sabotage, death squads and assassinations. Eventually the CIA-backed militia group stages a coup and installs their corporate sympathizer-dictator and the former leaders are propagated as having been radicals or communists and the rest of the world is taught to shrug and view American imperialism as necessary world policing. The CIA has now evolved this whole racket into a careful science which they teach at the infamous “School of the Americas.” They also publish books like “The Freedom Fighter’s Manual” and “The Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual” teaching methods of torture, blackmail, interrogation, propaganda and sabotage to foreign military officials.
Starting in 1954 the CIA ran operations attempting to overthrow the communist North Vietnamese government, while supporting the Ngo Dinh Diem regime in South Vietnam. From 1957-1973 the CIA conducted what has been termed “The Secret War” in Laos during which they carried out almost one coup per year in an effort to overthrow their democracy. After several unsuccessful attempts, the US began a bombing campaign, dropping more explosives and planting more landmines on Laos during this Secret War than during all of World War II. Untold thousands died and a quarter of the Laotian people became refugees often living in caves. Right up to the present, Laotians are killed/maimed almost daily from unexploded landmines. In 1959 the US helped install “Papa Doc” Duvalier, the Haitian dictator whose factions killed over 100,000. In 1961 CIA Operation Mongoose attempted and failed to overthrow Fidel Castro. Also in 1961 the CIA assassinated the Dominican Republic’s leader Rafael Trujillo, assassinated Zaire’s democratically-elected Patrice Lumumba, and staged a coup against Ecuador’s President Jose Velasco, after which US President JFK fired CIA director Allen Dulles. In 1963 the CIA was back in the Dominican Republic and Ecuador performing military coups overthrowing Juan Bosch and President Arosemana. In 1964 another CIA-funded/armed coup overthrew Brazil’s democratically-elected Joao Goulart replacing him with Dictator General Castelo Branco, CIA-trained secret police, and marauding death squads. In 1965 the CIA performed coups in Indonesia and Zaire and installed oppressive military dictators; General Suharto in Indonesia would then go on to slaughter nearly a million of his countrymen. In 1967 a CIA-backed coup overthrew the government of Greece. In 1968 they helped capture Che Guevara in Bolivia. In 1970 they overthrew Cambodia’s popular Prince Sahounek, an action that greatly strengthened the once minor opposition Khmer Rouge party who went on to murder millions. In 1971 they backed a coup in Bolivia and installed Dictator Hugo Banzer who went on torture and murder over 2000 of his political opponents. In 1973 they assassinated Chile’s democratically-elected Salvador Allende and replaced him with General Augusto Pinochet who murdered thousands of his civilians. On and on it goes; The Association for Responsible Dissent put out a report estimating that by 1987, 6 million people worldwide had died resulting from CIA covert ops. Since then there have been many untold millions more.
“Throughout the world, on any given day, a man, woman or child is likely to be displaced, tortured, killed or disappeared, at the hands of governments or armed political groups. More often than not, the United States shares the blame.” –Amnesty International annual report on U.S. Military aid and human rights, 1996
1979-1989 CIA Operation Cyclone, with joint funding from Britain’s MI6, heavily armed and trained over 100,000 Afghani Mujahideen (“holy warriors”) during the Soviet war in Afghanistan. With the help of the Pakistani ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), billions of dollars were given to create this Islamic army. Selig Harrison from the Woodrow Wilson International Centre for Scholars stated, “The CIA made a historic mistake in encouraging Islamic groups from all over the world to come to Afghanistan. The US provided $3 billion [now many more billion] for building up these Islamic groups, and it accepted Pakistan’s demand that they should decide how this money should be spent … Today that money and those weapons have helped build up the Taliban … [who] are now making a living out of terrorism.”
Perhaps as Harrison stated, the CIA “made a historic mistake” in creating these Jihadists, or perhaps they knew exactly what they were doing. Recently declassified DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) documents prove that the US government was long aware of the ISI’s sponsorship/creation of both the Taliban and Al Qaeda
“The United States has been part and parcel to supporting the Taliban all along, and still is let me add … You have a military government in Pakistan now that is arming the Taliban to the teeth … Let me note; that [US] aid has always gone to Taliban areas … And when people from the outside try to put aid into areas not controlled by the Taliban, they are thwarted by our own State Department … Pakistan [has] initiated a major resupply effort, which eventually saw the defeat, and caused the defeat, of almost all of the anti-Taliban forces in Afghanistan.” -Congressional Rep. Dana Rohrbacher, the House International Relations Committee on Global Terrorism and South Asia, 2000
British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook stated before the House of Commons that “Al Qaeda” is not actually a terrorist group, but a database of international Mujahadden and arms dealers/smugglers used by the CIA to funnel arms, money, and guerrillas. The word “Al Qaeda” itself literally translates to “the database.” Not only did the CIA create the Taliban and Al-Qaeda, they continued funding them right up to the 9/11 attacks blamed on them. For example, four months prior to 9/11, in May, 2001, Colin Powell gave another $43 million in aid to the Taliban.
“Not even the corporate US media could whitewash these facts and so explained it away by alleging that US officials had sought cooperation from Pakistan because it was the original backer of the Taliban, the hard-line Islamic leadership of Afghanistan accused by Washington of harboring Bin Laden. Then the so called ‘missing link’ came when it was revealed that the head of the ISI was the principal financier of the 9/11 hijackers … Pakistan and the ISI is the go between of the global terror explosion. Pakistan’s military-intelligence apparatus, which literally created and sponsored the Taliban and Al Qaeda, is directly upheld and funded by the CIA. These facts are not even in dispute, neither in the media nor in government. Therefore when we are told by the neocon heads of the new world order that they are doing everything in their power to dismantle the global terror network what we are hearing is the exact opposite of the truth. They assembled it, they sponsored it and they continue to fund it. As any good criminal should, they have a middleman to provide plausible deniability, that middleman is the ISI and the military dictatorship of Pakistan.” -Steve Watson, “U.S. Intel Officer: Al Qaeda Leadership Allowed to Operate Freely” (http://www.infowars.net/articles/july2007/160707ISI.htm)
Major Pierre-Henri Bunel, a French military intelligence agent, who was framed and convicted no doubt for daring to raise his voice in December, 2001, said,
“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaeda. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the devil only in order to drive the TV watcher to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US and the lobbyists for the US war on terrorism are only interested in making money.” (http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/article.asp?ID=3836)
In a late 1980’s Newsweek article, outspoken opponent of President Bush and recently assassinated Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto, told George Bush Sr., “you are creating a Frankenstein,” concerning the growing Islamist movement. She also came out in 2007 to say that Osama Bin Laden was already long dead having been murdered by Omar Sheikh. She was murdered herself a month after the interview, only two weeks before the Pakistani 2008 general elections.
Meanwhile, down in Independence, Missouri, another retired president, Harry Truman, was fuming about the CIA. On December 22, 1963, while the country was still reeling from the gunfire in Dallas, Truman published a highly provocative op-ed article in The Washington Post, charging that the CIA had grown alarmingly out of control since he established it. His original purpose, wrote Truman, was to create an agency that simply coordinated the various streams of sensitive information flowing into the White House.
“I never had any thought that when I set up the CIA that it would be injected into peacetime cloak and dagger operations. … I, therefore, would like to see the CIA be restored to its original assignment as the intelligence arm of the president … and that its operational duties be terminated or properly used elsewhere.”
We need to tell the story of the three factions of the CIA to understand why chaotic dynamics led American politicians by the nose to such embarrassing stupidity as the NDI’s report that 17 intelligence agencies had irrefutable proof that Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction.” This false flag intelligence, which arose originally as a report from the CIA, caused the horrible deaths of untold numbers and cost the U.S. taxpayer more than $3 trillion dollars to date. The CIA produced the secret intelligence but never came forward and admitted their part in these crimes against humanity. The CIA usually uses false flag events to start wars and cause conflicts with other countries. The CIA uses false flags in America as legal propaganda to create narratives that control American perception management which is laced with subliminal control messaging that is tantamount to brainwashing.
Faction #1: The Original CIA, aka, Gold-backed CIA
The original CIA started many years ago when the OSS, the original CIA, stole the gold and assets of the countries involved in WWII. The gold of Germany and Japan that had been amassed and stolen from many other countries during the war ended up in the hands of the CIA and couldn’t be openly admitted. The CIA was not about to give back the largest pile of gold ever amassed. This gold was outside of the U.S. and was being held in the Philippines and Switzerland. If it would have been brought back into America and added to the U.S. Treasury, it could have destabilized the dollar and world currencies.
American politicians could not admit that they knew about this stolen loot so they let the CIA handle it. Over the years, numerous CIA banks, corporations, dummy companies, offshore accounts, and secret vaults were created to hold and launder this gold (and assets) into semi-legitimate operations. The CIA called these operations “The Company” and eventually the Company developed over 3,000 holdings. Some of these banks and corporations are among the largest in the world. The CIA “Company” became larger and more powerful than major countries. The operation was run on a strict “need to know” basis so that government officials always had “culpable deniability.” These operations became independent and after a while no one person was fully aware of all that the Gold-backed CIA (GB-CIA) was doing around the world.
The gold backed or GB-CIA was supposed to operate outside of the U.S. to protect American interests but national markets of currency, bonds, and stocks all have an “international” impact, which was the domain of the GB-CIA. Accordingly, the GB-CIA infiltrated the U.S. Treasury and the Economic Stabilization Fund (ESF) which creates U.S. economic policy. The ESF has the ability to manipulate currency, bonds, and stock markets in America. The ESF is the organization that tells the Federal Reserve System what to do. The ESF can order the Treasury to print trillions of dollars (which they recently did) and tell the Federal Reserve what to do with the money. The ESF is one of the GB-CIA’s best tools for controlling U.S. national markets that subsequently effect international markets. The GB-CIA essentially controls U.S. economy under the auspices of “international security.”
The GB-CIA is greedy and is never satisfied with what they have so they foment wars throughout the world to help establish central banking systems in all countries and to always be ready to strip assets and steal whatever they can. Imagine thousands of ruthless operations run by people who do not mind killing anyone who stands in their way. Think of all of the top bankers, brokers, and insiders around the Bush and Clinton families who have been shot, suicided, or had mysterious heart attacks or other unexplained deaths. There have been hundreds of these deaths that demonstrate the seriousness of GB-CIA operations. Once a person is made aware (complicit) of the evil criminal activities of the Company, participants are co-opted for life and must comply or meet their fate. Of course they are provided with everything they desire from the almost limitless resources of the GB-CIA. Even the most horrible and sick desires of these operatives are provided to appease the fact that operatives do not ever get to leave the Company and deep files of blackmail materials are maintained that can be used to assure silence and cooperation.
The GB-CIA set up the worst forms of sexual depravities, pedophilia, and sacrificial rituals to provide opportunities to gain compromising video footage of operatives and the politicians they pulled into these sick and twisted activities. The GB-CIA created group after group that aimed to co-opt any person in power so that they could control all aspects of government and business to protect their interests and hidden strategies. The GB-CIA created many of the largest global pedophile rings online, which was recently admitted in the news by the CIA. It also created the largest human sex trafficking market using U.S. charities that place refugees in America as one of their many sources. The drug trafficking of the GB-CIA is very well known from the Iran-Contra scandal to the protected fields of poppies in Afghanistan. Drugs, sex, money, power, control and evil are the currencies of the GB-CIA that “buy” their operatives for life.
Faction #2: The Bush CIA
These practices were made legal when George Bush Sr. was vice president, about the same time that all 16 intelligence agencies came under the control of one person, the Director of National Intelligence. Remember that it was Bush Sr., prior head of the CIA, who was actually calling the shots under Reagan from his second year in office when Reagan allowed Bush Sr. to become the head of U.S. foreign policy. This was an unprecedented event and gave Bush Sr. the go ahead to use CIA methods to “bring down Russia,” which he effectively accomplished.
During the “reign” of George Bush Sr., Russia’s currency was attacked and destabilized by Leo Wanta and George Soros using fake U.S. Treasury bonds and currency from the U.S. Treasury. Bush Sr.’s brother ran Riggs Bank which created an affiliate, Velment Bank, to launder the money and gold stolen from Russia. Some of the money was laundered through Mitt Romney’s company, Bain Capital. Once the USSR collapsed, Bush Sr. and the “Vulcans” (Bush’s Neocon strike force) stripped every asset they could from Russia, especially the oil that was in the countries that had split from the USSR. Bush Sr. and Kissinger made a personal fortune through the work of what would become a rogue faction of the CIA.
Bush Sr. continued expanding his rogue CIA to include the White House, the Justice Department and the State Department. Any illegal activities of the rogue CIA were then forgiven by federal judges and State Department officials. This faction of the CIA, which we will call the Bush-CIA, is also called the Bush Criminal Family. Bush co-opted the Clinton’s even before Bill ran for governor of Arkansas. Obama’s mother was a CIA operative and Obama has been involved with the CIA since birth. Obama is completely a creation of the CIA. The problem with Obama is that he is involved with all three factions of the CIA and doesn’t know which way he is going. Thus, his chaotic policies attempted to please the original CIA and the Bush/Clinton criminal family.
Pizzagate recently brought forward the fact that John Podesta and his brother are not only the most powerful lobbyists in Washington but that they are also at the top of pedophilia in the U.S. government, and have been since the Reagan administration. Bush Sr. actually ran the Reagan administration and pedophilia was commonplace in the White House and throughout the Washington elite. It was so commonplace that the ethics of congressmen went straight to hell because the White House itself was so openly involved in sex crimes at the highest levels. Numerous scandals rocked the White House and even reached the main stream media.
No one was able to stop Bush Sr. from doing what he wanted because he controlled the CIA since the time that he led the CIA team that assassinated John Kennedy. Bush Sr. tried to assassinate Reagan but failed in the attempt. Eventually, the White House, the Justice Department, and the State Department were accustomed to running these perverse operations of the Bush-CIA and made sure no politician was ever convicted.
Tensions Mount When the GB-CIA Finds Out About the Bush-CIA
George Bush Sr. was a secret CIA operative at the time of John Kennedy assassination. He learned then that the GB-CIA had come to dominate the geopolitical realm internationally and that a convenient assassination or “regime change” could produce whatever desired effect the GB-CIA wanted. Bush Sr. was in charge of foreign policy and took his running orders from the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) which was filled with ex-CIA and intelligence operatives from government and industry. Bush Sr. acted as though he was following the policies of the CFR but may have been secretly envious of the GB-CIA’s wealth and power that he quickly became one of the most crooked politicians in American history. Bush Sr. developed blackmail files on everyone and made sure that political appointees were thoroughly indoctrinated and warned that straying from the path was dangerous and even fatal.
Bush Sr. decided that Russia had gold, oil, and assets that could be stolen easily if he set up his own private CIA that would attack sovereign nations for profit. Bush Sr. fully understood the power of the GB-CIA to control U.S. economic interests, and his greed inspired him to create the Bush-CIA which was linked especially to Saudi Arabian, German, and Israeli intelligence. Bush Sr. wanted the wealth of the GB-CIA but he knew he could not personally own it, so he struck out on his own to conquer Russia and any other country or corporation that stood in his way.
As the vice president, and later the president, Bush Sr. had to act as if he was a devoted follower of the GB-CIA while creating his own network of private intelligence agencies to help him “privatize.” That is why Bush Sr. became “best friends” with the Saudi royal family and eventually came to live the majority of his time in Saudi Arabia in the palaces of the royal family. Bush Sr. knew how to align himself him the world’s largest weapons dealers, drug lords, mafias, and corrupt bankers. Bush Sr. was free as the vice president to travel and conduct his business without any scrutiny from any governmental or law enforcement agency.
Eventually, the GB-CIA became aware of the designs of the Bush-CIA and tension began to mount. Bush realized he would not be supported by the GB-CIA for a second term so he groomed his old CIA Iran-Contra buddy Bill Clinton to assume the role as the top political leader of the Bush-CIA. As Bush was exiting the White House he became a major leader of the Carlyle Group which owned Cheney’s Halliburton and 400 other companies focused on warfare, defense, and security. Bush Sr. became a billionaire from this one position. He also founded Barrick Gold Corporation which became the number one gold laundering corporation for GB-CIA gold. Bush Sr., Kissinger and the “Vulcans” capitalized on stealing the oil from the countries that exited the USSR.
Bush Sr.’s brother had stolen much of the gold from Russia as George Soros and Leo Wanta (directed by Bush Sr.) collapsed the currency and made trillions. Bush Sr., in a matter of two years, became incredibly wealthy and even more powerful than before. He had some loyal followers in the GB-CIA, but the division between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA grew larger over time. The GB-CIA didn’t really need Bush Sr.’s wealth, they just needed his corporate and governmental connections. No one in the GB-CIA believed Bill Clinton was actually in charge because they knew he took his marching orders from Bush Sr.
Bill Clinton let his membership in the Bush Criminal family go to his head and he began making big mistakes. The GB-CIA provided Clinton with all of the illicit sex that he could handle until he became deluded and thought he could do anything and suffer no consequences. This led Bill and Hillary to create the most pathetic international money grab, under the auspices of a charity, in American history. Bill and Hillary began to think they were untouchable and this delusion led Hillary to believe she was entitled to be the first woman president – backed up by the Bush-CIA as she and Bill started accumulating their own wealth through the Clinton Foundation.
Bush Jr. followed in the footsteps of his father and did everything his dad told him to do – even though he was not smart enough to understand the orders. Bush Jr. kept the same Neoconservatives and Vulcans in his cabinet as Clinton and Bush Sr. had appointed. Essentially, the Bush-CIA made the two political parties into one party controlled by the same people. Voting was a formality because all candidates had to be screened and approved by the two political factions of the CIA.
Key Point: Bush Jr. and Sr., Bill and Hillary Clinton, and Obama are all the same party – CIA Globalists pushing for the New World Order which was Bush Sr. greatest dream. Had Bush Sr. had his way, the United Nations would own America under a New World Order and the CIA would run the United Nations.
Knowing about the Bush-CIA (the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime Family), explains why Bush Sr., Bush Jr., Clinton and Obama literally got away with murder during their administrations. Scandal after scandal and yet the Justice Department did nothing.
Hillary brokered weapons deals from the State Department as Secretary of State and shook down 120 nations for donations to her personal foundation and yet the Justice Department and State Department closed their eyes. Hillary and Obama destroyed the Department of Defense through the Bush-CIA’s control of executive orders that conducted war without congressional approval, every day of Obama’s administration. And yet, only a few voices in the congress spoke up and pointed out these treasonous acts and crimes against humanity. It is this blatant disregard for the U.S. Constitution and rule of law that has caused a greater rift between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA.
Faction #3: Ex-CIA
At this point, there are open hostilities between the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA and when you add the third faction of the CIA, the Ex-CIA, all hell breaks loose. When the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA operatives saw what was going on between the GB-CIA (that likes to “change regimes” and blackmail politicians and operatives with the most grotesque personal perversions) and the greedy, out-of-control power mongers of the Bush-CIA, the third CIA faction thought they should steal a part of the “action” themselves. So many ex-CIA operatives left the government and went into the lucrative private intelligence agencies who do 65% of the intelligence work for America.
This faction of the CIA is composed of ex-CIA and intelligence directors, agents, and operatives who are shuffled through the highest positions in government, banking, and the corporate world. The Ex-CIA was born as a chaotic group of operatives who have worked for the GB-CIA or the Bush-CIA. They have seen the endless money available for insiders and the Bush-CIA’s penchant for using private intelligence agencies to manipulate politicians, governments, and markets.
What is unique and telling about this third faction of the CIA is how their members rotate through the most powerful governmental and corporate jobs. Let’s just take James Comey, Head of the FBI as an example. Comey is a lawyer who was formerly the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Deputy Attorney General, Senior Vice President of Lockheed Martin (one of the largest military contractors that “loses” trillions of dollars), General Counsel for Bridgewater Associates (CIA corporation), Board Member of HSBC (CIA Bank), HSBC Holdings (depository for GB-CIA gold), and then the Director of the FBI. This is the usual type of career path of high level CIA operatives.
Soon, we can expect Comey to move to another position where he makes a fortune protecting the very criminals he was supposedly prosecuting weeks before. Comey protected the Bush-Clinton-Obama Crime family starting with his appointment as special counsel to the Senate Whitewater Committee. He was also prosecutor in the Khobar Towers bombing, lead investigator in the Clinton pardon of Marc Rich, the investigation of Credit Suisse First Boston and foreign exchange trading scams, the domestic surveillance by the NSA, the HSBC Holdings scandal involving money laundering, and terrorism financing, the U.S. Attorney dismissal scandal, Hillary Clinton email scandal, the Apple scandal to install “back doors” on their computers, and many other similar cases. Comey is always there to do the bidding of all three factions of the CIA.
John Brennan, the current Director of the CIA was formerly the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security, Station Chief in Saudi Arabia, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center, CEO of The Analysis Corporation (intelligence network), Chairman of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance (filled with ex-intelligence agents), lead intelligence officer for Global Strategies Group, Global Intelligence Solutions, and GTEC. Brennan’s term as CIA Director is noted for pervasive levels of global surveillance, massive number of drone strikes, hacking U.S. Senators, and CIA torture. When Obama wanted Brennan to be CIA Director, his nomination was blocked so Obama created a new position for Brennan called the Deputy National Security Advisor for Homeland Security and Counterterrorism, which did not require Senate confirmation.
Almost every former head of the CIA or FBI has similar career histories. One appointment after the next places them in key positions that protect the three factions of the CIA. Ex-CIA operatives play both sides of the fence working for the GB-CIA and the Bush-CIA. Just look how James Comey was appointed to protect the Bush and Clinton families in his government appointment and then quickly moves into HSBC, one of the most corrupt CIA banks in the world, to protect them during its investigations. He protected Lockheed Martin when it was caught laundering money for the Bush-CIA. Then Comey jumps back into the highest national intelligence position at the FBI to protect the Clintons again.
Comey is a very good example of what has been the revolving door of CIA operatives in the government. Comey is an ex-CIA intelligence operative who works for the Bush-CIA and knows all about the GB-CIA. Comey is a shining example of the corruption that pervades American politics and international corporate warfare. Comey, Brennan, and Clapper provide the intelligence for the president, the military and all agencies in the U.S. government. They ostensibly control America because our military and politicians are only as good as the intelligence they are provided.
Three CIA Factions Fight One Another in Syria
Key Point: The three factions of the CIA can create tremendous confusion and hostilities.
If you were confused by who and what is the CIA, now you can see why it has all been confusing. It is hard to know who is on whose side. The operatives change sides frequently and pretend to support one side or another depending upon the situation. When one faction or another decides an operative has been compromised, they simply kill him. There has been a long list of ex-CIA operatives who have killed themselves even though they had all the riches and power a person could imagine. The hostilities between the three factions eventually boiled over into total chaos during the Obama years. You can now read in the headlines of mainstream media news that Obama created and funds ISIS. Obama sent ISIS into Syria under orders of the GB-CIA to conduct a “regime change” because Syria would not let a pipeline be built from Iraq to the western shores of Syria. Obama supplied and funded the mercenaries (ISIS) who claim to be Muslim terrorists who are fighting Syria’s sovereign king. Obama also used the Bush-CIA to fund, supply, and train Syrian rebels. Obama also uses ex-CIA operatives to fund, supply and train Kurdish rebels.
All three CIA factions are operating in Syria and the entire world has noticed. Recent reports in mainstream media point out that the CIA is fighting pentagon supported troops in Syria. In one recent instance outside of Aleppo, three different American supported groups were fighting each other. This embarrassment has caused Obama to go into high gear and force James Clapper to “invent” intelligence that would distract from the Syrian fiasco. Fake news about the DNC election hacking, nonsense about Trump being blackmailed by Russia, and Homeland Security’s pathetic attempts to hack into voter databases have all been a smoke screen to distract from Obama’s personal war in Syria.
Clapper, Brennan and Comey were happy to agree that 17 intelligence agencies all agreed to these false flag attempts at perception management. All these ridiculous attacks on Trump have backfired and instead have shown a glaring light on the corruption, collusion, globalism, and Anti-American disposition of the three factions of the CIA. (Source)
In Schall’s interview with Doug Valentine, his final question is: “Is the CIA an enemy of the American people?” Valentine answers: “Yes. It’s an instrument of the rich political elite, it does their dirty business.”
- https://www.thenewamerican.com/print-magazine/item/27865-deep-state-underbelly-of-the-intelligence-community
- https://www.wikispooks.com/wiki/CIA
- The New American
- https://veteranstoday.com/2016/07/14/steve-kangas-until-you-know-his-work-you-will-never-understand-who-is-behind-trump/
Chronological History of Events involving the CIA

Jovenel Moïse, President of Haiti, Assassinated

Former CIA Counter-Insurgency Officer Urges US Govt to Use War Tactics Against Capitol Protestors

John Brennan Protégé Gina Haspel Resigns as CIA Director After Covering up Chinese Interference in 2020 Election

Ex-CIA Bill Barr, on the 32nd Anniversary of the PanAm Flight 103 False Flag, Announces Final Cover Up for 2020 Election Fraud

2020 Election: The Greatest Election Fraud in History as Globalist Consortium Carry Out Coup to Take Over America
Angelina Jolie’s MI6 Interview Shows Just How Connected Hollywood Is To the Deep State

Anti-CCP “Whistleblower Movement”, Lude Media, Claims Biden Released Information on 36 CIA Agents in China Leading to their Death

PsyOp? Falconer Alleges Hard Evidence that Biden, Obama, Hillary Executed Seal Team 6

Retired CIA Officer Arrested for Selling Secrets to China