A scapegoat, a person accused of something as a cover for a bigger more elaborate crime. The person set up, or framed, to take the blame while the conspirators are never suspected by the manipulated public – special thanks to the cooperative mainstream media. The CIA and FBI seem to be the main perpetrators of assassinations and false flag events that require a patsy. Their ideal patsy is one who can be entered into a mind-control program (perhaps James Holmes) or groomed to conduct these operations by corrupt intelligence handlers selling them on ‘taking part in a very important “drill” to help us better prepare for real terrorist acts’. None of these patsies are supposed to live after the event.
One clue leading an informed observer to suspect a false flag attack is the existence of this convenient scapegoat. The JFK assassination scapegoat was Lee Harvey Oswald. On November 8, 1999, a jury decided that government agents, not the patsy James Earl Ray, were responsible for the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. The OKC bombing had McVeigh and thus, “right-wing extremists” and “militias” were the ultimate patsies being demonized in the media. On 9/11, the group was Muslims. In many of the domestic shooting sprees, the demonization was set for gun owners.James Holmes was the patsy in the Aurora Colorado Batman Movie massacre. Sandy Hook’s patsy was Adam Lanza. The Boston Marathon Bombings had the Tsarnaev brothers as patsies. With the LAX shooting, the “perpetrator” was an “anti-government conspiracy theorist.” In the instance of the false flag, a readily identified pasty will typically exhibit all or most of the aspects of the group and social demographic set to be demonized.
After a healthy dose of propaganda from mainstream media outlets regurgitating the terror of the attack, the perpetrator, and the police state solutions, the Government then begins to take action. Political speeches are given in order to capitalize on the fear and anger felt by the public and in order to reinforce the idea that government is there to act as protector. Political solutions are then offered as bills, executive orders, or political mandates whether it is the curtailment of the 4th Amendment, gun control, or military strikes on a foreign country.
MK-Ultra Mind Controlled Patsies
The “lone gunmen” of the world are now being manufactured by the mind control technicians in the U.S. deep state like microchips. The secret “manufacture-a-patsy” government industry has become so advanced and sophisticated that it has enabled the hijacked U.S. government to get away with the most atrocious of crimes against the American people and humanity.
Whenever a state crime is committed by the deep state a patsy mysteriously rises to the surface from the shadows.
One of the startling pieces of evidence is that Batman Movie massacre patsy, James Holmes, was under the stewardship of an ex-government psychiatrist named Dr. Lynne Fenton, who is currently the “medical director for student mental health services at the University of Colorado-Denver Anschutz Medical Campus,” (National Post, “Colorado shooting suspect James Holmes was seeing university psychiatrist”).
Psychiatrists and psychologists have been involved in developing torture techniques for the CIA, so to believe in their “professionalism” and “morality” is blind foolishness. We live in an age of moral bankruptcy and mass mind control. Professional psychologists help the government in many ways, from lending their expertise to improve the mental conditioning of the public to performing outlandish research on government subjects, mostly from the military and universities.
The U.S. shadow government’s love affair with patsies has really gotten out of hand. Oswald was only a prototype. Washington has created an extraordinary league of shadow patsies. Holmes could be the next-generation model of mind control assassins; the T-1000 of government patsies.
Paul Joseph Watson describes the similarities between Holmes and another manufactured patsy in his article, “James Holmes Is Behaving Like Sirhan Sirhan,” writing:
“The parallels between alleged Colorado shooter James Holmes and Sirhan Sirhan are staggering. Both appear to have been drugged, both cannot remember the shootings they were accused of carrying out, and in both cases other shooters were reported by eyewitnesses.”
It is super convenient that individuals who are connected to some of the biggest crimes in U.S. history are mentally incapacitated at the moment the crime is committed and never seem to remember pulling the trigger in the days and weeks after the event.
Chronological History of Events Involving a likely Patsy

20 Killed, 26 Badly Injured in Mass Shooting at Cielo Vista Mall and Walmart in El Paso, TX

2018 Pittsburgh Tree of Life Congregation Synagogue Shooting False Flag Event

FBI Arrests their own Patsy for a Cleveland 4th of July Terror Plot that They Planned

Lone Nut in Armored Truck Barricades the Pat Tillman Bridge over Hoover Dam

Valentines Day Mass School Shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, FL. Was it a False Flag to Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Las Vegas Route 91 Country Music Festival (Mandalay Bay) Shooting: The Deadliest Mass Shooting in U.S. History Kills 59, Injures 527. A Massive Cover Up.

Ft. Lauderdale Airport Shooting: Esteban Santiago, a Muslim who Claimed the “Gov’t Controlled his Mind and Forced Him to Watch ISIS Video” Wounds 13 and Kills 5s

Orlando Pulse Nightclub: Mass Murder or False Flag?

Brussels Attack: Was it a False Flag?