Part 3: Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Dare Not Talk About
Despite the revelation that half of the officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray – the incident that led to the Baltimore riots – are black, the narrative that black people are being disproportionately and unfairly targeted by predominantly white police officers and a racist criminal justice system in the United States continues to dominate.
This has led to the growth of a divisive movement – ‘Black Lives Matter’ – which has only served to further polarize America down racial lines, obsessing on skin color and invoking white guilt, while ignoring the true causes of and solutions to police brutality.
Until the following facts become part of the conversation, we’re never going to see a real reduction in the number of violent confrontations involving black people and police officers. But the mainstream media, political leaders and white people in general are afraid to even mention these facts for fear of being labeled racist.
I’m not here to win any popularity contests. I genuinely care about less black people and less police officers dying in the streets. So I’m going to give it to you straight.
Black people in the United States are more likely to be victims of violent confrontations with police officers than whites because they commit more violent crimes than whites per capita.
Stats updated in 2020 from original article:
- Blacks make up 13.4% of the population at present, but committed 54.9% of crimes in 2018 according to the FBI.
- So, blacks in 2018 were 7.9 times more likely per capita to be murder offenders than the rest of the population. (54.9% / 13.4%) / ((100% – 54.9%) / (100% – 13.4%))
- From 2011 to 2013, 38.5 per cent of people arrested for murder, manslaughter, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault were black. This figure is three times higher than the 13% black population figure. When you account for the fact that black males aged 15-34, who account for around 3% of the population, are responsible for the vast majority of these crimes, the figures are even more staggering.
- Despite the fact that black people commit an equal or greater number of violent crimes than whites, whites are almost TWICE as likely to be killed by police officers.
According to data from the Centers for Disease Control, between 1999 and 2011, 2,151 whites died as a result of being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks.
Critics argue that black people are overrepresented in these figures because they only represent 13% of the population, but they are underrepresented if you factor in violent crime offenders. In other words, you would expect the number of blacks and whites killed by police to be roughly equal given that they commit a roughly equal number of violent crimes, but that’s not the case. Whites are nearly 100% more likely to be victims.
And what about black on white violence in general?
– FACT: Despite being outnumbered by whites five to one, blacks commit eight times more crimes against whites than vice-versa, according to FBI statistics from 2007. A black male is 40 times as likely to assault a white person as the reverse. These figures also show that interracial rape is almost exclusively black on white.
“Even allowing for the existence of discrimination in the criminal justice system, the higher rates of crime among black Americans cannot be denied,” wrote James Q. Wilson and Richard Herrnstein in their widely cited 1985 study, “Crime and Human Nature.” “Every study of crime using official data shows blacks to be overrepresented among persons arrested, convicted, and imprisoned for street crimes.”
It’s clear that the greater propensity for black people to commit violent crimes is a driving factor as to why blacks are becoming involved in more violent confrontations with police than their 13% population figure suggests they should be. If the 911 calls are coming from black areas and are related to black people committing violent crimes, then of course black people are more likely to be involved in violent confrontations with cops.
Does that justify police brutality in cases such as Freddie Gray, Walter Scott or Eric Garner? No. But it does demolish the ‘Black Lives Matter’ narrative that the general trend of black people being victims of violent encounters with police is solely down to the fact that cops are racist towards black people. Racism is a factor, but the statistics clearly show that it’s by no means the only factor, and some would argue not even the dominant factor.
But aren’t all these statistics undermined by the fact that black people are unfairly targeted and framed for crimes by police officers in the first place? Don’t higher arrest and conviction rates of blacks merely prove that police are racist? This argument is debunked by looking at the proportion of offenders identified – not by police – but by victims – as black. The National Crime Victimization Survey shows that the number of blacks arrested generally correlates with the number of offenders identified as black by victims.
Studies suggest that the reasons behind blacks being more likely to commit violent crimes are the dual issues of poverty (which exacerbates family breakdown) and a sub-culture amongst the black community that is tolerant of and glamorizes crime and violence. In the aftermath of the Ferguson and Baltimore riots, we saw the white metropolitan liberal media further legitimize this violence by openly justifying and even endorsing violent unrest that targeted mainly black-owned businesses.
This is true racism – by encouraging blacks to loot and riot, the white liberal media is helping to keep black communities in a cycle of destructive behavior that will lead to more police brutality targeted against black people.
Police brutality is a huge problem within the United States, and anyone that denies that fact is a part of the problem. But until we acknowledge and address the equally important issue of violent criminality within the black community, and until that becomes part of the national conversation, the issue is never going to be resolved.
And by failing to make these facts part of the conversation, black political leaders, protest organizers, and the white liberal media is complicit in perpetuating the chain reaction of violence that makes more police brutality against black people an inevitable outcome.
Part 4: Leftists Are Trying to Racially Divide Us | by Lloyd Marcus
So how can we as right minded Americans of all races come together when Leftists who control most of the airways are committed to spreading division, hate and a one-sided bogus story line?
President Trump calling all racism evil was morally correct and presidential. Shamefully, Obama invited, praised and celebrated the extreme hate group Black Lives Matter at the White House. Leftists believe it is morally right for blacks to hate whites. Leftists call me an Uncle Tom traitor to my black race for not reserving a certain amount of resentment and hate for my fellow Americans who are white.
Fake news media attempting to twist Trump’s unifying message to brand him racist is the height of moral bankruptcy and must be rejected by the American people. For far too long, we have shrugged our shoulders in frustration saying, “Oh well, that’s just the bias liberal media.” Meanwhile, Americans are suffering and dying due to fake news media’s insidious propaganda and hate generating lies.
Outrageously, a Leftist ad campaign instilled fear, hate and paranoia in black parents. The evil campaign absurdly instructed black parents to send their kids to school wearing bulletproof vests to protect them from racist cops.
When do we the people say enough and hold Leftists/fake news media accountable for their crimes against all Americans? Please note. I am not advocating violence. I am advocating calling out Leftists/fake news media operatives, exposing them for the vile evil trash that they are; unworthy of our time, respect or support of their sponsors.
Remember, “All that is needed for evil to prosper is for good men to do nothing.”
My white wife of 40 years and I recently moved from Florida to a tiny town in West Virginia to be closer to our elderly sickly parents. Mine is one of a few black faces in town. We have experienced none of the stereotypical racism Leftists would have you believe about heartland America. Quite the opposite. Locals have bent over backwards to make Mary and I feel welcome. White neighbor Ron brought us corn from his huge garden; guaranteed to be the sweetest we have ever eaten. Ron was correct.
White local handyman and hunter Randy fixed our hot water heater for peanuts. He promised to keep us stocked in venison. Folks around here are big Trump supporters.
Watching fake news media’s relentless attempts to portray America as a hellhole of white supremacists who elected Trump is truly disheartening and evil. We simply cannot continue allowing them to get away with it. The stakes are too high. Allowing Leftists’ daily fueling of racial hate to go unabated puts American lives at risk.
The local internet provider cannot install WiFi in our home until later this month. I’ve been using the wifi at the local country store. When I left the store the other evening an elderly white gentleman complete stranger cheerfully yelled as I was getting into my car, “Have a great evening son!” That gentleman represents the real typical white American of today. The majority of white Americans are not the rabid hate-filled racist fake news media relentlessly tells you they are. If Americans were racist, Obama could not have been elected for two terms considering that blacks are only 12% of the U.S. population.
Let’s stand together as Americans folks and just say “no” to the leftist media’s hate-mongering. Brothers and sisters, “We Are Americans!”
- Part 1: Racial Division History from the Modern History Project
- Part 2: Globalist Strategy: Use Crazy Leftists And Provocateurs To Enrage/Demonize Conservatives
- Part 3: Black Crime Facts That The White Liberal Media Daren’t Talk About (Infowars)
- Part 4: Leftists Are Trying to Racially Divide Us | by Lloyd Marcus
Chronological History of Racial Division

Final Presidential Debate before 2020 Presidential Election: Donald Trump vs. China Joe

Horrific Killings of Farmers, Victims Sexually Assaulted, Tortured and Strung up on Poles, Sparked Outrage in South Africa.

First Presidential Debate of 2020: Trump vs. Biden… and ‘Debate Moderator’ Chris Wallace

72 Republicans Vote with Democrats to Remove Civil War-Era Memorabilia from U.S. Capitol

Texas A&M Police: Racist notes on student’s windshield were put there by the alleged victim himself

Young White Mother Killed By Black Lives Matter Mob for Allegedly Saying ‘All Lives Matter,’ National Media Fully Ignores

NASCAR Driver Bubba Wallace pulls Noose Hoax, Later Exposed by FBI

The Police Killing of George Floyd Sparks Massive Protests, Rioting, Looting, and Burning of Businesses by Antifa, Black Lives Matter, etc.

South Bend Official Criticizes Pete Buttigieg for Blocking Release of Secret Police Race Tapes